Generic Reduced Proctor Nuclear Density Testing Workflows

Generic Reduced Proctor Nuclear Density Testing Workflows

Applies to QESTField Tests

This article covers the data entry process for entering test results related to nuclear field density testing.



The Generic Reduced Proctor is a reduced Proctor test in the QEST Platform that allows the direct entry of the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values, as well as the test method by which these values were obtained. This workflow is intended to fill any gaps in Proctor test coverage within the QEST Platform where values from location-specific proctor tests must be used as a reference in nuclear density testing.

Re-use of Generic Proctor Tests

Once a Generic Reduced Proctor Test has been entered in the QEST Platform via QESTField or QESTLab, it can be referenced repeatedly by multiple field density tests, just like a native Proctor test. It may be beneficial to have these reduced tests entered on samples in QESTLab and simply referenced by field technicians. This workflow provides the option of entering these values in the field where one-point Proctors are used.

The data entry process in QESTField for the Generic Reduced Proctor is composed of a two-page workflow per shot of field density testing. This article will discuss how to add and complete data entry for a point of testing.

Data Entry


The Proctor section provides fields for entering the test data related to the Proctor test that must be referenced.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Sample ID

An automatically generated identifier for this test point and any material sampled from the location.


General supplier of the material under test. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Material Supplier list populated in QESTLab. 


General source of the material under test. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Material Source list populated in QESTLab. 


General description of the material or product under test, applicable to all samples on the work order. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Materials list populated in QESTLab. 

If the free entry option is enabled on this list by a system administrator via the QEST Administrator Console, the setting will be honored by QESTField Tests.

Test Method

The test method for the generic proctor. Options available here come from the Generic Reduced Proctor Test Methods (Agg/Soil) list populated in QESTLab. 

Maximum Dry Density (lb/ft³)

The maximum dry density of the material under test. 

Adjusted Maximum Dry Density (lb/ft³)

The adjusted maximum dry density of the material under test. If this is null, the maximum dry density will be used when importing to the relative compaction test.

Optimum Water Content (%)

The optimum water content of the material under test.

Adjusted Optimum Water Content (%)

The adjusted optimum water content of the material under test. If this is null, the optimum water content will be used when importing to the relative compaction test.

Oversize Material (%)

The percentage of oversize material present in the tested material.

Specific Gravity

The specific gravity of the oversize material.

Visual Description

The visual description of the material.

Externally Tested

A checkbox that defines whether or not the test was carried out and provided by an external organization.

These details will be shown on the second phase of the workflow as part of the reference maximum density. Once entered on a point of field density testing, these values can be referenced directly by any nuclear density test in the future.

Nuclear Density [ASTM D 6938] Sample Details

This section allows the entry of sample details.


If this sample is a retest of a previous sample, the previous sample can be referenced here.

Test Location

This section allows the entry of sample location.

Reference Maximum Density

This section allows the maximum density data to be imported from the Generic Reduced Proctor by selecting the sample it was entered on. This section does not prevent data being imported from any valid proctor test however.

Field Oversize

Field oversize details can be added in this section by checking Enter Field Oversize. The adjusted maximum density values will be re-calculated based on the field oversize values entered.

Direct entry of the oversize results is also supported by checking Direct Entry.

Field Density Test

This section allows the entry of test data relevant to the ASTM D 6938 test.

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information


The mode of the nuclear gauge.

Density Gauge

The density gauge used for the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.

Density Standard Count

The field density standard count.

Moisture Standard Count

The field moisture standard count.

Probe Depth (in)

The depth of the nuclear density probe at time of testing.

Density Test Count

The density count at the test site from the gauge.

Moisture Test Count

The moisture count at the test site from the gauge.

Wet Density (lb/ft³)

The wet density value as read directly from the gauge.

Moisture Content (%)

The moisture content value as read directly from the gauge.

Dry Density (lb/ft³)

The dry density value as read directly from the gauge.

Relative Compaction Results

If the necessary data has been entered for the Generic Reduced Proctor and the Nuclear Field Density, then the Relative Compaction results can be calculated.

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