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Applies to QESTField Tests


This page describes the data entry processes for the consistency of concrete tests: Slump flow, T500 and J-ring to AS 1012.3.5


Table of Contents


Slump flow testing measurements are entered into QESTField through the use of the New Concrete Field Testing workflow. Slump Flow Testing can be selected from the Consistency Measured By drop down of the Field Data phase of the workflow. When a Slump Flow test is selected the traditional slump test fields on this phase are no longer displayed and a new Self-Consolidating Concrete phase is added to the workflow. This page describes slump flow testing when Slump Flow (AS 1012.3.5) is selected.

titleChanging Consistency Measured By

Changing the method used to measure consistency will delete any consistency data which currently exists. A confirmation dialog is displayed to the user to confirm this action.

Self-Consolidating Concrete

The Self-Consolidating Concrete phase allows for the entry of data related to Slump flow, T500 and J-ring passing ability to AS 1012.3.5.

Field PromptExpected Information
Specification GroupAllows the selection of a specification group.

Allows the selection of a specification which can apply limits to values such as Slump flow, T500 or passing ability.


The entries available in the above two drop down boxes are populated from QESTLab's Specifications.

J-RingThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Base PlateThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
MeasureThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Slump ConeThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
TimerThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Test DateThe date the test is performed. This is automatically set to the concrete sample's date cast.
Test TimeThe time the test is performed.
Design T500 (s)The design T500 of the concrete. From the Product Information phase of the workflow, if entered.
T500 (s)The measured T500 of the concrete.
Largest Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured largest diameter of spread.
Perpendicular Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured spread diameter perpendicular to the largest spread diameter.
Design Slump Flow (mm):The design slump flow of the concrete. From the Product Information phase of the workflow, if entered.
Slump Flow (mm):The calculated slump flow of the concrete from the diameter spreads.
J-ring 0° inside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just inside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 0° outside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just outside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 0° height difference (mm)The calculated height difference of the pair.
J-ring 90° inside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just inside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 90° outside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just outside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 90° height difference (mm)The calculated height difference of the pair.
J-ring 180° inside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just inside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 180° outside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just outside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 180° height difference (mm)The calculated height difference of the pair.
J-ring 270° inside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just inside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 270° outside height (mm)The measured height of concrete just outside the J-Ring from the top of the J-ring at the given position.
J-ring 270° height difference (mm)The calculated height difference of the pair.
Passing Ability (mm)The calculated passing ability of the concrete from the J-ring height differences.
Blocking Assessment

A blocking assessment based on visual inspection while performing the test. The list options are:

  • None
  • Blocking
  • Segregation
  • Blocking/Segregation
RetestChecking this checkbox will add a second set of data entry such that the testing can be completed again. The first set of data will still be saved but will be excluded from specification checks and reporting.

The second set of data entry available if a retest is required.


If slump flow testing has been completed, there is the option whether or not to report slump flow results on the Technician Summary phase of the workflow.

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  • W-EST190057

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