BS EN 12350-1 Sampling Fresh Concrete
Applies to QEST Web App
A description of how the recording requirements are managed when sampling fresh concrete for testing and for making test specimens.
Qest ID: 16302
This document captures all of the necessary data related to the sampling of fresh concrete per BS EN 12350-1:2019 Testing fresh concrete - Part 1: Sampling and common apparatus.
This sampling method document, when added to a concrete sample document, will determine which test methods are compatible with, and able to be completed on, the sample document.
As a result, it is not possible to remove this document, from the sample document, once a test has been added to the sample document.
For more information on how the two documents interact, see:
Concrete Sample Document for QEST Web App
This worksheet contains a wide grid for some values.
When using tablet devices, landscape orientation will allow more of the grid to be shown at once.
Data Entry
This sampling method worksheet is available to users in two formats:
A stand-alone worksheet;
An embedded worksheet.
It is anticipated that the most commonly encountered format will be the latter.
When working with the embedded version of the worksheet, the full version can be accessed by clicking on the icon at the end of the worksheet’s name:
Generally, the worksheet consists only of places where required information can be recorded and its usage is uncomplicated and very straight forward.
Sampled By Others
This field is provided to indicate if sampling was carried out by staff internal to the organization using the QEST Platform, or if the result was provided by a third party.
Value | Action/Result |
Default | No action required. |
A checkbox, Data entry complete, is added to the sampling method worksheet., see below for more information. |
The field is read-only and can only be changed on the Concrete Sample document, where a checkbox is provided to do this, if required.
The Sampled By Others field is not present on the embedded format of the sampling method worksheet, as the Sampled By Others checkbox on the Concrete Sample document should be visible.
Data Entry Complete
The purpose of this checkbox is to give the user a way to indicate that they have completed data entry for all the fields that they have data for.
This checkbox is only visible when sampling is marked as being Tested By Others.
Selection | Action/Result |
Default |
Discharge Times
The ability to record discharge times is provided as an option by the worksheet.
Selection | Action/Result |
Default |
| |
Date and Time Field Automation
It can be seen that the sampling method worksheet contains a number of fields requiring date and time values. Entering all of these date and time fields on the worksheet manually is somewhat labour intensive. To assist the user, some Date and Time automation has been implemented.
The following rules for automating date and time input, when the target field is blank, are described below.
It is not expected that the provided values will always be correct, but hopefully they will be a reasonable starting point for the data entry, with a warning to the user that they should be changed. This does mean these warnings will almost always be shown after setting the date and time batched.
This automation only occurs if Sampled by Others is not checked. That is, it is not available for externally sampled concrete.
Target Field | Value | Triggered By |
Date and Time Lorry on Site | Date and Time Batched | After Date and Time Batched set |
Date and Time Discharge Started | Date and Time Batched | (After Date and Time Batched set, if Record discharge times is checked) And (Setting Record discharge times from unchecked to checked if Date and Time Batched has a value) |
Date and Time Discharge Finished | Date and Time Batched | (After Date and Time Batched set, if Record discharge times is checked) And (Setting Record discharge times from unchecked to checked, if Date and Time Batched has a value) |
Date and Time Sampled | Current Time | Worksheet Initialisation |
Resolving Date Sampled
There are fields for two sampling dates (and times) present on the sampling method worksheet. Individually, these can be used to record the date (and time) when:
The fresh concrete was sampled for testing the properties, such as slump, air content, etc, of the fresh concrete.
The concrete was sampled to make test specimens.
The following rules will be used to decide which date is to be recorded as the date sampled, (in order):
If the Date and Time Sampled or Date Sampled value for the field related to the Sampling for Specimens subsection is present, this value will be used.
If the above value is not present then the Date and Time Sampled or Date Sampled from the Sampling for Fresh Concrete Testing subsection will be used, if it is present.
If neither field on the sampling method worksheet is populated, the date sampled on the parent sample document will be cleared
The following equipment can be selected on the worksheet:
Equipment label | QESTID |
Thermometer | 30007 |
For equipment to be available for selection in equipment drop down boxes, the equipment item must first be created in QESTLab's Equipment list. Refer to article Creating Equipment.
The following results can be selected/unselected for reporting by ticking or unticking the checkboxes, as required, on the full sampling method worksheet. These are not visible on the embedded worksheet.
The results from this worksheet can be reported on the following test report.
Concrete Test Report
QESTID | 120021 |
Name | Concrete Test Report |
Child Of | Sample |
Reported Values
Field | Unit | Precision | Condition |
Sample ID |
| Always |
Sampling Location |
| |
Delivery Ticket |
| |
Weather |
| Optional |
Air Temperature | °C | 0.1 | |
Concrete Temperature | °C | 0.1 |
Batch Update Support
This worksheet is not supported on the batch update page.
Work Progress and Complete Status
The work progress rules noted below are the default set of rules for this test, these may be overwritten by system administrators and therefore behave differently on each QEST Platform instance.
Since this document will normally be completed within minutes, there is no point in displaying the progress as steps between 0 and 100%.
Progress (%) | Criteria |
0% | Sampling method document has been added to sample document |
100% | Minimum required data entry is complete |
This document is complete if either of the following is true
Conditions | |
1 | Both of the following checkboxes have been ticked:
2 | The following field has a value:
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