Applies to QESTLab

This article describes how to create an External Calibration Template in QESTLab



Equipment Calibration Templates are a type of External Document that can be associated with equipment types in QESTLab. This saves the user having to browse to a file; the file will already be attached the worksheet, based on a copy of the template. The document is saved to the database.

Use Case

A template-based equipment calibration worksheet is best used for equipment items where values from calibrations/checks do not need to be saved to the QESTLab database because the values are not needed on any test screen or required on any management report.

Excel Template

In addition to MS Excel files, QESTLab will accept files of the following types pdf, text, jpg and bmp images.

The Excel worksheet (or other file type) that will be used for calibration calculations/observations should first be created in Excel. If the Excel worksheet contains calculated results and any type of formatting, it should be tested for correctness before mapping it as an Equipment Calibration Template. 

Creating Equipment Calibration Templates

The following steps will allow a user to create equipment calibration templates.

  1. Open the QEST Administrator Console and log in as a user with System Administrator rights. 

  2. In the menu bar select Tools> Manage External Documents

    1. Navigate to the Equipment node and in the left frame, expand the node, click on the equipment type that the template will be associated with. After clicking on the desired equipment name it will appear as bold text. In the image above, the ALD Slotted Gauge (30023) is selected and is in bold text.

    2. Then select the Add Document button located at the top right of the window and the Details frame will appear at the bottom of the window.

  3. Complete the Details frame at the bottom of the window with:

    1. Class: Equipment Calibration Templates

    2. Description: Enter a name or description of the template in this field. Please ensure users can easily recognize the name or description of the template because the Description field will appear in QESTLab when setting up and selecting the correct worksheet for the equipment calibration task.

c. In QESTLab, the users will see that the Description becomes the Worksheet name with the prefix External Calibration Worksheet automatically added to it.

4. Click on the Browse button to upload a new file. This is the file mentioned in the Excel Template section above.

An alternative to browsing and uploading a file to the database is to enter a URL for a file (i.e. its address). So long as QESTLab can access the file at this address with the current users access rights, this will work just as well and save on database size.

5. The Select External Document window will appear. Navigate to the desired Excel file and select Open to upload the Excel worksheet to the database.

6. The name noted in the Description field will appear in the right frame under the Equipment Calibration Templates node. The checkbox beside the name should be automatically selected. If the box is not ticked, select the checkbox beside the corresponding description under the Equipment Calibration Templates node.

7. Select the Preview tab in the Manage External Documents Mappings window to preview the selected file.

8. To complete the mapping, select Save and then Close.

Screenshot Reference List

Screenshots on this page were sourced from the appropriate /wiki/spaces/DT/pages/591495178, details follow:

Environment: US/AU Environment


If screenshots have been collected from non-work order functionality list an appropriate reference here, otherwise throw in a work order number. Use a bulleted list.