Australian Standards Nuclear Density Testing Workflow
Applies to QESTField Tests
This article covers the data entry process for entering test results related to AS 1289.5.8.1 Field density and field moisture content of a soil using a nuclear surface moisture-density gauge - Direct transmission mode.
The data entry process in QESTField for AS 1289.5.8.1 is composed of a single-page workflow per field density test. This article will discuss how to add and complete data entry for a point of testing.
Data Entry
Refer to the Setup Section article for details on how to set the values in this section.
Sample Details
Importing a Laboratory Reference Density
Workflows that import a reference density value will not have fields to enter material details. Instead, the material details will be copied from the reference density sample. See the Importing a Laboratory Reference Density article for more information. Since most Australian Standards QESTField workflows do not import a reference density this is the case presented below.
Test Location
Refer to the Setup Section article for details on how to enter location values.
Field Density Test
This section allows the user to enter the test data relevant to the AS 1289.5.8.1 test.
Using Direct Reading of Wet Density from Gauge
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Mode | The mode of the nuclear gauge, locked to Direct Transmission for this test method. |
Density Gauge | The density gauge used for the test, from QESTLab's equipment register. |
Field DS | The field density standard count. |
Field MS | The field moisture standard count. |
Probe Depth (mm) | The depth of the nuclear density probe. |
Test Density Count | The density count at the test site from the gauge. |
Test Moisture Count | The moisture count at the test site from the gauge. |
Wet Density (t/m³) | The wet density value read directly from the gauge. |
Moisture Content (%) | The moisture content value read directly from the gauge. |
Moisture Density (t/m³) | A calculated moisture density value from the moisture content. Can be used to check the dry density value by subtracting this value from the wet density. |
Dry Density (t/m³) | The dry density value read directly from the gauge. |
Depth of Layer (mm) | Depth of the test layer. |
If the nuclear gauge being used has a completed calibration task against it that used the Calibration Equations from Standard Density Ratios worksheet, then the user will not be able to directly enter a wet density value. Please see the following section for more details.
Using Nuclear Gauge Calibration Equations
When wet density is to be determined using a calibration equation of the form Slope x Ln(DR) + Intercept where DR = Test Count/Density Standard Count, then the nuclear gauge must have a completed calibration task associated using the Calibration Equations from Standard Density Ratios worksheet. See Recording Nuclear Gauge Calibration Equation Values to AS 1289.5.8.4 and WA 135.1 (Method 1) for more details.
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Mode | The mode of function for the nuclear gauge, locked to Direct Transmission for this test method. |
Density Gauge | The density gauge used for the test, from QESTLab's equipment register. |
Calibration Equation | Fixed text describing the equation being used on the workflow |
Calibration Slope (t/m3) | Read-only field showing the slope calibration constant retrieved from the calibration worksheet for the given nuclear gauge, test depth and calculated density ratio. |
Calibration Intercept | Read-only field showing the intercept calibration constant retrieved from the calibration worksheet of the given nuclear gauge, test depth and calculated density ratio. |
Field DS | The field density standard count. |
Field MS | The field moisture standard count. |
Probe Depth (mm) | The depth of the nuclear density probe. |
Test Density Count | The density count at the test site from the gauge. |
Density Ratio | The calculated density ratio (DR) = Test Density Count / Field Density Standard Count |
Test Moisture Count | The moisture count at the test site from the gauge. |
Wet Density (t/m³) | The calculated wet density, calculated as:
Moisture Content (%) | The moisture content value read directly from the gauge. |
Moisture Density (t/m³) | A calculated moisture density value from the moisture content. Can be used to check the dry density value by subtracting this value from the wet density. |
Dry Density (t/m³) | The dry density value read directly from the gauge. |
Depth of Layer (mm) | Depth of the test layer. |
Other Tests
The Other Tests section will show a list of other tests added to the sample with this workflow. These are usually laboratory tests to be subsequently completed.
Available Workflows
There are five alternative workflows for the AS 1289.5.8.1 test method, as listed below.
Variant | Behaviour |
Nuclear Density [AS 1289.5.8.1] (CWD Hilf) | Adds a HILF converted wet density test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [AS 1289.5.8.1] (MDD 5.1.1 Std) | Adds a standard maximum dry density and compaction control test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [AS 1289.5.8.1] (MDD 5.2.1 Mod) | Adds a modified maximum dry density and compaction control test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [AS 1289.5.8.1] (MDD Import) | Does not add any laboratory tests to the sample. The reference density value will be imported from another sample. Intended to be used with assigned MDD values or when externally provided reference results must be used. See the Importing a Laboratory Reference Density article for more information on using this functionality. Allowable reference density test methods for import:
Nuclear Density [AS 1289.5.8.1] (Min/Max) | Adds a Min/Max Dry Density Cohesionless and density index test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
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