Showing Extra Work Order Fields in QESTField Products
Applies to QEST Web App
This article describes how to show extra work order fields in QESTField Scheduler, QESTField Tests, and QESTField Concrete through configuration in the QEST Web App.
Not all of the work order level fields available in QESTLab are available by default in QESTField Scheduler, QESTField Tests and QESTField Concrete. A set of common work order fields is shown in these products. A number of additional fields can be configured, through the QEST Web App, to appear when creating or viewing work orders in the QESTField products. The additional fields are:
Order No.
Client Request ID
Lot No.
The additional fields can be configured to show on work orders through the QESTField menu item under the QEST Web App Administration node
The appearance of the QESTField Optional Work Order Fields configuration page will differ based on the licensed products on a given QEST Platform instance.
For example, if QESTField Scheduler is not licensed then the controls in this sub-section will be visible but disabled.
QESTField Scheduler
In QESTField Scheduler, the fields will be visible on the Create/Edit work order dialog, underneath the fields shown in Assignment Details in a section titled Other Details. If a field has been configured to be visible only, then read-only text is shown for the field. If it is set to both Visible and Editable, a free entry text data entry field is be shown instead.
QESTField Tests and QESTField Concrete
If fields are set to be visible in QESTField Tests or QESTField Concrete, they will be shown on the work order screen above the Field Work Status field. The values are shown in a read-only fashion for each field.
If fields are editable as well as visible in QESTField Tests or QESTField Concrete, they will be shown on the Edit Work Order workflow as well as the New Work Order workflow, underneath the Location field. The data entry fields are free entry text boxes.
If the field is set to Visible only it will not appear on the Edit Work Order workflow or the New Work Order workflow but instead be shown on the work order page where workflows can be initiated.
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