Daily Summary Field Report

Daily Summary Field Report

Applies to QESTField

This article describes how a field user can complete, sign and publish a daily summary field report for a work order. 



A summarised version of the work completed on a work order can be collated and completed through the Daily Summary Field Report workflow. A report can be signed and published directly from QESTField so that a "copy" can be left on site. 

General Details

The general details section provides fields for entering information about the day's work such as time on-site.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Work Order ID

An automatically generated identifier for this work order.

Inspection Request No

Used to record an identifier for the inspection request.

Time Arrived

The time that the Field Technician/Inspector arrived.

Time Departed

The time that the Field Technician/Inspector departed.

Override Time On Site?

Checkbox which allows the user to edit the Time on Site.

Time on Site (h)

Calculated from Time Arrived and Time Departed.

Lunch Taken?

Yes, start and end times are displayed for entry. No, reason for no lunch are displayed for entry.

Lunch Start

The time that lunch was started.

Lunch End

The time that lunch was finished.

Reason for No Lunch

The reason no lunch was taken.

Total Distance Travelled (mi)

The total distance travelled to get to and from site.

Round-trip Travel Time (h)

The total time travelled to get to and from site.


Select the contractor from the drop-down. This is populated from Contractor List (20034).

Building Permit Number

If applicable, the building permit number.

Equipment Observed

If applicable, any equipment observed while on site.


Select the weather from the drop-down. This is populated from Weather Conditions (20012).

An Administrator can set the type of units to display, metric or inch-pound, based on the laboratory level option Enable Imperial Units Formatting.

Work Summary

When other field work is completed on this work order a summary of this work is displayed.

Concrete Work

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Work Type

Always set as "Concrete Testing".


The location of the work.  See the information box below.**


The number of specimens added to the Concrete Sample.


The number of samples that have the same values for all of the above fields.

Soil Density

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Work Type

The type of soil density work, e.g., Nuclear Field Density.


The location of the work.  See the info box below.**

Tests Performed

The number of test locations (samples) that have the same values for all of the above fields.

Test Failures

The sum of test locations (samples) from the above grouping that are out of specification.

Asphalt Density

Field Prompt


Field Prompt


Work Type

The type of asphalt density work, e.g., Asphalt Density by Nuclear Method.


The location of the work.  See the info box below.**

Tests Performed

The number of test locations (samples) that have the same values for all of the above fields.

Test Failures

The sum of test locations (samples) from the above grouping that are out of specification.

Sample Pickups

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Work Type

The type of sample that has been picked up.


The location of the work.  See the info box below.**

Pickup Notes

The sample pickup note that was selected for this sample.


The number of samples that have the same values for all of the above fields.

Other Work

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Work Type

Other types of work completed that are not Forms, e.g., Reinforcing Steel Sampling.


The location of the work. See the info box below.**


The number of test locations (samples) that have the same values for all of the above fields

**The location is built up on if the following custom fields are configured and have values:  Section, Feature, Structure No.and Location.


There is more flexibility with how Forms are configured for summarising on the Daily Summary Field Report. See Configure Daily Summary Field Report for instructions to configure the summarising of Forms.

In the above example the form Foundation Report has been added to the work order. Location 1, Location 2 and Location 3 have been extracted from the form and displayed to the user. This information will also be displayed on the report.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Form Name

The form name is displayed as a header for the section.


**Read Only display of form field extracted from the Form.


Pre-defined language associated with the Form that is editable by the user. If no pre-defined language is set for the form this field will not be displayed.

**Any number of form fields can be extracted from the Form and displayed.

Other Observations

Any other observations during the time on site that do not fit elsewhere that should still be recorded can be entered here.

Report Review

The second phase of the Daily Summary Field Report workflow (RP) displays the report and allows the field user to sign and publish the report.


A preview image of the Daily Summary Field Report is displayed. The report contains all the information that was displayed on the previous phase of the workflow. Tapping on the image will download the PDF which can then be viewed via any PDF viewer available on the device. 


Tapping on the image will download the PDF in the background using the device's download manager. Swipe down on the status bar (top of screen) to open the device's notification drawer. Tap on the notification for the downloaded PDF to open the PDF with an available viewer.

Site Rep Sign Off

The field user can obtain a signature from a site representative, if required. The field user or site representative can enter their name and title directly into the field user’s device.

To obtain a signature from the site representative, the field user can click on the sign button. A sign on glass window will appear to allow the site representative to leave an electronic signature.

Once the signature has been accepted it will appear below the Other Observations section of the report.

If the site representative is unavailable to provide a signature, the field user can use the Site Rep Unavailable button. This feature will allow the field user to record the site representative’s details but the details will not appear on the report.

When the site representative signature is added to the report it will be set to a read-only status and the data entry fields for the report will be locked to prevent further data entry or modification. If edits are required after the report has been set to read-only the site representative signature can be removed in QESTField or QESTLab.

To remove the site representative signature in QESTField, the field user can select the Unsign button located in the Site Rep Sign Off section.

To remove the site representative signature in QESTLab, on the right hand side below the report a user can select the Remove site rep signature button.

If the field representative signature is removed the report become editable but the following statement will be shown on the report in place of the signature:

A previous revision of this report was signed per the below. The report has since been modified.

Until such time as the site representative signature can be obtained again.

Sign and Publish

The field user can sign and publish (via Email or Construction Hive) the report to the client while they are on-site, effectively leaving a "copy" of their work on-site before they leave.

After the field user has signed the report a SHA-1 hash will be generated and applied to the report.


  • Signing will only be available to a user if they have the Signatory permission for the Daily Summary Field Inspection (119017).

  • Adding new recipients will will only be available to a user if they have the Add permission for the Contacts list of the appropriate laboratory.

  • The default publishing medium and whether a secondary publishing medium is available, are configured by options in Regions & Laboratories by an Administrator.

  • Publishing will only be available to a user if they have the Publish Test Reports & Forms permission or if the Document Level Option Always allow publishing from QESTField on the Daily Summary Field Report (119018) is set to true. If this Document Level Option is set to True,  all users will be able to publish the Daily Summary Field Report from QESTField, regardless of other publishing rights.

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