

QEST Platform 5.0 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab

This article describes how to add and configure accreditations that can be applied to tests and displayed on test reports.



Accreditations are displayed on aggregate, soil and asphalt test reports in QEST Platform. Multiple accreditations can be created and configured in the system with the availability of these accreditations specified per laboratory.

Adding an Accreditation

  1. Select the Accreditation node in the QEST Administrator Console.

  2. To add an accreditation, click on the Add Accreditation button. (top left of below image) 

  3. Type the desired name of the accreditation and then click OK.

Configuring Accreditations

  1. Add a new accreditation or select an existing accreditation from the Accreditation list (left hand panel).

  2. The Accreditation will be displayed.

  3. The name can be edited and a description of the accreditation can be entered.

  4. Add an accreditation logo which will be displayed on test reports that use the accreditation.

Accreditation Logo Image Files

Files to be uploaded can be JPEG, PNG, TIF, GIF or BMP and are recommended to have a file size of less than 1.5 MB. Files larger than 5 MB cannot be used.

Zoom Image
The Zoom image to fit checkbox determines whether the image is kept at the original size and cropped or resized to fit the available space on the test report. In general, it is recommended to check this box.

Accreditation Information

The accreditation information is displayed on test reports for this accreditation.

  • Accreditation Text: Laboratory information required by the accreditation to be displayed on signed reports.

  • Endorsed Text: Information to state that the laboratory is accredited for the tests on the signed report.

  • Non Endorsed Text: Information to state that the Laboratory is not accredited for any tests on the report.

  • Flag Unaccredited Tests on the Report: Option to flag individual tests as not accredited on the report.

  • Highlight Unaccredited Test Methods: Option to highlight the test method of tests not accredited in blue.

  • Unaccredited Symbol: Symbol used to highlight individual tests that are not accredited on the report.

  • Unaccredited Text: Information placed in comments to explain unaccredited tests.

Accreditation Text Appearance

Note that the exact position and appearance of these items will depend heavily on the custom header design. Custom headers are designed by Spectra QEST in consultation with customers and are customer specific. In some jurisdictions, this text and information is not necessarily used to convey accreditation information but instructions on applicability of included results.

Accreditation Documents

A list of the tests available in QEST Platform which can be selected as accredited. This can be ordered by name or method and grouped by test type.

All test methods covered by this accreditation across the entire system should be selected here. Laboratory level accreditation scope will be selected next.

Selecting Laboratory Accreditations

  1. Select the Regions & Laboratories node in the QEST Administrator Console.

  2. Select a laboratory from the Regions & Laboratories list (left hand panel).

  3. Select the Accreditations tab.

  4. Select (and make sure it is checked) the accreditation that is being configured.

  5. After selecting the accreditation, use the document tree to check the tests for which the currently selected laboratory is accredited for out of the entire accreditation scope.

If an accreditation is not displayed, check that it has been made available for all parent regions. If a test is not displayed, check that it has been selected for that accreditation and is available at that laboratory.

Display on Test Reports

The accreditations configured determine what accreditations can be displayed on the test report and what tests are flagged as unaccredited.

Test Report Options

On the options tab of a test report the tests displayed on the report are listed. The accreditations that the laboratory is accredited for (for that test) are displayed after each test.

The available accreditations to be displayed on the report are listed. The accreditations checked determine what documents are considered accredited and what documents are considered unaccredited. This is provided the Flag Unaccredited Tests on the Report is checked for the accreditation.

Test Report PDF

The accreditation information is displayed in the header of the report and shows the Accreditation Logo, Accreditation Text and Endorsed Text when the report is signed.

Accreditation Text Appearance

Note that the exact position and appearance of these items will depend heavily on the custom header design. Custom headers are designed by Spectra QEST in consultation with customers and are customer specific. In some jurisdictions, this text and information is not necessarily used to convey accreditation information but instructions on applicability of included results.

The unaccredited documents are flagged on the report by appending the Unaccredited Symbol to the end of the method. The test method will also be highlighted in blue when Highlight Unaccredited Test Methods is checked.

The Unaccredited Symbol and Unaccredited Text are also added to the comments section of the report.

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