Activity Dates
QEST Platform 5.7 Documentation
Applies to Construction Hive
This article explains Activity Dates in Construction Hive.
To facilitate milestone reporting, documents on Construction Hive can be associated with multiple Activity Dates. These represent the dates where any activity pertaining to the document occurred.
Document Search
When viewing document search results, the most recent Activity Date will be shown. When the user hovers over the Activity Date, a tooltip will appear showing the other Activity Dates for that document.
To search for documents with activity within a date range, include the search term ActivityDate:<Start Date, YYYY-MM-dd>..<End Date, YYYY-MM-dd> or use the fields on the Advanced Search page.
Activity Dates for Documents
Activity Dates will be obtained from a number of sources depending on the type of document.
QEST Platform Published Documents
Activity Dates will be obtained from one of the following sources. The first step where dates are found from those in the list below, starting at 1, will be used:
- If the document is a field report (i.e. is tagged "field-report"), skip to step 3
- Activity dates will be obtained from sampling and lab testing date fields. This includes:
- Tests - QestTestedDate
- Test records - DateTested, QestTestedDate, TestDate
- Concrete samples - DateCast, DateCored, DateGrouted, DateReceived, DateSampled
- Concrete specimens (where QestComplete is true) - TestDate
- The work date of the document
- The QestCreatedDate of the document
- The date the document was published
Construction Hive Published Documents
Activity Dates will be obtained from one of the following sources. The first step where dates are found from those in the list below, starting at 1, will be used:
- The work date of the document (for documents with a ranged work date, this is the starting date)
- The date the document was published
Milestone Reports
Milestone reports will combine the activity dates of all the included documents.
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