Applies to Construction Hive
This article in an in-depth explanation of Milestone Reporting page re-numbering. |
Pages in the milestone test report can be re-numbered so that the format of the resultant page numbers is compliant with ISO 17025. Each page will contain page numbers in the format Page X of Y.
The re-numbering of pages will affect the following:
One of two approaches will be used to re-number each page:
\b[Pp]age\b (?:[0-9]+,)*[0-9]+ of (?:[0-9]+,)*[0-9]+ |
The regular expression looks for text that is in the form Page X of Y where X and Y are numbers. |
If no matching page number text is found, a warning message will appear in the affected section so the user is aware that the page numbering will be overlaid onto that document in the report.
Screenshot Reference ListScreenshots on this page were sourced from the appropriate documentation environment, details follow: Environment: US/AU Environment References: If screenshots have been collected from non-work order functionality list an appropriate reference here, otherwise throw in a work order number. Use a bulleted list. |