Data Integrators
Applies to the QEST Web App
QESTNet use data integrators to communicate and share data with other applications.
Data Integrators can be configured to move data between databases in order to share the data between applications. Data integrators are required for integration of data between the QEST Platform and other applications.
Data Integrator Settings
The following properties can be set for each data integrator:
Name: Required. The identifier for the data integrator. Each integrator must have a unique name.
Assembly Name Required. The assembly that the custom code class is located in. Please contact Spectra QEST for guidance on the value that should be entered in this field.
Plugin Type: Required. The custom code class which contains the logic for the data integrator. Please contact Spectra QEST for guidance on the value that should be entered in this field.
Input Database: Optional. Typically required by integrators that don't use an external configuration. The data source from which the integrator will extract data. This value will typically correspond to the name of a integrator database connection on the Database Connections page.
Output Database: Optional. Typically required by integrators that don't use an external configuration. The data source to which the integrator will write data. This value will typically correspond to the name of a integrator database connection on the Database Connections page.
Within advanced settings, the following properties can be set:
Recurrence (dd.hh:mm:ss): After having executed the first time, the period a started data integrator will wait before executing again.
Start Time (hh:mm:ss): The start time for when the data integrator will execute for the first time.
Time Delay (hh:mm:ss): The period which a started data integrator will wait after the recurrence period has passed before executing. This is useful if there are multiple integrators to be run at the same time which must actually be staggered.
Wait For Integrator Names: a comma separated list of names of integrators that this integrator should wait to finish before it begins running. This doesn't trigger the integrator to begin running, it still requires either a timer, or a file system watch to be configured. This must not be configured in a way that causes an integrator to wait for itself, even indirectly - e.g. two integrators that are both configured to wait for each other - this will cause a deadlock where neither integrator will ever run.
Config File: Optional. Only used by integrators which understand it. A config file with integrator-specific configuration. Please contact Spectra QEST if a configuration file is required for inclusion in this field.
File System Watch Directory: Optional. An alternative to timers, executes the integrator when a file is created, modified or renamed in this directory. Can be a local or network path. Requires a File System Watch Filter to be specified. An integrator using this will attempt to open the files it finds for reading, and will ignore any of the timer based options. All integrators using a file system watch are assumed to be threadsafe for handling multiple files that are created, etc. at the same time.
File System Watch Filter: Optional. Required with File System Watch Directory. Restricts which files will be noticed by the file system watcher. Is a pattern using an asterisk (*) for a wildcard that can be any sequence of up to any length.
The State field shows what state the data integrator is in i.e. Started or Stopped.
Running the Data Integrators
Beneath each of the data integrators is a button that will run the integrator once.
If the integrator requires conditions, the can be passed to the integrator in the form: 'Condition1, Condition2, Condition3'
If a run results in a failure, it will show the reasons why.
Starting and Stopping the Data Integrators
Beneath each of the data integrators is a button that will either start or stop the integrator depending on its current state.
If it fails to start/stop, it will show the reasons why.
Integrity | Curiosity | Empathy | Unity
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