ASTM D2216: Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
Applies to QEST Web App
This page describes the functionality of the ASTM D2216 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass test in the QEST Web App.
This worksheet allows for data entry per ASTM D2216 method A or method B.
Data Entry
When this worksheet is first added, the preparation section is pre-populated with the most common values for performing this test, assuming that the test is being carried out to Method B (nearest 0.1% water content), and the drying temperature is 110°C. The visual nominal particle size and excluded material fields will be “N/A” and “None” for a standalone water content test but may be automatically populated where possible if the test is embedded within another test.
The predetermined values can always be modified by clicking the Change button in the preparation section.
If material is to be excluded, the checkbox will allow a description of the excluded material to be entered.
Selecting the Visual Nominal Particle Size in the provided drop down will allow the worksheet to warn the user if they have insufficient material. If the Visual Nominal Particle Size is unknown (N/A), it will not be possible for these warnings to be shown.
The measurements in this test are quite simple being composed of the tare mass, tare and material wet mass and, finally, the tare and material dry mass.
It is expected that the first two masses will be captured on the individual worksheet along with the ID of the container being used and the Tested By will be set. The material will be placed in the oven and the dry mass populated after the drying operation is completed.
Entry of the dry mass in this water content test will be available for data entry in the Dry Mass Entry grid.
For equipment to be available for selection in equipment drop down boxes, the equipment item must first be created in QESTLab's Equipment list. Refer to article Creating Equipment.
The following equipment can be selected on the worksheet:
Equipment label | QESTID | Notes |
Balance | 30005 | The balance used for capturing the tare and tare and material wet masses. |
Oven | 30004 |
Dry Mass Balance | 30005 | The balance used to capture the tare and material dry mass. Can be set from the Dry Mass Entry grid. |
The Report checkboxes at the end of the Results section allow selection of optional reportable results. These will only be enabled if they are applicable (i.e. there was insufficient sample mass, the drying temperature was not between 105°C and 115°C or material was excluded).
The results from this worksheet can be reporting on the following test report.
Aggregate/Soil Test Report
QESTID | 18909 |
Name | Aggregate/Soil Test Report |
Child Of | Sample |
Reported Values
Field | Database Field Name | Unit | Precision | Condition |
Water Content | MoistureContentReported | % | 0 for method A 0.0 for method B | Always |
Specimen mass < minimum required | N/A | N/A | N/A | Only shown if the Insufficient Sample Mass checkbox is checked. |
Drying Temperature | Temperature | °C | 0 | Only shown if the Drying Temperature checkbox is checked. |
Material Excluded | ExcludedMaterialDescription | N/A | N/A | Only shown if the Material Excluded checkbox is checked. |
Date Tested | QestTestedDate | N/A | N/A | Always |
Multiple Sample Agg/Soil Test Report
QESTID | 18980 |
Name | Multiple Sample Agg/Soil Test Report |
Child Of | Work Order |
Reported Values
As above.
Work Progress and Complete Status
The work progress rules noted below are the default set of rules for this test, these may be overwritten by system administrators and therefore behave differently on each QEST Platform instance.
Progress (%) | Criteria |
0% | The test has been registered in QESTLab. |
50% | The material wet mass has been calculated. |
100% | The water content result has been calculated. |
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