Slump Flow Testing (per RMS B80)

Slump Flow Testing (per RMS B80)

QEST Platform 5.7 Documentation
Applies to QESTField Tests

This article describes the data entry processes for self-consolidating and high workability concrete consistency tests for passing ability, stability, filling ability, viscosity and stability per RMS QA Specification B80.



Slump flow testing measurements are entered into QESTField through the use of the New Concrete Field Testing workflow. When testing concrete to RMS standards, the following slump flow methods can be selected from the Consistency Measured By drop down on the Product Information phase of the workflow.

  • SCC (RMS B80) - for assessment of self-consolidating concrete
  • HWC (RMS B80) - for assessment of high workability concrete

SCC (RMS B80) and HWC (RMS B80) are available for selection when the Standard is set to either AS (2015) or RMS.  When Consistency Measured By is set to either SCC (RMS B80) or HWC (RMS B80), the traditional slump test fields are no longer displayed on the Field Data phase and a new phase (either Self-Consolidating Concrete, or High Workability Concrete depending on the selection) is added to the workflow.

Changing Consistency Measured By

Changing the method used to measure consistency will delete any consistency data which currently exists. A confirmation dialog is displayed to the user to confirm the action.

Self-Consolidating Concrete

The Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) phase is added if the SCC (RMS B80) value is selected in the Consistency Measured By field. This phase allows for the entry of data related to Slump flow, T500, J-ring passing ability, and stability to RMS QA Specification B80.  Specification limits are set through the selection of a specification group and name, populated through QESTLab's Specifications.


This section assumes that an appropriate specification exists for RMS B80 SCC testing. For more information on configuring specifications see WIP Managing Specifications (2 B archived, but not yet!).

Slump Flow ASTM C 1611 - 2000

The Slump Flow, T500 and VSI rating is tested in accordance to ASTM C 1611. To comply with the minimum testing frequency requirements specified in the RMS B80 specification, each concrete sample on a work order includes an ASTM C 1611 slump flow test. 

Field PromptExpected Information
Specification GroupAllows the selection of a specification group.

Allows the selection of a specification which can apply limits to values such as Slump flow, T500, or VSI.

The entries available in the above two drop down boxes  are populated from QESTLab's Specifications.

Slump ConeThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Base PlateThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Measure Type

The type of measure. The list options are:

  • Measure 
  • Straight Edge
MeasureThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register. Will list either Measure or Straight Edge equipment items depending on the selection in the field above.
TimerThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Filling Procedure

The type of filling procedure. The list options are:

  • A - Upright Mould
  • B - Inverted Mould
Largest Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured largest diameter of spread.
Perpendicular Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured spread of the diameter perpendicular from the largest spread diameter.
Design Flow (mm):The design slump flow of the concrete. Copied from the Product Information phase, if entered.
Slump Flow (mm):The calculated slump flow of the concrete from the diameter spreads.
Design T500 (s)The design T500 of the concrete. Copied from the Product Information phase, if entered.
T500 (s)The measured T500 of the concrete.
VSI Value Rating

The Visual Stability Index value rating determined by visual inspection. The list options are:

  • 0 = Highly Stable
  • 1 = Stable
  • 2 = Unstable
  • 3 = Highly Unstable
RetestChecking this checkbox will add a second set of data entry such that the testing can be completed again. The first set of data will still be saved but will be excluded from checks against the specification and reporting.

For further samples, an ASTM C 1621 test can also be manually added when needed, at the bottom of the phase. When clicked, the button will add a data entry section for the test.  Once added, the ASTM C 1621 test can be deleted separately using the  button on the right side of the test method's title bar.

Field PromptExpected Information
J-RingThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Slump ConeThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Measure Type

The type of measure. The list options are:

  • Measure 
  • Straight Edge
MeasureThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register. Will list either Measure or Straight Edge equipment items depending on the selection in the field above.
Base PlateThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Largest Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured largest diameter of spread.
Perpendicular Diameter of the Spread (mm):The measured spread diameter perpendicular to the largest spread diameter.
J-Ring Flow (mm):The calculated J-Ring flow of the concrete from the diameter spreads.
Passing Ability (mm):The calculated passing ability of the concrete from the diameter spreads.
Blocking Assessment

The determined blocking assessment based on the passing ability:

  • 0 to 25 mm = No visible blocking
  • >25 to 50 mm = Minimal to noticeable blocking
  • >50 mm = Noticeable to extreme blocking
RetestChecking this checkbox will add a second set of data entry such that the testing can be completed again. The first set of data will still be saved but will be excluded from specification checks and reporting.

Segregation Resistance ASTM C 1712

Static Segregation Resistance is measured by Penetration Depth  in accordance with ASTM C 1712. To comply with the minimum testing frequency specified in RMS B80, an ASTM C 1712 test will automatically be added to the first concrete sample on the work order and every fourth sample, even when the VSI Value Rating from the ASTM C1611 Slump Flow test equals zero (highly stable) on all previous samples.

For further samples, an ASTM C 1712 test can also be manually added when needed, at the bottom of the phase. When clicked, the button will add a data entry section for the test.  Once added, the ASTM C 1712 test can be deleted separately using the  button on the right side of the test method's title bar.

Field PromptExpected Information
Slump ConeThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
SCC Penetration ApparatusThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
Initial Reading (mm):The initial reading from the equipment at the start of the test.
Final Reading (mm):The final reading from the equipment at the end of the test.
Penetration Depth (mm):The calculated penetration depth of the concrete from the initial and final readings.
RetestChecking this checkbox will add a second set of data entry such that the testing can be completed again. The first set of data will still be saved but will be excluded from specification checks and reporting.

J-Ring Test (Passing Ability - Height) EN 12350-12 - 2010

As mentioned above, the passing ability characteristic is tested in accordance to ASTM C 1621 for spread and EN 12350-12 for height. To comply with the minimum testing frequency specified in Table B80/G.3 of RMS B80, an EN 12350-12 test will automatically be added when no previous concrete sample on the work order has had an EN-12350-12 test performed.

For further samples, an EN-12350-12 test can be added when needed, at the bottom of the phase. When clicked, the button will add a data entry section for the test. Once added, the EN-12350-12 test can be deleted separately using the   button on the right side of the test method's title bar.

Field PromptExpected Information
Straight EdgeThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
J-RingThe equipment used to perform the test, from QESTLab's equipment register.
J-Ring Type

The type of J-Ring that was used. The options are:

  • Narrow Gap - J-Ring with 16 equally spaced bars (spacing of 41 ± 1 mm)
  • Wide Gap - J-Ring with 12 equally spaced bars (spacing of 59 ± 1 mm)
Test Date
The date of the test
Test Time
The time of the test
Age of Concrete (h)The calculated age of the concrete at time of test
Temperature of Concrete (°C)The temperature of the concrete
Central Height Difference dh0 (mm)The measured difference in height between the top of the J-Ring and concrete at the central point (dh0)
Height Difference 1 dhx1 (mm)The measured difference in height at the first reference point (dhx1)
Height Difference 2 dhx2 (mm)The measured difference in height at the second reference point (dhx2)
Height Difference 3 dhy1 (mm)The measured difference in height at the third reference point (dhy1)
Height Difference 4 dhy2 (mm)The measured difference in height at the forth reference point (dhy2)
Passing Ability (mm)

The calculated J-Ring passing ability.

Deviations From Test MethodAny deviation from the standard test method


Checkboxes are available on the Technician Summary phase of the workflow to allow reporting of Slump Flow, T500, VSI along with other results.

High Workability Concrete

The High Workability Concrete phase allows for the entry of data related to Slump flow, viscosity (T350), stability (VSI rating) to RMS QA Specification B80.  

Specification Requirements for HWC


This section assumes that an appropriate specification exists for RMS B80 HWC testing. For more information on configuring specifications see WIP Managing Specifications (2 B archived, but not yet!).

Multiple specifications may be needed for high workability concrete due to the notation on Table G.4. If a slump flow spread exceeds 550 mm, the concrete may be accepted if:

  • VSI rating is maintained as zero
  • ASTM C 1712 penetration ≤ 10 mm 
  • EN 12350-12 passing ability Δ Height ≤ 15mm.

To meet these requirements, users need to set up two specifications. Suggested examples are shown in the table below.

Test MethodPropertyRMS B80 (HWC) SpecificationRMS B80 (HWC Verification)
ASTM C 1611/RMS B80 G.3Slump Flow Spread250 mm to 550 mm≥250 mm
VSI= 0= 0
T3501 s to 5 s1 s to 5 s
ASTM C 1712Penetration-≤ 10 mm
EN 12350-12 Δ Height-≤ 15 mm

For any samples where the slump flow spread exceeds 550 mm, users could select the "verification" specification.  Setting the slump flow spread limit to ≥250 mm for the "verification" specification is technically correct, i.e. there is no maximum since the 550 mm limit no longer applies. The specification is only applicable in the situation where the value is > 550mm but if the value is ≤ 550mm the sample is not really out of specification.  Setting the limit to > 550 mm could assist the  field technician in choosing the correct specification but it could also falsely flag a sample as out of specification.

Slump Flow ASTM C 1611/RMS B80 G.3 - 2019

For high workability concrete, the Slump Flow, T350 and VSI rating for RMS B80 is tested in accordance ASTM C 1611 modified by Clause G3.2 of RMS B80. To comply with the minimum testing frequency requirements specified in RMS B80, each concrete sample on a work order includes an ASTM C 1611/RMS B80 G3.2 slump flow test.

This test is identical to ASTM C 1611, except that T500 (time to 500mm spread) is replaced by T350 (time to 350mm spread).

Field PromptExpected Information
Design T350 (s)The design T350 of the concrete. Copied from the Product Information phase, if entered.
T350 (s)The measured T350 of the concrete (time to 350mm spread)

HWC Segregation Resistance ASTM C 1712 - 2014

When further assessment of stability is required, the segregation resistance may be determined in accordance ASTM C 1712 and may be added manually for high workability concrete. Adding an ASTM C 1712 test to a HWC sample works the same way as described in the Segregation Resistance ASTM C 1712 section for SCC above.

HWC J-Ring Test (Passing Ability) EN 12350-12 - 2010

When further assessment of stability is required, the J-Ring passing ability may be determined in accordance with EN-12350-12 and may be added manually for high workability concrete. Adding an EN 12350-12 test to a HWC sample works the same way as described in the J-Ring Test (Passing Ability - Height) EN 12350-12 section for SCC above.

HWC Reporting

Refer to the Reporting section above for SCC.

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