QEST Platform Installation Checklists

QEST Platform Installation Checklists

QEST Platform 4.81
Applies to All

This article lists, by product, the processes that must be completed to successfully install and configure the QEST Platform.



The installation process for the QEST Platform will vary depending on:

  1. Whether the process underway is an update of the QEST Platform or a fresh installation, and
  2. Which products have been purchased and need to be installed,
  3. The infrastructure in place.

This page acts as a starting point for the necessary steps for installation and configuration of QEST Platform products.

The Technical Overview presents the various components of the different products and how they communicate between one another while Product Architecture articles make clearer the infrastructure required. These checklists outline only the bare minimum that must be undertaken in order to install and configure a working instance of the QEST Platform. Optional configuration and processes are excluded but details can be found on the linked pages.

For each product, steps are provided for installation and configuration followed by verification steps that should be carried out immediately following installation. If any of the verification steps fail, please contact Spectra QEST for assistance.

All Products

The first steps will be determined by whether the process underway is an update or a fresh installation. Follow the links below to the appropriate checklist for the process then return here for following steps by product.


Install QESTLabOn each application server that users will access the QESTLab product suite from, install QESTLab.
QESTLab Configuration - config.ini is correctly configuredEnsure that the config.ini file in the installation directory is correctly structured to allow connection to the QEST Platform database.
Install updated license file if necessary due to version changeIf the version of QEST Platform is being updated, install the updated the license file via the QEST Administrator Console to the appropriate version.


Launch QESTLab and log inLaunch QESTLab and log in as a normal (non-administrative) user. Ensure that QESTLab is launched using the same process as regular users will use (e.g. Citrix published app or RemoteApp)

QESTField (Tests, Forms or Scheduler)

Install QESTNetInstall the QESTNet service on the appropriate server.
QESTNet Configuration - Set running userThe QESTNet service should be run under the appropriate service account. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
QESTNet Configuration - Set QEST Platform database connectionThe QESTNet service requires access to the QEST Platform database. The QESTLab_Data connection property should be set to the appropriate SQL instance and database name. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
Firewall settings: allow incoming connections on port 52525For QESTNet installations supporting QESTField products, configure any firewall on the machine to accept incoming TCP on port 52525. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
Ensure service user has access to log file locationEnsure the log4net andfileSMTPIntegrator file paths values in the QESTNET.exe.config file are set to paths to which the service user account has full read/write access. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
QESTNet Configuration - Configure LoggingDefault logging settings that are provided in the QESTNet.exe.config file are generally acceptable for most installations but the location of the log file should be verified and modified if there is a more appropriate location such as a network folder. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
QESTNet Configuration - Configure License Logging

Default logging settings that are provided in the QESTNet.exe.config file are generally acceptable for most installations but the location of the log file should be verified and modified if there is a more appropriate location such as a network folder. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.

Note: If the location of this log file is changed the associated path in fileSMTPIntegrator should also be modified to match.

QESTNet Configuration - Configure License EmailsQESTNet will keep a log of licensing events and, if license limits are being approached or reached, will send out warning emails to the elected recipients. This must be appropriately configured or no warning emails will be received. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update.
QESTNet Configuration - Configure SMTP server for emailsEmails are sent for licensing warnings as well as for specific QESTField Tests workflows. This configuration is required for emails to send correctly. This step only needs to be completed if this is a fresh installation of QESTNet rather than an update or if the SMTP server is moved.
Install QESTFieldInstall the QESTField web site on the appropriate web server.
QESTField Configuration - Point to QESTNetEnsure that the QESTField web site can reach the QESTNet service.
Make available externallyMake the QESTField website (under the QEST Platform site) available externally, this may involve firewall configuration depending on network topology.


Start QESTNet ServiceStart the QESTNet service using the Windows Services Manager and ensure it starts with no errors.
Review QESTNet log fileEnsure the QESTNet log file is being generated correctly. Open the log file and ensure no errors have been logged.
Log into QESTFieldNavigate to the QESTField URL using a browser and log in, ensuring the log in process is successful.
Stop the QESTNet Service
QESTNet Configuration - Set Verify DatabaseSet the verifyDatabase property to True in the configuration file.
Start QESTNet ServiceStart the QESTNet service and ensure it starts with no errors.
Log into QESTFieldNavigate to the QESTField URL using a browser, external to the network that QESTField resides on, and log in, ensuring the log in process is successful. This process may take a few minutes since the database structure is being verified at the same time.
Stop the QESTNet Service
QESTNet Configuration - Set Verify DatabaseSet the verifyDatabase property to False in the configuration file.

QESTField Scheduler

Install QESTField SchedulerInstall the QESTField web site on the appropriate web server.
QESTField Scheduler Configuration - Point to QESTNetEnsure that the QESTField web site can reach the QESTNet service.
Make available externallyMake the QESTField Scheduler website (under the QEST Platform site) available externally, this may involve firewall configuration depending on network topology.


Log into QESTField SchedulerNavigate to the QESTField Scheduler URL using a browser and log in, ensuring the log in process is successful.

QESTField Test Workflows

These steps should be followed if the following workflows are in use:

  • AU Concrete Producer
  • US Daily Field Report
  • Batch plant ticket inspection
QESTNet Configuration - Configure templates for emailsThe default settings provided are appropriate for most customers, the existence of this setting should be verified.

QESTField Forms

Install the QEST Web APIInstall the QEST Web API on the appropriate web server.
Configure QEST Web API - Set QESTField URLThe QEST Web API must know the QESTField URL in order to appropriately show the QESTField web view in the QESTField mobile app.
Make available externallyMake the QEST Web API (under the QEST Platform site) available externally, this may involve firewall configuration depending on network topology.
QESTLab QIntegrator Configuration - point to QESTNetThe QESTLab QIntegrator must be configured to point to QESTNet such that Forms actions can be taken from QESTLab. This task must be completed on every QESTLab application server.
QESTNet Configuration - Set Hive database connectionIn order to publish forms to Construction Hive, QESTNet requires a connection to the Hive Publish database. The HivePublish_Data connection property should  be set to the appropriate SQL instance and database name.


Connect to the Web API from outside the network using the QESTField Mobile AppUsing the QESTField mobile app, connect to the QEST Web API URL and ensure that the connection is successful.
Log into QESTField mobile appLog into the QESTField mobile app while connected to the QEST Web API and ensure the Work Orders page loads successfully.

Construction Hive Publishing

Install Construction Hive publishing serviceInstall the Construction Hive publishing service on the appropriate server.
Ensure server time will always be accurateEnsure that windows is configured to regularly synchronise its clock with a trusted time server. Don't assume that because it's syncing with another computer on the domain that it can be trusted. Ensure that at some point a reliable external time server is being used. This is necessary for certificate validation and successful publishing.
Construction Hive publishing service config - Hive publish databaseEnsure that the publishing service is configured to connect to the Hive Publish database.
Construction Hive publishing service config - point to correct CH environmentEnsure that the service is configured to point to the correct Construction Hive instance for the environment it is being installed on (i.e. test or production).


Start the Construction Hive Publishing ServiceStart the service and ensure it starts successfully.
Check Windows Event Viewer

Check the Construction Hive-QESTLab Service log under Application and Service Logs in the Windows Event Viewer. Ensure that:

  • The service startup is logged as an Information level event
  • No error messages are logged after the startup
  • There is at least one Information level event after the startup event stating that The hearbeat succeeded


If there is an interface in place sharing data between QEST Platform and third party applications, controlled by QEST Platform products, additional configuration may be necessary. The Spectra QEST Service desk will provide the necessary details if this case is applicable.

Products described on these pages, including but not limited to QESTLab®, QESTNet, QESTField, Construction Hive, and associated products are Trademarks () of Spectra QEST Australia Pty Ltd and/or related companies.

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