

QEST Platform 4.90
Applies to All

This article contains definitions of terms that are specific to or have a special meaning in the QEST Platform product suite

Applies to
Synonyms to Avoid
SignQESTLab, QESTField FormsThe action of signing a report or form in the QEST Platform. The action that locks the report from editing and places the signatory user's signature image on the report (if mapped).
  • Approve
AddQEST Platform productsWhen adding a new work order, samples, tests, reports, forms, list items, equipment items in the QEST Platform products. 
  • Create
  • Attach

Right Hand PaneQESTLab
  • Window
Filter Search CriteriaQESTLab


  • Page
  • Test Screen
Sibling TestQESTLab

When a two tests are on the same sample, they are referred to as sibling tests since they are at the same level in the hierarchy. While the word sibling could also refer to samples or work orders, it's not often done as these don't share data in the same way as sibling tests sometimes do.

This is most applicable to aggregate, soil and asphalt tests. When two tests are added to the same sample in QESTLab, this indicates that the tests are carried out on "the same" material. This might be two different representative samples from a bulk (large) sample or might actually be the very same material (this depends on the effect of the test on the material and whether the test changes the material properties such that it is no longer representative). 

Where a result is imported into a worksheet, this often comes from sibling tests. 

Bulk Entry ScreenQESTLab

  • Grid view
  • Page
Bulk Entry WorksheetQESTLab

While the Bulk Entry Screen is the grid like entry when viewing a work order, there are a number of special bulk entry worksheets that are loaded when multiple items of the same type are loaded under the Tests/Documents filter. Notable examples are:

  • Concrete delivery filter
  • Compressive strength data entry
  • Proctor de-activation filter

  • Electronic worksheet
  • Bulk entry screen
Test ReportQESTLab
  • Certificate
PageQESTField Tests and QESTField Forms
  • Forms is a page in the app
  • Work Orders is a page in the app
  • There are pages within a workflow in QESTField Tests
  • There is a home page in the QESTField web app
  • There is a work order page in the QESTField web app
  • Screen
  • Worksheet
WorkflowQESTField TestsGuided data entry for a corresponding series of actions that a technician/inspector undertakes in the field. A workflow may consist of data entry related to a number of QESTLab Worksheets and may be split over a number of pages.

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