Page Re-numbering

Page Re-numbering

QEST Platform Documentation 4.94
Applies to Construction Hive

This article in an in-depth explanation of Milestone Reporting page re-numbering.



Pages in the milestone test report can be re-numbered so that the format of the resultant page numbers is compliant with ISO 17025. Each page will contain page numbers in the format Page X of Y.

Page Re-numbering

The re-numbering of pages will affect the following:

  • Cover Page (if option Re-number pages is checked)
  • Contents Page
  • Documents sections
  • File sections (if option Re-number pages is checked)

 One of two approaches will be used to re-number each page:

  • If text matching the following regular expression can be found, the last instance of the text found on the page will be entirely replaced with new page numbering text (that is the instance where the top-left corner of the text box is closest to the bottom-right of the page).
    Click here to test the regular expression.
\b[Pp]age\b (?:[0-9]+,)*[0-9]+ of (?:[0-9]+,)*[0-9]+

The regular expression looks for text that is in the form Page X of Y where X and Y are numbers.

  • If text of a form matching the above regular expression cannot be found, the text will be placed in a white rectangle in the bottom right corner of the page, just within the page margins. This rectangle will be just large enough to cover the page number text in size 8pt Helvetica.

If no matching page number text is found, a warning message will appear in the affected section so the user is aware that the page numbering will be overlaid onto that document in the report.


  • Existing page numbering on uploaded documents must be in the form Page X of Y in a single block of text or in the position described above in order to be elegantly replaced
  • Alternatively, no page numbering should be included in uploaded documents but an area in the bottom-right corner large enough for the page number text must be left blank

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