WIP - Configuring Work Progress Rules
Applies to QESTLab, QEST Web App
This article describes how to configure work progress rules for tracking how much work has been completed on work orders and tests.
It is often useful to track how much work has been completed on work orders and tests. For example, a test may be performed over many days, and during that time customers (or other managers) may want a snapshot of the work in progress, or may specifically enquire how soon the testing will be completed.
QESTLab provides the ability to configure, track and report on the progress of any test.
QEST Web App worksheets have completion status predefined. The completion status for each of these worksheets is documented in the applicable Test Method Details.
Work progress is configured in the QEST Admin Console, via QESTLab > Configuration > Work Progress.
Stages and Percentages
Work progress on any test can be measured in 2 ways; as percent complete, and as a numeric stage which can have particular meaning in the context of the business.
For example:
A CBR test may be considered to be at Stage 1 and 5% complete as soon as the test has been entered into QESTLab.
Once the value of the CBR at 2.5mm has been determined the business may consider the test to be at Stage 4 and 75% complete.
Once the test report including the CBR has been signed, the business may consider the test to be at Stage 6 and 100% complete.
The actual stages, percentages and rules are configurable by the QESTLab administrator.
Predefined Completion Status
QEST Web App worksheets have their completion status predefined. The completion status for each worksheet is documented for the specific test under Test Method Details.
Services generally sets up customer’s default work progress rules as follows for the Ready for Signing filter used in Report Review Mode to work, is this going to cause issues?
5% if it exists
70% when Tested By
80% when Checked By
Viewing in QEST Web App
When viewing Recent Tests through QEST Web App in a browser, work progress appears in the Work Progress icon beside a test method name. The Work Progress icon also appears beside the test method number when viewing worksheets through either QESTLab or a browser.
Reporting in QESTLab
In QESTLab, management reports can also be configured to use this data, which is stored in the WorkProgress table.
In addition to the percentages and stages, other useful data that is normally difficult to display for reporting purposes is also consolidated into the WorkProgress table. These may be used both as search parameters and also displayed on the report itself.
The data available for work progress reports includes:
Integrity | Curiosity | Empathy | Unity
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