Concrete Sampling and Testing in the Field

Concrete Sampling and Testing in the Field

Applies to QESTField Tests

This article describes the data entry process for plastic state concrete tests and measurements in QESTField Tests for North America.



The Concrete Sampling and Field Testing workflow in QESTField is a multi-phase workflow that allows the user to perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new concrete sample

  • Select mix designs, enter design tolerances, design strengths, and required strengths

  • Identify the field equipment used

  • Enter field test data (slump, air content, unit weight, etc.)

  • Create concrete/masonry specimens (cylinders, beams, *cubes, *prisms, etc.)

QESTField Tests support certain masonry tests through the Concrete Sampling and Field Testing workflow.  It is recommended that organizations verify masonry sampling using the concrete workflow in QESTField Tests before use in a production environment.

Creating a new Concrete Sample

Selecting a Work Order

To create a new concrete sample in QESTField a Work Order must be selected.  Assigned Work Orders can be selected from the homepage of QESTField.

Selecting a Concrete Testing Workflow

On the Work Order page select the appropriate workflow based on the type of concrete work needing to be performed.  Below is a list of Concrete Testing workflows that may be available for the organization:

  • New Concrete Testing - Field/Specimens:  Used to record field test results (slump, air content, unit weight, etc.) and create specimens (cylinders, beams, cubes, prisms, etc.)

  • New Concrete Testing - Field/Specimens/Batch:  Same as above, but also allows the user to document batch weights for the concrete batch sampled (aggregate weights, moisture contents, cement, water, etc.)

  • New Concrete Testing - Field:  Used to record field test results where only results such as slump and air content need to be recorded.

The available Concrete Testing workflows can be viewed and selected in the QEST Administration Console.

Concrete Data Entry

The data entry process for plastic state concrete results and measurements are broken up into two phases and presented on different pages of the workflow.  The two phases of the workflow are described in further detail below:

  • Site and Product Data (SPD)

  • Field and Specimen Data (FSD)

Site and Product Data (SPD)

The first phase of the workflow records the site and product data of the concrete being tested.

Site Information

The initial section of this workflow displays the concrete Sample ID and Set Number generated by QESTLab.  The following fields allow the user to document Ticket and Truck Information, Specifications, Weather, Location and Sampling Information.  Below is an image of these fields in QESTField followed by a table including the field prompts and intended use of the fields.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Sample ID

An automatically generated identifier for this test point.

Set Number

An automatically generated identifier for this test point used to track concrete specimens for later testing.  Depending on the organization's counter configuration, this value may be different from the Sample ID.


The standard field is used to select the accreditation body (ie ASTM, AASHTO, etc) used for the field and laboratory testing of the material placed.  This field defaults to the latest ASTM set of standards provided by Spectra QEST's line of products.

Field Sample ID

A free entry text field that can be used if an extra identifier is required for this test point.  This may come from a third party or be a special project requirement, it is often left blank but does appear on the test report if populated.


A free entry text field used to document a sample's unique batch identifier provided from a concrete delivery ticket.


A free entry text field used to identify the vehicle that transported the sample.

Load Number

A free entry text field that can be used to identify a load number.  This field is typically used to record the sequential numbering of the loads being poured for the project on that day.  Usage will vary upon organization and project.

Specification Group

A drop-down menu used to identify the specification group for the concrete being sampled.  If the specification group is unknown at the time of sampling, the field user does not need to select this information.  The specification group can always be added at a later stage in QESTLab by a report reviewer. The drop-down menu is populated within QESTLab through the Specifications node > Concrete.


A drop-down menu used to identify an individual specification within the specification group for the concrete sample.  If the specification is selected before selecting a specification group the group information will auto-populate.  If the individual specification is unknown at the time of sampling, the field user does not need to select this information.  The specification can be added at a later stage in QESTLab by a report reviewer.  This drop-down menu is populated within QESTLab through the Specification node > Concrete > Specification Group; the Specification Group contains the Specifications that can be selected in this Specification drop-down menu in QESTField.


A drop-down menu used to select the weather condition at the time of sampling.  This drop-down menu is populated through the Weather Conditions list within QESTLab.

General Location

A free entry text field to describe the general location for the material placement.

Sampling Location

Usually a more specific description detailing the location where the material was placed on site.

Sampling Method Note

A drop-down menu used to identify the method of sampling when procuring the concrete sample.  This drop-down menu is populated through the Concrete Test Methods Notes list within QESTLab.

Sampled By

The name of the sampler.  Automatically set to the name of the currently logged in user.

Concrete Specifications

Concrete Specifications can be added to QESTField for certain key concrete properties.  A user with the requisite permissions can create a Concrete Specification in QESTLab.  A field user can then select the Concrete Specification in the specification section on the SPD page of concrete workflow.  Below is an image of the of Specification drop-down menu in QESTField.

The following key fields will recognize specification limits:

  • Time in truck (min)

  • Measured Slump (in)

  • Super Plasticized Slump (in).  When creating a specification for this property use the SecondSlump field listed in fields available for use in the concrete sample specification.

  • Air Content (%)

  • Air Temperature (°F)

  • Concrete Temperature (°F)

  • Unit Weight (lb/ft³)

The specification values will appear in blue font immediately to the left of the field when a specification limit is set to any of the key fields mentioned above.   If any value is outside of the allowable specification limits, QESTField will display the out of specification value in a red font followed by a warning 'Value is out of the prescribed limits'.  Below is an image of a specification set to a concrete sample in QESTField, along with an example of a out of specification value. 

If the Concrete Specification limits noted in blue font and the Concrete Mix Design limits noted in grey font have both been set to flag a concrete sample value as out of specification, the value will be highlighted as out of specification by the Concrete Specification overriding the Concrete Mix Design limits.  Below is an example of this scenario occurring in QESTField, where the Air Content value is not highlighted as out of specification due to its value being within the limits of the Concrete Specification noted in the blue font. 

Mix Information, Required Strength and Design Tolerances

The following fields allow the user to document the material's mix information, required strength and design tolerances.  Below is an image of these fields in QESTField followed by a table including the field prompts and intended use of the fields.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information


A drop-down menu used to identify the Contractor responsible for the concrete placement.  This drop-down is populated through the Contractor list within QESTLab.


A drop-down menu used to identify the material supplier.  This drop-down is populated through the Concrete Supplier list within QESTLab.


A drop-down menu used to identify the material source (or plant).  This drop-down is populated through the Concrete Plant list within QESTLab.


A drop-down menu used to identify the Mix Design.  If the Mix is selected first it will auto-populate the Supplier and Plant field, if this information has been assigned to the mix within QESTLab.  This drop-down is populated through the Concrete Mixes list within QESTLab.

Date Batched

The date the material was batched.  This field is defaulted to the phone's or computer's current date, users can manually change the date if needed.

Time Batched

The time the material was batched.  Usually provided on a concrete delivery ticket.

Design Strength (psi)

The Design Strength (in psi) of the material placed.  Usually provided by the mix design and is also shown on a concrete delivery ticket.

**If a Mix is selected, this value is auto-populated from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Required Strength (psi)

The Required Strength (in psi) of the material placed.  Typically this value is the average strength required to be achieved at 28 days.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Acceptance Age (Days)

The Acceptance Age of the material placed.  This is the age at which the average compressive strength of the material must meet the Required Strength.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Design Unit Weight (lb/ft3)

The Design Unit Weight (in lb/ft3) of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Design Slump Min (in)

The minimum slump tolerance of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Design Slump Max (in)

The maximum slump tolerance of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Design Air Min (%)

The minimum air tolerance of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Design Air Max (%)

The maximum air tolerance of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Cement factor (sacks/yd3)

The target Cement Factor of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

Water-Cement Ratio

The maximum W/C ratio of the material placed.  Typically identified within a material's mix design.

**If a Mix is selected, this value will auto-populate from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.

**Values will be imported from the Concrete Mixes list in QESTLab.  If no data has been pre-filled into the Concrete Mixes list for the mix selected the user can still manually enter these values if desired.

Field Equipment Information

If required by an organization's quality standards, a field user is able to record the field equipment used during testing.  Below is an image of these fields in QESTField followed by a table including the field prompts and intended use of the fields.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Slump Cone

A drop-down menu that identifies the slump cone used for field testing.  This drop-down is populated through the Slump Cone Equipment list within QESTLab.


A drop-down menu that identifies the thermometer used for field testing.  This drop-down is populated through the Thermometer Equipment list within QESTLab.

Air Meter

A drop-down menu that identifies the air meter used for field testing.  This drop-down is populated through the Airmeters Equipment list within QESTLab.

Unit Weight Measure

A drop-down menu that identifies the unit weight measure used for field testing.  This drop-down is populated through the Airmeters or Unit Weight Buckets Equipment list within QESTLab.

Field and Specimen Data (FSD)

The second phase of the Concrete Testing workflow records the Field and Specimen Data of the concrete being tested.

Field Information

The initial portion of the workflow allows users to record the sampling time, placement time and the results of any field related testing.  Below is an image of these fields as shown QESTField followed by a table including the field prompts and intended use of the fields.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Sample ID

An automatically generated identifier for this test point.

Date Cast

The date cylinders were cast. This value may be set automatically to the work order work date, today's date or be left blank depending on the value of the concrete sample document level option named Default Date Using QESTField.

Setting the date cast (automatically or manually) will also set date batched to the same value if date batched is blank when date cast is set.

Document Level Options

System Administrator user rights and access to the QEST Administrator Console are required in order to change the value of the Default Date Using QESTField concrete sample option.

Time Sampled

The time the material was sampled.  This field is defaulted to the phone's or computer's current time.

Time Placed

The time the material was placed.  This field is typically used to indicate the time the material was completely discharged from the truck.  Usage of this field will vary by organization.

Time in Truck (min):

The time the material spent in the truck before being placed.  This is a read-only view that auto-calculates the total minutes from times entered in the Time Batched field on the SPD page and Time Placed field on the FSD page.

Batch Size (yd3)

The batch size in cubic yards for the current transported load.  Usually provided on a concrete delivery ticket.

Cumulative yd3 Placed

The cumulative size in cubic yards of the material placed.  Usage of this field will vary by organization.

Slump Method

The test method followed in performing the slump test.  This field defaults to the test method associated with the accreditation body (ie ASTM, AASHTO, etc.) selected in the Standard field on the SPD page.

Design Slump Min (in)

The design slump minimum in inches is a read-only view that is populated from the value entered on the SPD page.  If a design slump minimum value is not entered or populated from a selected mix on the SPD page, a minimum value will not appear in the workflow on the FSD page. 

Measured Slump (in)

The measured slump in inches.  This value will automatically round to the nearest 0.25 inches or per the selected test method for the slump.

Design Slump Max (in)

The design slump maximum in inches is a read-only view that is populated from the value entered on the SPD page.  If a design slump maximum value is not entered or populated from a selected mix on the SPD page, a maximum value will not appear in the workflow on the FSD page. 

Super Plasticized Slump (in)

Used to record the slump of the material after the addition of a super plasticizing admixture.  Usage of the field will vary by organization.

Super Plasticized Slump

Please consult the Spectra QEST Customer Manager regarding the use of this field.  The Concrete Test Report may need to be configured to accommodate the reporting requirements.

Air Method

The test method followed in performing the field air content test.

Air Method

Default Air Method is configurable through the QESTLab Administrator Console under the System Document: Concrete Sample (US) options tab, here users can default the Air Method for ASTM, AASHTO or TxDOT test methods.

Design Air Content Min (%)

The design air content minimum in percent is a read-only view that is populated from the value entered on the SPD page.  If a design air content minimum value is not entered or populated from a selected mix on the SPD page, a minimum value will not appear in the workflow on the FSD page. 

Air Content (%)

The measured air content in percent.  This value will automatically round to the nearest 0.1 percent for pressure testing (or 0.25 percent for volumetric testing).

Design Air Content Max (%)

The design air content maximum in percent is a read-only view that is populated from the value entered on the SPD page.  If a design air content maximum value is not entered or populated from a selected mix on the SPD page, a maximum value will not appear in the workflow on the FSD page. 

Air Temperature (°F)

The measured ambient air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.  This value will automatically round to the nearest whole degree.

Concrete Temperature (°F)

The measured concrete temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.  This value will automatically round to the nearest whole degree.

Design Unit Weight (lb/ft³)

The design unit weight in lb/ftis a read-only view that is populated from the value entered on the SPD page.  If a design unit weight value is not entered or populated from a selected mix on the SPD page, a design unit weight value will not appear in the workflow on the FSD page. 

Unit Weight (lb/ft3)

The measured unit weight of the material in lb/ft3.  This value will automatically round to the nearest 0.1 lb/ft3.

Relative Yield

Typically this value is hand calculated in the field to determine the yield of concrete.  This value is unit-less and will automatically round to the nearest 0.01.  Usage of the field will vary by organization.

Yield (yd3)

The measured yield in cubic yards.  This value will automatically round to the nearest 0.1 yd3.

Water Added Before Test (gal)

The measured value of water added before performing field tests.  This value will automatically round to the nearest whole gallon.

Water Added After Test (gal)

The measured value of water added after performing field tests.  This value will automatically round to the nearest whole gallon.

Sample Remarks and Specimen Storage Location

The Sample Remarks and Specimen Storage Location will be visible on the final deliverable reports and can be reported to management reports.  The Site Cured Specimens Storage Location can be reported on management reports.  Below is an image of these fields in QESTField followed by a table including the field prompts and intended use of the fields.

Field Prompt

Expected Information 

Field Prompt

Expected Information 

Sample Remarks

A free entry text field used to document any remarks that will appear on the Concrete Test Report.

Specimens Storage Location

A free entry text field used to identify where the fabricated specimens are currently stored.  Used in the QESTField Scheduler for the auto creation of scheduling next day specimen pickup.  This information can also be used to report on a management report for scheduling specimen pickup.

Specimens Storage Location

Please consult the Spectra QEST Customer Manager regarding the use of this field.  This field must be mapped appropriately to display on any management reports or deliverable test reports.

Edit Site Cured Specimens Storage Location

Enables and disabled editing of the Site Cured Specimens Storage Location when site cured specimens are present.  If site cures are not present in the concrete test group added to the workflow this feature will be disabled.

Site Cured Specimens Storage Location

A free entry text field used to identify where site cured specimens are being stored.  This field is also used by the QESTField Scheduler application for the auto creation of scheduling next day specimen pickups.  The site cured specimen storage location information can also be used on a management report for scheduling specimen pickups.

If a site cured specimen is present in the concrete test group this field will have default text stating "See sample location".  If users want to modify the default text, check the Edit Site Cured Specimens Storage Location checkbox to open up the field for editing.  If no site cured specimens are present in the concrete test group this field will be locked and will display "N/A" for not applicable. 

Site Cured Specimens Storage Location

Please consult the Spectra QEST Customer Manager regarding the use of this field.  This field must be mapped appropriately to display on any management reports or deliverable test reports.

Total Concrete Placed

If required, the total concrete placed can be documented on the sample.  Users will need to click on the Add Total Concrete Placed button to have this field appear.  The button is located below the Specimen Storage Location field.  Below is an image of the Add Total Concrete Placed and the Total Concrete Placed field in QESTField.

Adding Test Specimens

Adding a Test Method and Using a Test Group

The Specimens section allows users to add a Test Method and specimen Test Group.  The Test Method field is used to identify which test method the laboratory will use to conduct testing on the specimens cast (fabricated).  The Test Group drop-down is used to select the type and number  of specimens cast (fabricated) from the material sampled.  The Test Group field defaults to a (blank) value.  

To effectively speed up the data entry process, it is recommended that test groups are created through the list Concrete Test Groups in QESTLab.  The Test Group's drop-down menu is used to select a group that best represents the specimens to be cast (fabricated).   The selection available in this drop-down menu relies on the Test Method assigned to the Concrete Test Group generated in QESTLab.  Each specimen is assigned a unique Specimen ID and identified by a specimen type, test age, and site cured if applicable.  Users do have the ability to edit the individual specimen's type, test age, etc., this will be discussed in the Adding Individual Specimens section.  

Once a Test Group is selected it will generate a set of specimens along with their associated test ages.  The image below shows an example of a test group comprising of 4x8 Cylinders with site cures and test ages of 7x3, 28x3 days and a hold cylinders.

Changing Test Groups

Changing a previously selected test group or selecting a test group after specimens have been manually added will clear all existing specimens and add those defined in the test group. The user be warned that this will happen and be given the opportunity to cancel the operation.

Adding Individual Specimens

In the event that the selected test group does not completely represent the specimens fabricated, the user can delete or add individual specimens to a group.  Selecting Add Specimen will add an additional specimen and allow the user to indicate the following:

  • Mold - The mold used for the specific specimen.

  • (Specimen) Type - Such as COMP100, COMP150, FLEX, or MORCUBE.  Please see table below for further details.

  • Site Cured - Indicates that the specimen is to be cured on site. A specimen cannot be set as both a site cured specimen and a hold specimen. Please see the note below about which specimen types permit the site cured checkbox to be displayed.

  • Hold - Marks the specimen as a HOLD.  The specimen will not be assigned a break age. A specimen cannot be set as a Site Cured and Hold specimen.

  • Age - The test age of the specimen. Ages can be indicated by days, hours, or by entering a specific test date.

Alternatively, if a specimen needs to be deleted, this can be done by clicking the delete icon located on the top right the specimen.

Note: The Site Cured checkbox will only show for the following specimen types: COMP75, COMP100, COMP150, COMP225, FLEX, FLEXC

Ordering of Specimens

Specimens will be automatically re-ordered according to their curing and test date. Specimens are ordered:

  • By Cure Type, where non-standard curing methods (site curing, air curing and steam curing) will always be listed first

  • Followed by Test Date, in chronological order

  • Then by Hold, where any specimens marked as a hold will always be listed the last

Types of Specimens in QESTLab

Below are a list of commonly used specimen types that are fabricated in the field:

Specimen Type


Specimen Type



A 4x8 inch cylinder used for testing compressive strength


A 6x12 inch cylinder used for testing compressive strength


A beam specimen used for testing flexural strength by third-point loading


A beam specimen used for testing flexural strength by center-point loading


A 2x2 inch cube mortar specimen used for compressive strength testing


A 3x9 inch grout prism used for compressive strength testing

Note: Specimen Types were originally designed for metric units.  For example, the COMP100 specimen indicates a 100mm (4 inch) cylinder used for testing compressive strength.

Field Remarks

At the bottom of FSD page is an area where the user can enter Field Remarks.  These remarks will be visible on final deliverable reports and can be reported to management reports.  Below is an image of this field in QESTField followed by a table including the field prompt and intended use of the field. 

Field Prompt

Expected Information & Intended Use

Field Prompt

Expected Information & Intended Use

Field Remarks

A free entry text field used to document any remarks that will appear on the Concrete Field Report.

Completing/Saving the Concrete Testing Workflow 

Once the technician has completed field data entry on both the SPD and FSD pages, the technician has the option to add another concrete sample or complete the workflow.  These two options are located at the very bottom of both the SPD and FSD pages.  The Add New button will save the current concrete sample data and create another concrete sample on the work order without having to navigate to the work order home page.  The Done button saves the current concrete sample's data and navigates to the work order home page.

Adding New Concrete Samples to a Work Order

The technician can add another concrete sample to the work order without having to navigate to the work order home page by pressing the Add New button.  This function will add another concrete sample to the work order.  The new concrete sample workflow will copy over information from the first sample such as Specification, General Locations, Mix information, Required Strength, Design Tolerances, Field Equipment IDs, Sampling Test Methods and Remarks.  Below is an image in QESTField showing the redundant information being copied to the new concrete sample.

Completing the Workflow

For instructions on how to complete this Concrete Sampling and Testing in the Field workflow please refer to the Finalizing Work Orders section located on the Field Technicians and Inspectors page.  

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