Concrete Density by Water Displacement

Concrete Density by Water Displacement

QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab

Data entry methods for hardened concrete density, by water displacement, test results for AU customers, and others using AU test methods.



  • The default method in QESTLab for determining the density of hardened concrete is the density by measurement method.
  • The alternative method for determining the density of hardened concrete, by using the displacement of water method, is also supported by QESTLab.
  • The density by water displacement method is of particular use when test specimens do not have smooth surfaces or regular shapes.


  • In QESTLab, only whole samples can be marked for density testing by water displacement, not individual specimens.

Density Test Method Constraint

This means that all specimens on a sample must use the same method for determining density. Mixed test methods for density are not possible in a single sample.

  • The requirement for determining of density by water displacement has to be set on the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.
  • This can be done at any time, but is probably best done as part of the sample and test registration process.
  • Full data entry can be carried out on the Concrete Sample (AU) screen and EWS but not QWS.

Setting Up for Density Testing by Water Displacement

Test Registration

Registering a sample for density testing by displacement is carried out by ticking the Density by Water Displacement checkbox in the Density by Displacement frame of the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.

Field PromptExpected Information
Density By Water Displacement

Checkbox - optional

Tick if water displacement method is to be used. Leave unticked otherwise.

Description  (1)

Used to describe how the test specimen was obtained.

Select Cut, Cast or Broken from dropdown.



Use if specimens are to be tested as air-dry or oven-dry, or in any other moisture condition that is not saturated surface-dry (SSD).

Select Sealed or Wrapped from dropdown.



Use if specimens to be tested have surface or continuous voids visible.

Select Surface Voids or Continuous Voids  from dropdown.
Dressing of Voids

Checkbox - optional

  • Usually only applies to cored test specimens tested to RMS T368, especially those containing steel reinforcement.
  • Tick if voids exposed to the surface are dressed or patched before testing. Leave unticked otherwise.
  • If used for a core test specimen, extra fields will be made available to allow adjustment of density for the presence of steel
    reinforcement if required.

Moisture Condition of Density Test

  • It is generally accepted that the density (mass per unit volume) of concrete may be determined in any moisture condition, as long as it is reported appropriately.
  • The moisture condition to be adopted should be specified when the specimens are submitted for test.
  • QESTLab provides the Condition dropdown in the Laboratory frame, on the Concrete Sample (AU) screen, to record the moisture condition required for testing.

AS 1012.12.2

The standard moisture condition of specimens is saturated surface-dry, although air-dry or oven-dry specimens (or specimens in other conditions) may be determined by this method if suitably sealed or wrapped before immersion.

Concrete Sample (AU) screen

Specimens without Steel Reinforcement

The following example is from a COMP100 specimen type but other specimen types will exhibit similar behaviours.

When a specimen is selected for data entry, the following fields are changed or added to the specimen test grid if density by displacement has been indicated for the sample.

Field PromptExpected InformationUnits
Rec Wt

Recorded Weight - replaces Weight field

Weight (mass) of test specimen in air, at the moisture condition specified for the density result.
That is, one of: saturated surface-dry, air-dry or oven-dry, although other moisture conditions are permitted if required.

Imm Wt

Immersed Weight

Weight (mass) of test specimen immersed in water.

The test specimen may be saturated surface-dry, sealed, or wrapped.

ssd Wt

Saturated Surface-Dry Weight

Weight (mass) of saturated surface-dry test specimen in air,

or the weight (mass) of a sealed, or wrapped, test specimen in air.


Optional - for use with core specimens

The untrimmed core sample length, as originally obtained.


For details of the other fields in the specimen grid, refer to the Concrete Sample (AU) screen,


COMP100 tested in saturated surface-dry state.

Specimens with Steel Reinforcement

If the steel can be removed without serious damage to the specimen, it should be.

  1. The remaining void should not be filled but the edges can be patched/dressed if required.
  2. The density determination can then proceed as for specimens without steel reinforcement present (above).

If the steel cannot be removed without serious damage to the specimen, the Concrete Sample (AU) screen's specimen test grid provides a method for correcting density results for the presence of steel reinforcement in a specimen.

  • Carry out the density procedure with the specimen as if no steel was present.
  • After the density results are recorded, remove and collect all the steel from the specimen.

When the Dressing of Voids checkbox is ticked for core specimen types, the following fields will be available, in addition to the above fields.

Field PromptExpected InformationUnits
Wt Stl (dry,kg)

Weight Steel Dry

The weight (mass) of the dry steel reinforcing weighed in air.

Wt Stl (Im,kg)

Weight Steel Immersed

The weight (mass) of the steel reinforcing weighed immersed in water.


When these values are entered for the specimen, the density results will be corrected to account for the presence of steel reinforcing in the original results.


COMPCOR, with steel reinforcing, tested in saturated surface-dry state.

Electronic Worksheet (EWS)

  • The electronic worksheet for concrete specimens works exactly the same as the Concrete Sample (AU) when determining the density of hardened concrete by water displacement.
  • However, before the EWS can be used for this test method, the above 2248868274 must be applied via the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.
  • For information on accessing, and data entry to, the EWS, refer to Using the Electronic Worksheet.

QEST Weigh and Measure Station (QWS)

Restrictions for QWS

  • QWS does not fully support determination of density by water displacement.
  • Only moulded cylindrical specimens can be used with automatic measuring stations.
  • The QWS for concrete specimen test grid appears to be the same as the Concrete Sample (AU) when determining the density of hardened concrete by water displacement.
  • As for the EWS, before the QWS can be used for this test method, the above 2248868274 must be applied via the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.
  • For information on accessing, and data entry to, the QWS, refer to Using the QEST Weigh and Measure Station

If the QWS is used for a specimen requiring density by water displacement, the weight measured is the Rec Wt,.

The remaining two required values, Imm Wt and ssd Wt, cannot be entered through QWS and need to be entered through the Concrete Sample (AU) screen or the EWS, to complete the test.

Additionally, for specimens containing reinforcing steel, the values required for the density correction for the presence steel cannot be entered through QWS and an alternative data entry pathway (as above) is required.

Field PromptExpected InformationUnits
Rec Wt

Recorded Weight - replaces Weight field

Weight (mass) of test specimen in air, at the moisture condition specified for the density result.
That is, one of: saturated surface-dry, air-dry or oven-dry, although other moisture conditions are permitted if required.

Imm Wt

Immersed Weight

Weight (mass) of test specimen immersed in water.

The test specimen may be saturated surface-dry, sealed, or wrapped.

ssd Wt

Saturated Surface-Dry Weight

Weight (mass) of saturated surface-dry test specimen in air,

or the weight (mass) of a sealed, or wrapped, test specimen in air.


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