Concrete Strength and Density Using QEST Crush Station

Concrete Strength and Density Using QEST Crush Station

QEST Platform 5.0 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab 

Data entry methods for concrete strength test results using the QEST Crush Station for US customers, and others using US test methods.



The QEST Crushing Station (QCS) is a separate module from the main QESTLab program.

For users with the appropriate equipment which can be interfaced to a PC, it provides an efficient means of getting the concrete testing data from the equipment into the software and calculating the strength results. 

Additionally, data for density results can conveniently be entered via QCS.

Structure of the QCS Worksheet

Set Up Fields

Laboratory Field

Field Prompt

Expected Information


Select a laboratory from the dropdown list of available laboratories.

Equipment Fields


For equipment to be available for selection in equipment dropdown boxes, the equipment item must first be created in QESTLab's Equipment list. Refer to article Creating Equipment.

Equipment details for each specimen can be recorded using the following fields.

Equipment Prompt

Expected Information

Testing Machine

Select a testing machine from the dropdown list of available testing machines.

Framing Square

Select a framing square from the dropdown list of available framing squares.

Measure UsingSelect an equipment type to use for measuring physical dimensions, e.g. Caliper
<Selected equipment type>Select an equipment item from the dropdown list of available equipment items.
BalanceSelect a balance from the dropdown list of available balances. 

For further details on these fields, refer to the Concrete Sample (US) screen, as they are otherwise identical to the corresponding fields there.

Search Fields

The QCS supports three different methods of searching for concrete specimens to measure.

  • By Test Date - Select a date from the Test Date drop-down. All concrete specimens due for test on the specified date at the selected laboratory will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.
  • By Date Cast - Select a date from the Date Cast drop-down. All concrete specimens which were cast on the specified date assigned to the selected laboratory for testing will be listed in the Next Specimen ID drop-down.

If the specimen ID is known, it can be directly entered into the Next Specimen ID drop-down. 

Duplicate specimen IDs

Unexpected behavior can result if duplicate specimen IDs are found.

Specimen Fields

These fields are read-only and contain data imported from the Concrete Sample (US) screen.

It is expected that most, if not all, of this information would have been entered as part of the sample registration process.

Specimen Grid

Specimen Registration Fields

For most specimens, these fields will normally contain all the required information prior to the date of testing, as part of the sample registration process.

These fields are locked in QCS. 

Sample Registration

The QEST Crush Station does not provide a means of registering new concrete samples or specimens. If required, this will need to be done using QESTLab or QESTField.

Test Data and Results Fields

The Load field and Test Time field is locked in QCS and any value to be entered has to come from the interfaced testing machine.

The other fields that are locked are calculation fields and these are normally locked on all screens.

For further details on these fields, refer to the Concrete Sample (US) screen, as they are otherwise identical to the corresponding fields there.

Administration Fields

These fields are applicable to all specimen types.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Charge To Plant

Contains Yes or No to determine whether this specimen will be charged to the plant instead of the client for this sample group.

This requires that the plant have an entry in the QESTLab client list. 

Default = No.

Changing the value

This field is locked in QCS and if it needs to be edited, use the Concrete Sample (US) screen in QESTLab.

Measured ByThe name of the person who measured this specimen.

Tested By

The name of the person who tested (crushed) this specimen.
This field is locked in QCS and is updated automatically when the load value is accepted and will normally be the person who started the QCS session.

Calculated Fields

  • These fields are not visible on the screen but are calculated from data entered into the grid and stored in the database. They are typically used when it becomes time to generate reports and can also affect the appearance of values in the specimen grid.
  • When sufficient raw test data is entered, QESTLab calculates the strength and (if required) density results for each specimen and displays these values in the grid.
  • Additionally, the following is also calculated: Sample average strength - The average strength results for specimens of a certain type and age are calculated and stored in the database (eg. the average 28 day strength for COMP100 specimens). This is done for each sample.

Site Cured Specimens

  • The average strength calculated at the acceptance age or at any compliance age will not include the compressive strength of site cured specimens, regardless of whether they are at the acceptance or compliance age. 
  • If a compliance age is set but no specimens exist at that age other than site cured specimens, then the compliance age average strength grouping will not show.

Additional Fields

Additional Fields are defined as fields that are not visible in the Specimen Grid under the default settings but can be added by the user/customer.

Concrete Cylinder Density

The presence/absence of these fields is controlled by the Dens? field. They are only visible if Dens? = Yes.

Field Prompt Expected InformationUnits Category

Weight (Mass) of test specimen prior to strength testing.

lbTest Data
Subm WgtSubmerged Weight (Mass) of test specimen prior to strength testing.lbTest Data

Calculated result

Density of specimen based on specimen weight and calculated volume.
The method used to calculate the volume depends on the results provided for weight and submerged weight:

  • Value for weight input, no value for submerged weight → volume calculated from physical measurements (ASTM C39 paragraph 9.3.1).
  • Values for both weight and submerged weight input → volume calculated from loss of weight in water (ASTM C39 paragraph 9.3.2).
lb/ft3Test Data

Site Cured Specimens

Identifying Site Cured Specimens

  • Ideally, specimens undergoing site curing should be marked as such as part of the sample registration process.
  • If not, they can be marked as site cured at the time of receipt.
  • Specimens cannot be marked as site cured in QCS.

When a specimen is marked as site cured, extra fields, Date Received and Req Str, are added to the QCS specimen grid.

The behavior of some of the other fields is also modified.

  • The Date Received field for the site cured specimen is editable.
  • The required strength value (Site Cure Str), set on the Concrete Sample (US) screen's Mix Data tab, is copied into the Req Str field and this field is locked.
  • If a strength result of a site cured specimen is less than either of the required strengths (Req Strength or Site Cure Str), the result is not highlighted.
  • Regardless of its age, if a site cured specimen meets or exceeds the site cured required strength, the value in the required strength column (Req Str) will be highlighted as bold.

Field Prompt Expected InformationUnits Category
Date Received

Date formatted text.

Date specimen is received in the laboratory.

Editable if the specimen is site cured, otherwise copied from the Date Received field on the Concrete Sample (US) screen's Field Data tab and locked.

DateTest Data
Req Str


If a specimen is site cured, the value is copied from Site Cure Str field on the Concrete Sample (US) screen's Mix Data tab, otherwise is blank.


This field is only visible in the grid when a site cured specimen is selected.

psiTest Data

Optional Features


The options discussed in this section are general system options in the QEST Platform. These affect the operation of the system as a whole where changing the option changes the functionality for everyone using an instance of the QEST Platform. As a result, the ability to change these options is limited to users with the System Administrator right.

These options can be accessed via QEST Admin Console >> Lab >> Configuration >> Options >> Concrete/QCS/QWS



Automatically Interface QCS/QWS Specimens

Controls whether QCS specimens are automatically interfaced or not., when selected.


QCS specimens are automatically interfaced


QCS specimens are not automatically interfaced

Disable QCS Strength Error

When equipment interfacing is used to measure the concrete cylinder dimensions, the dimensions will be compared against a pre-defined set of tolerance ranges for the diameter and height.
These tolerance ranges must be setup on the measure station's Calibration Interface tab - see 
Configuring Equipment Interfacing.

The check will be disabled and no error will be reported if the measured value falls outside the tolerance range.

If either of the diameters or the height falls outside the configured tolerance ranges for the measuring station, an error will be reported to the user.

Full Screen QCS and QWS

Controls how the QCS application appears on the screen at start up.


Start in full screen mode, that is, QCS occupies the whole screen.


Start in reduced screen mode, that is, QCS only occupies part of the screen.

QCS Specimen Ordering

Sets the order of specimens in the QCS specimen list dropdown, by using configuration text. The rules for this text are:

  • Set a field, matching a concrete database field, to order the specimens, by entering the field name inside square brackets, e.g. [AgeDays].
  • A concrete field can be sourced from the specimen or the sample. Denote which, by prefixing the field with the letter S or C, respectively, followed by a full-stop, e.g. S. or C.
  • A field can be made to order the specimens in reverse order by adding DESC after the field name.
  • A field that contains only numerical data in text format can be ordered numerically by adding INT after the field name.
  • Multiple fields can be used to order specimens, with priority from left to right, by separating the fields with a comma.


S.[AgeDays}, C.[FieldSheetNo] INT DESC

The specimens will be sorted by specimen age, with each age group sorted into reverse numerical order based on the concrete sample Field Sheet Number.

Using QCS

Before Starting QCS

Preparing a Concrete Sample

  • The QEST Crush Station (QCS) does not provide a means of registering a new concrete sample and specimens. 
  • If required, this must be done using QESTLab. See Concrete Sample Registration (elsewhere) for details on registering a new sample.
  • Once the sample has been registered with one or more specimens, QCS can then be used.

    Site Cured Specimens

    • If site cured specimens are to be tested using QCS, they must be marked as site cured before QCS is used.
    • QCS cannot be used to mark specimens as site cured.

Setting Up Equipment

  • To be able to use QCS, a testing machine capable of interfacing to a computer is required.
  • Before use, this equipment item must be configured in QESTLab for interfacing with the software.
  • See Configuring Equipment Interfacing for details on setting up this equipment.

Interfaced Equipment Restrictions

  • Although an interfaced balance can be selected for use with QCS, balance interfacing does not work on QCS.
  • The testing machine is the only equipment item that can be fully interfaced with QCS.

Starting QCS

  • Run the QEST Crush Station program (QCS). 
  • The program will prompt the user to enter their login details. These are the same as for QESTLab.

Selecting the Laboratory and Equipment

Once logged in, the user will be presented with the a screen similar to the following.

The following must be selected: 

  1. The laboratory at which the specimen is being tested.

  2. An interfaced Testing Machine which will be used to test the specimen(s). 

If the testing machine was correctly configured and the software was able to communicate with it, blue lines will appear above and below the drop-down. 
If these do not appear, either the machine has not been setup in QESTLab correctly or it's not accessible to the software. See the Troubleshooting section in Configuring Equipment Interfacing for further assistance.

Changing Selections

  • Once the Select button is clicked, to select a specimen, the laboratory and the Testing Machine equipment item will become locked for the remainder of the session.

  • Should it become necessary to change either of these, the QCS application must be restarted.

Additionally, the following equipment can be selected as required:

  • The equipment used to measure the specimens.
  • A balance, if density results are required.

    Interfaced balance not working?

    • If an interfaced balance is selected, it will show the blue lines, as above, but the interfacing will not work with QCS.
    • Values from balances need to be entered manually.

  • A square used to check the specimen's perpendicularity (if required).

Selecting a Specimen

It is not possible to select any specimens unless an interfaced testing machine is selected.

  1. Either,

    1. enter the required specimen ID directly into the Next Specimen ID drop-down, or,

      1. select one of the following dates from their drop-downs:

        • Test Date

        • Date Cast

      2. select required specimen from  Next Specimen ID drop-down,

  2. Click on the Select button, or press Enter.

Entering Test Data

Once a specimen has been selected, test data can be entered.

Several things will have happened on the screen by now.

  1. The details of the sample to which the specimen belongs (sample ID, client, project, etc.) will be displayed in the background above the grid.

  2. All of the specimens assigned to this sample will be shown in the grid, with the one currently selected highlighted in green.

  3. The Interface button will be enabled.

If the specimen has not been measured and the average diameter is NOT being applied, it needs to be measured at this point.

Using Average Diameters

For how to use average diameters for concrete cylinders, refer to the Concrete Diameter document.

Measuring the Specimen

  1. If a density result for the specimen is required, The Dens? field should contain "Yes". Enter that first if required.
  2. Click on the data field to enable entry or editing of that value.
  3. Enter the measurements and weight (if required) for each specimen.

    Moving between cells

    • Press Enter or Tab on the keyboard to move from one cell to the next.
    • There is no need to click in each cell using the mouse.

  4. The density results (if required) for each specimen will be calculated and displayed in the grid, once sufficient data is entered.
  5. Select the QESTLab user who measured (and weighed) the specimen, using the Measured By field.


Place the selected concrete cylinder specimen into the testing machine. 

Click on the Interface button to connect to the interfaced testing machine.

A yellow form will appear in the top right corner of the QCS window.

Run the testing machine, increasing the applied load on the specimen until failure occurs, or a maximum load value is achieved.

Recording the Test Load

  1. If the testing machine supports automatic requests, it will transmit the maximum test load for the specimen.

  2. Otherwise, the user must press the appropriate button on the testing machine to return the results to the QCS software.

  3. Once the load value has been received, it will be displayed on the yellow form and the status will be shown as 'Done'.

  4. When the load value is displayed, the user can choose to:

    1. Read the load again,
    2. Decline (discard) it,
    3. Accept it.
  5. Choosing to accept the results will write the load to the QCS specimen grid.

Strength Calculation & Failure Mode

When the load is added to the specimen grid, the strength will be calculated and displayed in the grid for the specimen just tested.
if a required strength value (F'c) exists, the strength result will be compared with it and the result will control what happens next:

  1. A strength result that is less than the required strength is considered a strength failure and the following screen will appear:

    1. Selecting an appropriate failure mode and clicking the Ok button will save the corresponding code to the Failure Mode field of the specimen. 
    2. When this screen closes, it may be replaced by the following:
    3. This allows the testing date of subsequent specimens from the same sample to be deferred to a later date, if required.

  2. If the strength result is equal to, or greater than, the required strength, the strength value and the default failure mode code, if any, will be written to the grid.
    1. If there was an error in the entered strength value, it can be manually adjusted by editing it in the specimen grid on the Concrete Sample (US) screen in QESTLab, provided the user meets the user rights levels that are set for this screen.

      Strength Results

      • For laboratory cured specimens, if a strength result is less than the required strength (Req Strength) at the Acceptance Age set on the Concrete Sample (US) screen's Mix Data tab, the result is highlighted in red.
        (In this example, Req Strength = 3000 psi)

      • For site cured specimens, if a strength result is less than either of the required strengths (Req Strength or Site Cure Str), the result is not highlighted in red.
  3. The failure mode code should reflect the type of fracture observed in the specimen. If a default value was provided, verify that it matches the test result and change if required.
    1. If it is necessary to edit values for the failure mode, this can be done either on the QCS or the Concrete Sample (US) screen in QESTLAB by users with Laboratory Supervisor, or Data Entry, rights.

      No Failure Mode shown?

      • A possible cause for this might be a known incompatibility with QCS and the global option Store E failure Mode into Field set to Failure Mode.
      • The ability to change this option is limited to users with the System Administrator right and it should be set to None or Marks to fix this problem with QCS.
        Be aware that changing this option will also affect the Concrete Sample (US) screen and the electronic worksheet.
        This option can be accessed via QEST Admin Console >> Lab >> Configuration >> Options >> Concrete/QCS/QWS

      • If only the default failure mode is missing, confirm that a failure mode has been assigned as the default value in the Concrete Failure Mode list.

Next Steps

 By this stage, the Next Specimen ID will have been automatically incremented to the next one in the list.

  1. If this is correct, the user need only hit Enter to begin the testing process for this specimen.
  2. Otherwise, to begin testing the next specimen locate it in the list and press Select to re-commence the process.
  3. If a previous specimen from the same sample and with the same age has failed to achieve the required strength, the following window will appear:

    1. Clicking the Yes button restarts the testing process.
    2. Clicking the No button will automatically increment the Next Specimen ID and the above steps can be repeated.

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