Price Lists

Price Lists

QEST Platform 5.7 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab

This article describes the purpose and process for setting up price lists.



Price lists are a grouping of Fee Schedule items that can be mapped to one or more projects.

When a Price List is mapped to a project, it defines charges to be used on that project. Once a Price List is mapped to a project the billing document will generate billable items and charges from that Price List.

A Price List must be approved before it can be used and mapped to a project.

Price lists should have the same scope as the fee schedule list, generally local.

Enabling Price Lists

Price lists can be used when the organization is licensed for the Price List list in the QEST Platform (20144). Only system administrators will be able to install license files with the appropriate document licensed.

Creating Price Lists

The Price List list is located in the List node in the QESTLab tree and can be found by clicking on the Miscellaneous filter. When viewing the price list list, clicking on the New List Item button in the top left hand corner of the toolbar will show the dialog to add a new price list.

The user will need to provide a code and name for the price list.

After the Price List has been created, the user will have to enter a start date and end date for the Price List. Outside of these dates, QESTLab will not generate any billing from this price list.

At this point, fee schedule items can be added to the price list. See the Fee Schedule List documentation for more details.


After adding fee schedule items to the price list, but prior to mapping it to a project, the price list must be approved. A price list can be approved directly from the Price List list itself by setting the value of the Approved column to Yes or by checking the approved box in the Fee Schedule list as described in the Fee Schedule List documentation.

Price lists that are not approved cannot be mapped to projects. Additionally, QESTLab will not generate billing for price lists that are not approved.

Approving Price Lists

The approval of a price list requires a specific user right, please see Managing Roles for more information.

Mapping Price Lists to Projects

An approved price list can be mapped to one or more projects. This allows financial users to set up price lists to be used for all projects for a certain customer, in a certain region or related in some other way. Changes to a price list used on multiple projects will be immediately applied on all of the projects using that price list.

Mapping Price Lists to Projects can be performed by accessing the Tools menu -> Administration -> Manage Projects.  The Manage Projects menu will appear, then select the project to manage.  Once the project is selected press OK.

Manage Projects

This functionality can be also be used to create and modify projects

On the Manage Projects screen, the Price List button can be used to map a Price Lists to a project. The Price List can be mapped to the project from the appropriate drop-down. Clicking Accept will confirm the mapping.

Once a Price List has been mapped to a project the charges will be raised automatically on billing documents.  (Note: Price List charges not mapped to a test (i.e. Mileage) can be manually added to billing documents.

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