Configuring Equipment Interfacing in QESTLab

Configuring Equipment Interfacing in QESTLab

QEST Platform 5.7 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab 

This article describes how to use the equipment interface screen and the requirements for interfacing equipment with QESTLab. 



Laboratory equipment often allows for electronic data collection, typically via an RS-232 port. QESTLab can communicate with the equipment for the collection of data that would otherwise need to be typed in by an operator. This could lead to an increased efficiency and reduces error.

Prior to beginning this configuration the serial port settings and format of the data that the equipment item sends to the PC should be known. The steps outlined in Obtaining Equipment Serial Port Settings and Output Format can be followed to determine this.

Prerequisites for Interfacing Equipment with QESTLab

The QESTLab component that communicates between QESTLab electronic worksheets and the laboratory equipment is called the QEI (QEST Equipment Interface). Not all equipment can be interfaced with the QESTLab software. The main guideline's for equipment to interface with QESTLab are:

  • The serial output for the equipment can be read through a COM Port.
  • The equipment data output from the equipment to the PC match the expected format of a /wiki/spaces/QPS/pages/696745986.

If a native equipment driver does not exist for a specific equipment item, a new driver could be developed based on analysis equipment details (technical manual) and the equipment output. Based upon many factors the time and cost for developing a new equipment driver can vary. If a new equipment driver is desired, please submit a service desk request with the machine technical manual and an equipment output for Spectra QEST to review and quote.

Some equipment drivers currently exist for the following equipment items:

  • Electronic Balance
  • Compression Machine
  • Concrete Cylinder Measure Machine
  • Shrinkage Gauge

The equipment drivers for these devices vary and are sometimes related to a specific model or make of equipment. Each equipment output should be verified by Spectra QEST before interfacing with QESTLab. 

The following information is required to interface equipment with QESTLab:

Connected to PC

The Windows name of the personal computer that the equipment is physically connected to. If you do not know your computer name, go to the Help --> About menu in QESTLab. On the window that appears, if a value for Terminal is specified, enter this value; otherwise enter the value as described in Client.


Select a compatible driver for the equipment. If a driver is not available Spectra QEST may be able to develop one. Availability of drivers is subject to licensing.

COM Port

The COM Port that the equipment is connected to (typically from 1 to 4)

COM Port Settings

The COM Port settings in the format:
baud rate, parity, bits, stop bits
for example 9600,N,8,1

Configuring Equipment Interface

The use the equipment interface in QESTLab the feature must be licensed. If the feature is licensed an additional Interface tab will be available on the equipment data entry form for equipment items in the Equipment register.

From this tab you will need to set the:

Connected to PC

The Windows name of the personal computer that the equipment is physically connected to. If you do not know your computer name, go to the Help --> About menu in QESTLab. On the window that appears, if a value for Terminal is specified, enter this value; otherwise enter the value as described in Client.


Select a compatible driver for the equipment. 

COM Port

The COM Port that the equipment is connected to.

COM Port Settings

The COM Port settings in the format: Baud Rate, Parity, Bits, Stop Bits
For example: 9600,N,8,1

Equipment AvailabilityThis list shows all the electronic worksheets (test methods) that can interface with this type of equipment. Select the worksheets where this interfaced equipment will be used.

Some equipment may require additional calibration information, this varies depending on the equipment type and driver. If QESTLab needs to perform a calibration for the equipment to interface with the equipment item then a 'Calibrate' button will be available on the screen. This button is only enabled when you are working on the PC that is connected to the equipment item.

Interfacing Equipment for QESTLab Weigh & Measure Station 

When using the Weigh & Measure Station there are two types of interfacing scenarios. 

  1. To configure a separate Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance interface.
  2. To combine the Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance interface. 

Separate Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance

To configure a Cylinder Measure to interface dimensions but not weight:

  • Select a driver that only interfaces dimensions.
    Note: Most drivers are dimensions only, a combined driver will be named appropriately to ensure there is no confusion that it interfaces weight.

Combined Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance

To configure a Cylinder Measure to interface dimensions and weight:

  • Select a driver that interfaces both dimensions and weight.
  • Calibrate the equipment, set the calibration value "Measure Weight (Yes/No)" = "Yes"

Using the Equipment

When working with an electronic worksheet that supports equipment interfacing, the interfaced equipment item can be selected in equipment section on the test worksheets from the equipment drop downs. If the interfaced equipment item is selected on the PC that was specified in the equipment interface tab, then a blue band will be visible above and below the equipment drop down.

If the blue bands does not appear, the equipment item will not connect with QESTLab.

Data Collection - With Interfaced Balance

Once you have selected the equipment item connected to the current PC, all fields that can be collected from the equipment will be highlighted  blue bands.

To move between fields use TAB on the keyboard or click onto an interfaced field. Once selected press SPACE to start communication with the interfaced equipment item. A window similar to the one shown below will be displayed.

Once a reading has successfully been taken it will be displayed in the window with the following options:

 - If the value is not accurate click this button to bring in an updated value from the equipment.

 - Click when the value is acceptable and it will be automatically added to the interfaced field.

- Click to return to the test worksheet without saving the interfaced data. 

Data Collection – Concrete Testing

Two specialized modules are available for concrete testing. The QESTLab Weigh & Measure Station for interfacing to a laser measurement apparatus and balance and the QESTLab Concrete Crush Station for interfacing to a compression machine. These modules are designed for optimised data entry. 

QESTLab Weigh & Measure Station

Separate Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance

As per the standard electronic worksheets, the equipment is selected using a equipment drop down fields. When using separate interfaced equipment, select the Concrete Cylinder Measure using the dimensions only driver, and a Balance with it's own interfaced balance. Steps to complete the data entry with the interfaced equipment is as follows:

  1. The QEST Weigh & Measure Station supports three different methods of searching for concrete specimens to test.

    1. By Test Date - Select a date from the Test Date drop-down field. All concrete specimens due for testing on the specified date at the selected laboratory will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.

    2. By Date Cast - Select a date from the Date Cast drop-down field. All concrete specimens which were cast on the specified date assigned to the selected laboratory for testing will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.

    3. If the specimen ID is known, it can be directly entered into the Next Specimen ID drop-down. Note, unexpected behaviour can result if duplicate specimen IDs are found. 

  2. Once the specimen is selected press ENTER, the specimen and sample information will be displayed in the application. The interface display will show separately joined connections to each equipment item, the Concrete Cylinder Measure with the dimensions and the Balance with the weight. 
  3. Press ENTER again to commence interfacing and ENTER to accept the returned value(s) once they are displayed. Choosing to accept the result will write the dimension and weight details to the concrete grid in the application.
  4. If there was an error in reading the result, it can be manually adjusted by editing the values in the concrete grid. 
  5. The Next Specimen ID will have been automatically incremented to the next one in the list. If this is correct, the user need only hit Enter to begin testing the next specimen. Otherwise, locate the desired specimen in the drop-down list and press Select to commence the process.

Combined Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance

When using the combined interface, select the Concrete Cylinder Measure with the driver that uses both dimensions and weight. When selected the Balance equipment selection will be hidden as it is unused. Steps to complete the data entry with the combined interfaced equipment is identical to the steps for the Separate Concrete Cylinder Measure and Balance. However, the interface will show a single connection combining the dimensions and weight of the selected Concrete Cylinder Measure.

QESTLab Concrete Crush Station

As per the standard electronic worksheets, the equipment on the QEST Crush Station is selected using the drop down.

Steps to complete the data entry with the interfaced equipment is as follows:

  1. Search for the Specimen ID, the QEST Crush Station supports three different methods of searching for concrete specimens to test.

    1. By Test Date - Select a date from the Test Date drop-down field. All concrete specimens due for testing on the specified date at the selected laboratory will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.

    2. By Date Cast - Select a date from the Date Cast drop-down field. All concrete specimens which were cast on the specified date assigned to the selected laboratory for testing will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.

    3. If the specimen ID is known, it can be directly entered into the Next Specimen ID drop-down. Note, unexpected behaviour can result if duplicate specimen IDs are found.

  2. Once the specimen is selected press ENTER, the specimen and sample information is displayed. 
  3. Press ENTER again to commence interfacing and ENTER to accept the returned value(s) once they are displayed. Choosing to accept the result will write the load together with the calculated strength to the grid.
  4. If there was an error in reading the result, it can be manually adjusted by editing the Load value in the grid. 
  5. The Next Specimen ID will have been automatically incremented to the next one in the list. If this is correct, the user need only hit Enter to begin testing the next specimen. Otherwise, locate the desired specimen in the drop-down list and press Select to commence the process.


Various problems can prevent the successful interfacing of equipment. A number of avenues of investigation are given in the table below.


COM Port Errors

The COM Port is not operating correctly. It is important that the user establishes that the COM Port is working independently of the QESTLab.

COM Port Settings

The COM Port Settings (baud rate, parity, etc.) are incorrect. Consult the manual provided with the equipment regarding the settings. These can often be adjusted and should be verified independently outside of QESTLab.

Incompatible Driver

Equipment drivers are developed by Spectra QEST based on documentation provided by the equipment manufactures and data collected directly via communication with the machine. The output can sometimes vary even between the same make and model. The only reliable way of confirming the output is to use a third party COMs application (such as Realterm) to collect output directly from the machine.

Citrix Issues

When running the QESTLab over Citrix the local COM port on the client machine needs to be redirected to the server. For this port redirection to work the Citrix environment needs to be configured correctly. In Spectra QEST's experience this can at times be unreliable. If a problem occurs where the QEST Equipment Interface is reporting that it can not open a port on a usually reliable connection then the PC and equipment should be powered down and restarted. These problems need to be investigated and resolved by your IT department.

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