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AS 1012.13 - Determination of the drying shrinkage of concrete (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
BS EN 12350-1 Sampling Fresh Concrete (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
AS 1012.8.4: Making and curing concrete - Drying shrinkage specimens prepared in the field or in the laboratory (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
Strength & Measured Density Using the Concrete Sample Screen (AU) (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
Making and Curing Sawn Prisms for BS EN 12390-5 (Embedded) (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
Making and Curing Specimens BS EN 12390-2 (Embedded) (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)
Making and Curing Specimens in QEST Web App (QEST Platform 5.8 Documentation)