Specimen Pickup Confirmation Worksheet
Applies to QEST Web App
This article describes the use of the Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet that forms part of the concrete specimen lifecycle within the QEST Platform.
At some point after the creation of concrete specimens and prior to being received in the laboratory, the specimens are picked up by a company representative and transported to the relevant laboratory. The Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet allows an organization to record this action along with key information about the event. This is especially important for externally created specimens to confirm/verify that the customer request for a specimen pickup has taken place.
Worksheet Inclusion on Pickup Work Orders
When internal or external specimen pickup work orders are created in QESTField Scheduler, a Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet is automatically added to the pickup work order. Only one of these documents is expected per work order.
More information on creating specimen pickup work orders in QESTField Scheduler from existing QEST Platform concrete samples, or creating external specimen pickup work orders, can be found in the articles Repeating Work Orders and Specimen Pickups | Specimen Pickups andCreating and Editing Work Orders | External Specimen Pickup Work Orders.
QESTField Workflows
Edit Specimen Pickup Confirmation
When the field user accesses a specimen pickup work order from their QESTField home page, the Edit Specimen Pickup Confirmation workflow is shown. Upon selecting this workflow, the Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet will be presented for the user to complete the pickup information.
New Specimen Pickup Confirmation
As mentioned previously, the Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet, is automatically added to pickup work orders created in QESTField Scheduler. However, there may be rare situations when a field user is assigned a generic work order (not a specimen pickup type of work order), but a specimen pickup is required. In this case, the QESTField workflow New Specimen Pickup Confirmation, is available under the New Sample Pickup group, if this has been enabled through configuration in the user’s Region.
Workflows are enabled by the organization's QEST Administrator Enabling QESTField Workflows
If a user adds this workflow to a default type of work order, it will not be linked to any specimens, therefore the Expected Specimens section described below will be blank since the expected specimens are unknown.
New Sample Pickup > New Specimen Pickup Confirmation workflow does not show any Expected Specimens since these are unknown at the time the worksheet is created.
Expected Specimens
The Expected Specimens section informs the user about what Type of specimen and the Number to Collect.
When this worksheet is on a pickup work order that was generated from existing concrete samples as described in the article Repeating Work Orders and Specimen Pickups | Specimen Pickups, the type and count of specimens expected to be picked up is generated from the source concrete samples that were used to create the pickup work order.
When the worksheet is on an external pickup work order, the type and count of specimens to be picked up will come directly from the values entered on the external pickup work order as described in the article Creating and Editing Work Orders | External Specimen Pickup Work Orders.
A Specimen Pickup Confirmation worksheet that is on an external pickup work order, can only have one Type of Expected Specimen. Additional specimen Types can still be collected when added in the Collection Information grid.
Collection Information Section
A set of radio buttons are used to denote whether or not the collection of specimens can be successfully completed.
The grid appearing in the Collection Information section is shown when the selected value in the Specimen Collection field is Completed. This is the default state and contains a column for each Type of specimen shown in the Expected Specimens section with the Type preset to the expected value.
Additional columns can be added by pressing the button.
Time Collected is only shown if the Collected radio button is selected.
When the Could not be completed button is selected, a Reason Collection Not Completed free text entry box is visible to the user.
Nominal Size is a listing of available nominal sizes for the selected specimen Type. The drop-down list is not available until a specimen Type has been selected.
Number Collected is a numeric entry field for the number of specimens of the type that have been collected.
Work Order Section
A Finalize work order checkbox is available to allow users who are dedicated pickup drivers to finalize the work order directly from the worksheet. This is the same field of the same name from the parent work order. Users who are completing a pickup alongside other work should leave this field unchecked and instead use the Finalize work order checkbox on the work order when all field work is complete.
Batch Update
No support for Batch Update is available for this worksheet.
Complete Status
This worksheet is complete if either of the following are true
Conditions | |
1 | All columns in Collection Information grid have a specimen type and count set |
2 | The specimen collection radio button is set to Could not be completed and Reason Collection Not Completed contains a value. |
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