Contacts Lists

Contacts Lists

Applies to QESTLab

This article describes the three lists available for defining report recipients.



There are three lists available in QESTLab to be utilized for defining report recipients:

  • Contacts Index List

  • Project Contacts

  • Contact Type

Contacts Index List

The Contact Index list allows for contacts to be defined once with all of their contact details, then assigned to projects as project contacts through the Projects Contacts list. Think of the Contact Index list like an old-fashioned business card organizer. It’s the master file of contacts.

The contact Name in the Contacts Index list can be associated with an Organization. The organization can be either the client for a QESTLab project or the company with whom the report recipient is associated.

The Organization may or may not be the project’s client.

Setting a contact’s Organization in the Contact Index list is optional. However, associating a contact with an organization facilitates the selection of a contact when assigning contacts to projects in the Project Contacts list.

The clients/organizations available for selection when adding a new contact are populated through QESTLab’s Client list. Please see Managing Lists in QESTLab | ManagingListsinQESTLab ClientandProjectLists

Setting an email address for a contact on the Contacts Index list will propagate to the Project Contacts list when the contact is added to that list.

Any updates to the contact details on the Contacts Index list will apply to that person’s details on the Project Contacts list. This ensures that when a contact is assigned to many projects, the details only need to be updated in one location, the Contacts Index list.

Project Contacts List

The Project Contacts list is where contacts are associated with projects. Creating a contact in this list makes the contact available for report distribution on a specific project.

The Project Contacts list can be used in conjunction with the Contacts Index list or can stand alone.

The important fields are as follows:

  • Client and Project - which project will this contact be available on?

  • If the contact has been entered on the Contacts Index list, the contact details will be auto-populated into the Project Contacts list. Assigning an Organization to the contact in the Contact Index list can help filter when selecting a contact to associate with a project.

  • Email - the email address that the reports will be sent to.

  • Email To Yes/No set to Yes for emailing or publishing to Construction Hive.

All of the other fields are informational only.

A project contact must be associated with a project or can be associated to all projects for a single client.
The project contact code must be unique, therefore an automatic counter is often set on this field

Contacts are shown in the Publish box when a report is to be emailed or sent to the Hive.

QESTLab will remember what contacts were used on previous reports and auto populate this on future reports of the same type based on the Distribution list.

Contact Type List

The Contact Type list can be used in conjunction with the Project Contacts list and allows a user to enter a type of contact. The contact type will appear after the recipient’s name in the Publish Test Report window to assist the publisher in deciding whether the report needs to go to this particular type of contact.


The Contact Type is not printed on any test report.

Examples of contact types are Client, Consultant, Auth Agent, Engineer, Supplier, Architect, etc.



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