QEST Script Runner Installation Guide
Applies to QEST Script Runner
This article details the installation process for the QEST Script Runner product. This includes installation, configuration and solutions to common problems.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Installation guide
- 2.1 Prerequisites
- 2.1.1 Machine
- 2.2 Installation Files
- 2.3 Installation Process
- 2.3.1 Change Destination Folder
- 2.3.2 Upgrades
- 2.1 Prerequisites
- 3 Configuration guide
- 3.1 QEST Script Runner.exe.config
- 3.1.1 appSettings
- 3.1.2 log4net
- 3.1.3 userSettings
- 3.1 QEST Script Runner.exe.config
The QEST Script Runner is a Windows desktop application, which is used to run script packages on QEST Platform SQL databases.
Installation guide
The following must be present in the target environment to support the QEST Script Runner.
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 or later (64-bit).
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later.
Installation Files
The QEST Script Runner msi (installer) file naming convention is QEST Script Runner v1.0.B.R.msi (where B and R are the build and revision numbers). e.g. QEST Script Runner v1.0.10.48466.zip
Installation Process
Run the installer.
Read the QEST Script Runner License Agreement. Click I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox.
Click Install.
Click Finish.
The QEST Script Runner application is now installed.
Change Destination Folder
Instead of clicking Install when running the installer, click Advanced.
Change the destination and then click Next.
Click Install.
Click Finish.
The QEST Script Runner application is now installed at the specified destination.
The installer will recognize any existing QEST Script Runner installation. The existing installation will be automatically upgraded, therefore there is no need to uninstall before install. Any existing configuration files (e.g., QEST Script Runner.exe.config) will be retained.
Configuration guide
QEST Script Runner.exe.config
QEST Script Runner.exe.config is the primary configuration file for the QEST Script Runner application. It resides in the destination folder of the application.
The config file contains several major sections as shown below. Do not change settings in any section unless advised to do so by Spectra QEST.
If you don't want to use a transaction scope when running scripts, you can explicitly disable it here by setting this value to True.
The only time you should do this is when you are running a database upgrade where a single transaction will take more than 10 minutes (or the maximum timeout value specified in your machine.config file), and you cannot override the machine timeout (i.e. not running with 'full trust'). The machine timeout can be set in the application via Menu -> Configuration and then Transaction Timeout.
The default file appender, used to write logs to file when executing a package based on user configurable options.
The layout section can be edited to change the generated log text.
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender, log4net">
<appendToFile value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout, log4net">
<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level %property{PackageID} %logger [%property{ScriptName}] %message%n" />
<threshold value="OFF"/>
For advanced configuration of log4net, the manual is available here: https://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/configuration.html#files
The default database appender, used to write logs to the current database when executing a package based on user configurable options.
The table, columns and log4net parameters to be inserted can be edited if required.
The default settings for user configuration which is available via Menu -> Configuration in the QEST Script Runner application.
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