Adding Construction Hive Users for Publishing Companies
QEST Platform Documentation 4.94
Applies to Construction Hive
This article describes the process for creating users for publishing companies in Construction Hive.
The process for creating users from companies publishing to Construction Hive is usually automated and is triggered the first time a user publishes a report to Construction Hive from QESTLab. Alternatively, users can be created manually if they need to exist prior to publishing reports.
Automated Account Creation
When a document is published from QESTLab to a user that does not currently have a Construction Hive account, Construction Hive will send out an email inviting the individual to create a free Construction Hive account. Both the sender of a report and the recipient will receive invitation emails after an initial report is distributed. This is the intended default process for registering a new Construction Hive account for everyone, whether internal or external to the publishing organization.
An example scenario is presented below for clarity:
A QESTLab user in a publishing organization ( sends a report to one of their customers on Construction Hive ( Construction Hive does not know about either user so an invitation email to register an account will be sent to both. Based on the domain in the email address (i.e. or, Construction Hive will make a decision as to whether to associate each user with one of the publishing companies it knows about or whether they are external to those companies.
When the user from the publishing company follows the email link to register their account, they will automatically be associated with their company on Construction Hive. An example of the invitation email sent to publishers is shown below.
Manual Account Creation
If an account must be created manually or an original invitation email has been misplaced by a company publisher, this can be achieved by users assigned the company administrator role in Construction Hive. Once logged in as a company administrator, users will see a Manage option in their navigation menu. Clicking on Manage -> (Company Name) will navigate to the company management page.
The Manage Company page initially shows the top-level company, the users at that company, and all of the subsidiary labs. Clicking on a subsidiary lab will show the users at that laboratory instead.
In order to add users to a particular company, it must first be navigated to on the Manage Company page. Once at the desired company, clicking Manage Users will navigate to the User Roles page for that company, shown below.
It is possible to add a new user and send them an invitation email through the Add New Membership panel at the bottom of the user list. Typing a user name into the text box on this panel will search for existing users to add to the current company. If no matching user is found, it will be possible to add an email address for the new user.
Clicking on the Add User button after entering a name and email address will send an invitation email to the new user.
Email Domain
The domain in the new user's email address must be owned by the publishing company in Construction Hive otherwise this process will not be successful.
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