Managing People & Competencies

Managing People & Competencies

Applies to QESTLab

This article describes how to manage people and their competencies working on a specific project or in a specific laboratory.



All people in QEST Platform are managed centrally through the People node in the QESTLab tree. This includes users of the QEST Platform system but also people recorded on worksheets such as Sampled By who may be internal or external to the organization. The Sampled By list is visible under the Lists section in QESTLab, but provides a read-only view of the People in the system, any required modification of the entries needs to be completed through the People node in QESTLab.

Adding a Person

Please see Managing People | Adding a Person and Managing Users | Adding a User

Finding the Right Person

  1. Select the People node from the QESTLab tree.

  2. A list of available filters will be shown:

    1. All people - Displays all the people available at the laboratory context selected.

    2. Lab Technicians - Displays all the people that have been configured as Lab Technicians at the laboratory context selected.

    3. Field Technicians - Displays all the people that have been configured as Field Technicians at the laboratory context selected.

    4. All People by Role - Displays all the people available at the laboratory context selected grouped by all the roles they have. 

  3. Using one of the filters, find the right person and click on them in the QESTLab tree.

  4. The Person screen will load in the right hand pane.

Home Laboratory

People will only be listed in their home laboratory, if the required person cannot be located it may be that their home laboratory is not the same as the currently selected laboratory context.

Setting Competency Levels for People

Competencies for individuals can be managed, tracked and reported through QEST Platform by using the People node in QESTLab. Competencies can also be used to control the permissions for a user on a per test-method basis in QEST Platform. The competencies for a Person are set on the the Competency tab. This tab displays a list of all the test methods available in QEST Platform and allows for the setting of a competency level against each.

To set a competency level for a test method:

  1. Select either Tests, Specimens or Sampling Methods in the top section of the tab.

  2. Search for the specific test method to set a competency level for.

  3. Select the competency level from the dropdown in the Competency column.

  4. An Expiry Date will automatically be set based on the configuration of the competency.

If the person is a user they will automatically be given permissions for this test method based on the configuration of the competency. A user's complete permissions can be seen on the Permissions Preview tab. The competency can be renewed by updating the Expiry Date on the Competency tab.

If a login is required for a person this will need to be created by someone with the System Administrator permission. See Managing Users.

Competency Levels

Competency levels are configured at a system-wide level by someone with the Manage Competencies permission. See Managing Competencies for more information.

Permissions Preview


The permissions preview tab will display the set of permissions configured for the user based on the roles and competencies that have been selected for them. This tab can be used to determine whether a user has permissions for a specific test or feature of the QEST Platform.

Tracking & Reporting Competencies

Management reports can be created for tracking and reporting the competency levels and expiry dates for all the individuals on a project or at a laboratory. This can be used to ensure that people have the correct competencies and that they are kept up to date. The friendly Spectra QEST Service Desk team are available to help through the process of creating such a report, if desired.


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