Completing Forms in the Field (App)

Completing Forms in the Field (App)

QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTField Forms

This article describes how a field user can complete forms in the field using the QESTField app.



This page describes how a field user can complete forms in the field using the QESTField app. Topics covered include: 

  • Adding forms to a work order.
  • Downloading forms to the device.
  • Filling out forms (offline if desired).
  • Synchronizing and uploading forms.

Checking Assigned Work

After logging into the QESTField app, the Work Orders & Tests page is displayed (this page can also be accessed by navigating the application menu). This page provides an overview of the user's schedule for the current day (identified by the Work Date which automatically defaults to today's date) by listing the work orders assigned to the user. 

Work instructions on all assigned work orders for the day can be reviewed from this page to determine the necessary forms for the day's work.

Adding a Form

After reviewing the day's work, the Forms page can be opened via the application menu.

To add a form:

  1. Tap the Add button. This will open the Add Form - Select Work Order page.
  2. Tap the work order where the form is to be added. This will open the Select Form Type page.

The Select Form Type page displays the number of existing forms of that type on the work order in parentheses. This can help users determine whether additional forms are required. Specific forms will only be available for adding by a user if they have the Access permission for the given form and that form is available at their location.

3. Tap the form type required, this will add a new form to the selected work order. The Forms page will be refreshed and display the new form.

Completing Forms

By default, the Forms page shows a list of all the forms on work orders assigned to the user for the last 30 days (see Installing and Using the QESTField app for how to change the number of days forms are stored for). These forms are automatically synchronized to the user's mobile device. A sync icon () is shown on a form card while the PDF for that form is being downloaded or uploaded. It is possible to tap the sync icon to see more information about the process. Once the PDF has been downloaded, the sync icon will no longer be displayed. Once on the device it is possible to fill forms out with no internet connection.

Finding the Form

Form Cards

The Forms page displays a list of forms, each form has its own card with some key information:

  • Project Code (Form No): The project code of the work order project, followed by the form identifier. It normally consists of a Report Prefix (configured by the forms administrator) and the Work Order ID.
  • Form Name: The name (configured by the forms administrator) for the type of form.
  • Project Name: The project name for the work order.
  • Last Modifed Time and Last Modified By: Displays how long ago the form was modified, and by whom. If the form has already been modified by another user, their name and the time they uploaded the form will be used. If local edits are made to the form on the device, this will show the logged in user's name, and the last time that local edits were made.
  • Work Date and Start Time: The work order work date and start time (in 24 hour format). This is likely to have been set by the user creating the work order either in the QESTField app, QESTLab or by a dispatcher using QESTField Scheduler.

Grouping of Forms

Form cards are divided into two groups:

  • Forms scheduled for today and in the future
  • Forms from previous days

These two groups are based on the work order work date and the heading Previous Days separates the two groups.

Ordering of Forms

Within each group, form cards are ordered according to the following fields:

  1. Work Date descending (later dates first)
  2. Start Time ascending (earlier times first)
  3. Project Code ascending (alphanumeric A - Z)

Filling out the Form

To fill out a form, tap the relevant form within the QESTField app. This will ask the mobile device to open the PDF form, which will either ask the user which app to use to complete the process or launch the default editor if one is set. The process from this point differs slightly for Android and iOS mobile devices.

In all cases, once the form has been synchronized each page will have its page numbers updated automatically. Existing page numbers will be updated if they exist, are one contiguous piece of text (i.e. not in a field or separated into multiple text areas) and are of the form "Page X of Y", otherwise a new page number will be added to the footer. This handles pages that have been added, deleted, or rearranged.

Resizing Note

All images that exceed the specified target size and quality (set in the QESTField resizing options within the QEST Administrator Console) will be resized prior to upload. This action is used to decrease the size of the form being synced to the server.

Filling out Forms on Android Devices

Android devices will either launch the default PDF editor for the mobile device directly or ask the user which editor should be used if a default is not set. Selecting the desired app and tapping OK will launch the desired editor.

After the form has been pilled in the PDF editor the Back key on the mobile device should be used to return to the Forms page of the QESTField app.

If the PDF editor does not support automatic saving, the user will need to save before returning to the QESTField app. The changes made to the form in the PDF editor are automatically synchronized with the QESTField app and if the user is connected to internet will automatically synchronize with the server.

Filling out Forms on iOS Devices

iOS 11+

If third party PDF editors that support "open document in place" are installed, a menu will display the icons for those PDF editors with an Open in Editor caption, as shown in the image belowSelect the desired editor for filling out the form.

Fill out the form in the PDF editor and then press the QESTField icon at the top left corner, this will send a copy back to QESTField app.

The changes made to the form in the PDF editor are automatically synchronized with the QESTField app and if the user is connected to the internet will automatically synchronize with the server.

Earlier iOS versions

Pre iOS 11 versions of the iOS operating system do not support opening files in place, additionally, many PDF editing apps do not support the process even on newer devices. On these devices, a menu will display the icons for any compatible PDF editors with a Copy to Editor caption, as shown in the image belowSelect the desired editor for filling out the form.

Fill out the form in the PDF editor and save any changes. In order to get the form back to QESTField the document must be shared from the PDF editor (the process to share a file will be dependent on the editor in question). 

After sharing the form, a menu will be shown with options for sharing the file, select Copy to QESTField.  The QESTField app will automatically open up to the Forms page. The edits made to the form in the PDF editor are automatically synchronized with the QESTField app and if online, automatically synchronized with the server. 

Not all PDF fillable form editors are created equal. There appear to be a limited amount of third party PDF editor apps on the iOS App Store that enable "direct file sharing and opening documents in place". Additionally, only a handful of editors on both platforms appear to support JavaScript in PDF forms. 

See Installing and Using the QESTField app for recommendations of PDF Editors that can be installed on the mobile device for use with the QESTField app.

Completing Forms Offline

Forms that have been completed while offline will display a sync disabled icon next to them. This means a sync is required for this form if there currently is no connection.  Also at the top of the Forms page a grey notification bar will appear stating "No Internet Connection".   Once a connection is established the no connection notification will disappear and the sync pending icon will be displayed until the form synchronization is complete.

Downloading Forms

Forms are automatically synchronized between the server and the mobile device when any of the follow actions take place.

  1. Logging into the QESTField app
  2. Opening the Forms page via the menu
  3. Opening the Work Orders page via the menu
  4. Changes are made to a form when online

However, this process can also be initiated manually on the mobile device on the Forms page by pulling down from the top of the screen to refresh the page. Sync icons and progress bars will be displayed on cards for forms that are being downloaded. Once a form has been downloaded, the sync icon will no longer be displayed.

Refreshing Fields

When field values that are mapped to a form have been changed after a form has been created (e.g. the Work Date on a Work Order has been changed) the value on the form is not updated (e.g. the form will still display the old Work Date), until a refresh is triggered so that the new data is shown on the form. Tap the  Refresh Fields action available in the Additional Actions () menu to refresh the mapped fields on that form which will ensure that all fields are up to date.

Refresh fields will only be available if the form is not signed.

Deleting a Form

To delete a form from a work order open the Forms page tap the Delete form option from the Additional Actions menu(on the card of the form to be deleted. A confirmation dialog will be displayed, tap OK to confirm deletion.

The form will process for a few moments and then if the form was deleted successfully the text "Form Deleted" will be displayed. Once deleted the form will be removed from the Forms page and deleted from the work order.

The deleting of a form from a work order is permanent. This action cannot be undone.

Synchronization Feedback

There are certain cases where a form will fail to automatically synchronize between the server and the mobile device. If one of these cases occurs, a warning icon will be displayed in the action bar. Tapping the warning will extend the card further to display information about the error that has occurred and provide manual resolution options.

The following table outlines possible automatic synchronization errors and the manual resolution options available.

ErrorResolution Option 1Resolution Option 2
A conflict has occurred. The local form has changes but is not the latest version of the form.Force an Upload of the form. This will result in the local changes being pushed to the server so that it matches the local version.Discard local changes. This will remove all local changes so that the form matches the latest version on the server.
A conflict has occurred. The local form has changes but is a signed form.Discard local changes. This will remove all local changes so that the form matches the latest version on the server.
An error occurred while downloading the form.Retry downloading the form. This can be accomplished via the 'Try Again' button or by pulling down to refresh all forms.
An error occurred while uploading the form.Retry uploading the form. This can be accomplished via the 'Try Again' button or by pulling down to refresh all forms.Discard local changes. This will remove all local changes so that the form matches the latest version on the server.
An error occurred while deleting the form. The form will automatically reappear in the list of forms.Retry deleting the form. Click the 'Try Again' button to attempt to delete the form again.Keep the form. The form will no longer be deleted. The error will then be cleared.
Unknown Sync Error occurred.Retry syncing the form. This can be accomplished via the 'Try Again' button or by pulling down to refresh all forms.

Access a Form via Work Orders & Tests

It is possible to add and complete forms through the Work Orders & Tests page.

Open the appropriate work order by:

  1. Changing the Work Date or specifying a Work Order ID to search for the appropriate work order first
  2. Selecting the work order from the Work Orders list
  3. Creating a new work order

Creating a new work order requires the 'new work order' workflow to be enabled for the appropriate laboratory.

Adding a Form via the Work Order

A page will be opened which displays information about the work order and a list of workflows available to the user, grouped into sections. Add a new form by tapping the appropriate form from the New Form section. The form will be added to the work order and the form PDF will be automatically synchronized to the mobile device.

Filling out a Form via the Work Order

Fill out the form by tapping the link for the Edit workflow for forms which have been added to the work order (in the example below, the NCDIR:EST18-W119: Edit NCDOT Daily Inspectors Report link can be seen below the "Manage Test Report Images" row). 

This action will automatically synchronize the form PDF to the mobile device. This means the form will be available on the Forms page and can be filled out offline at a later date. Once the form is available tapping the form in the menu will open the form in the default PDF editor installed on the mobile device. Fill out the form in the PDF editor and then press the Back key on the mobile device to return to the Work Orders page of the QESTField app. 


Warnings regarding licensing are detailed in QESTField License Warnings.

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