Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Workflow
Applies to QESTField
This article covers the field workflow for the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Data Entry
- 2.1 Setup
- 2.2 Test & Material Details
- 2.3 Test Location
- 2.4 DCP Test Data
This article will discuss how to add and complete data entry for a single Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test.
Data Entry
Refer to the Setup article for details on how to set the values in this section.
Test & Material Details
This section provides fields for entering general information about the material collected.
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Sample ID | An automatically generated identifier for this test point and any material sampled from the location. |
Container/Field Sample ID | Used to record sample container number if a sample is taken and such a record is required. If multiple containers are used, all relevant IDs should be recorded here. |
Client Sample ID | If the client has a sample number by which they would like to refer to this sample, it should be entered here. |
Sampled By | The name of the tester and sampler. Automatically set to the name of the currently logged in user. |
Date Sampled | The date of the test. This can be set to automatically populate from today's date of the device being used or passed from the date of the work order, depending on system configuration. Important If using the setting where the current date automatically populates when entering this test, care should be taken when performing data entry for previous days' work since this date will need to be manually adjusted for every point of testing on that work order. |
Time Sampled | The date of the test, automatically populated from the current time of the device being used. Important Since the time is automatically populated when entering this data, care should be taken when performing data entry for previous days' work since this date will need to be manually adjusted for every point of testing on that work order. |
Sampling Method | The sampling method applicable if a sample is being taken. Options available here come from the Sampling Method list populated in QESTLab. If the free entry option is enabled on this list by a system administrator via the QEST Administrator Console, the setting will be honored by QESTField Tests. |
Supplier | Supplier of the material. Options available here come from the Supplier list populate in QESTLab. |
Source | General source of the material under test. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Material Source list populated in QESTLab. |
Material | General description of the material or product under test, applicable to all samples on the work order. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Materials list populated in QESTLab. If the free entry option is enabled on this list by a system administrator via the QEST Administrator Console, the setting will be honored by QESTField Tests. |
Test Location
Refer to the Setup article for details on how to set the values in this section.
DCP Test Data
Refer to the DCP (In House Method) section on how to enter test data relevant to the DCP test.
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