Sand Replacement Density [BS 1377-9, Clause 2.2]
Applies to QESTField, QEST Web App
This article describes how to use the sand replacement density test worksheet relating to the BS standards.
Qest ID: 110467
- 1 Overview
- 2 Embedded Tests
- 3 Data Entry
- 3.1 Testing Requirements
- 3.2 Preparation
- 3.2.1 Measurement Application
- 3.2.2 Sand Batch
- 3.2.3 Sand Bulk Density Check
- 3.3 Retest
- 3.4 Laboratory Maximum Density
- 3.5 Measurements
- 3.6 Laboratory Moisture Content
- 4 Equipment List
- 5 Results
- 6 Reporting
- 7 Batch Update Support
- 8 Work Progress and Complete Status
The BS 1377-9 Clause 2.2 - 1990 Sand replacement method for determining the in-situ density of soil (Large Pouring Cylinder) provides a non-nuclear option for determining in-situ densities of earthworks and roadworks. However, it is not considered suitable for materials with little or low cohesion.
This article provides information on how the various choices available within the QEST Web App version of this test method provide the required pathways to deal with the variations within the test.
Embedded Tests
General functionality is described in the article Associated Test Results.
The following associated test method is embedded in this worksheet:
BS 1377-2:1990 Clause 3.2 Moisture Content Test
Data Entry
This article uses the following abbreviations throughout:
MDD for Maximum Dry Density
OMC for Optimum Moisture Content
Testing Requirements
To carry out a sand replacement test, the following are required:
A batch of density sand calibrated and recorded.
Sand Pouring Apparatus equipment calibrated and recorded.
If the result is to be used for compaction control, a sample/test containing MDD/OMC results.
The Preparation section of the worksheet contains a number of pre-testing options:
Measurement Application
Sand Pouring Apparatus
Sand Batch
Sand Bulk Density Check
The usage requirements for some of these are obvious. Some of the others may require some additional explanation (see below).
Measurement Application
The sand replacement density test may be used in two different ways:
Absolute value
Used when only the density property of a soil is required.Compliance testing
Used when density properties are required for compaction control on roadworks and earthworks projects.
The Measurement Application radio button set contains contains two buttons with these prompts:
Absolute value tests
Compliance test for compacted material (default)
The choice made here alters the appearance and behavior of the worksheet. The effects on the worksheet are discussed below.
Selection | Action |
| |
This set of radio buttons is linked to the drop-down list of the same name in the SD phase of the Edit Sand Replacement Density [BS 1377-9, Clause 2.2] workflow.
Changes made in either place affect both places.
Sand Batch
Each batch of density sand used for testing should be assigned to a QESTLab consumable equipment item of the type Sand - Bulk Density (30157).
The Sand Batch drop-down list will display all the currently available batches of density sand.
Once a batch of density sand has been used up, or is no longer required, the associated equipment item should be marked as Not in Service.
Only users with permission to edit this equipment will be able to do this.
Sand Bulk Density Check
When a density sand is calibrated, the mass of sand retained in the cone of the apparatus is recorded as a calibration value.
At the time of testing, the Field Technician can choose to check this mass, or not.
A significant difference (more than ± 20 g) between the calibrated value and the tested value implies that there is something wrong with the original calibration and the whole batch of sand should be re-calibrated.
Selection | Action |
Nothing needs to be done. | |
Shows field: Checks the measured value against the value imported from the Sand Cone calibration.
Default selection
By default, the second option, Check, will be selected on the first test of this type on a work order when ordered by sample ID.
On all subsequent tests the selection will be None by default.
This section provides the opportunity to carry out a retest near the location where a previous test failed to meet the required specification.
The retest section is only visible when carrying out compliance testing.
Selection | Action |
Default No action required. | |
| Ticking this box marks this test as a “retest” and displays the Find Failing Tests functionality.
The list, Previous Failing Test, contains tests that have failed to meet the requirements of the set specification, when they were tested. Tests in this list are the original tests that failed, that is, the list only contains failed tests that are not retests.
Selecting a test in this list, identifies the test whose value is being retested.
Failing Test
Tests can only be marked as a “Failing test” if they fail to meet the requirements of an applied test specification.
That is, a test cannot be added to the Previous Failing Test list, and therefore cannot be retested, unless a test specification has been used in the original test.
Laboratory Maximum Density
This section provides the ability to import laboratory reference values for compaction control calculations.
If required, the particle density can also be imported with the compaction results.
The laboratory maximum density section is only visible when carrying out compliance testing.
Particle Density Determination
Selection | Action |
| |
The above behavior for the Particle Density Determination group is over-ridden if the imported compaction result also contains a value for particle density. In this case, the selection for the determination method is automatically set to Imported and the group is locked.
Importing Compaction Results
The only option here is to import results from another test
Clicking on the empty drop-down list causes a search for likely samples, containing suitable tests, to import results from
When the list is populated, the desired test can be selected
When a test is selected, the results will not be imported until the Import button is clicked
When a test is imported, a section displaying the details of the imported test is displayed
Clicking on the Change button will hide this section and clear the imported values
The list of tests available for importing will also be cleared
To select a different sample to import results from requires that the selection and importing processes are repeated
This is the main data entry area for the test. Values are required for all user input fields:
Mass of Excavated Wet Soil
Initial Mass of Sand
Mass of Sand After Pouring
The calibration of the Sand Pouring Apparatus records the initial mass of sand used in the apparatus calibration. The same amount of sand should be used as the Initial Mass of Sand, in the test.
Laboratory Moisture Content
This section is an embedded BS 1377-2:1990 Clause 3.2 Moisture Content Test.
For further details on using this section, refer to the Moisture Content Test documentation page.
The dry masses in the embedded water contents in the grid will be available for dry mass data entry in the Dry Mass Entry grid if the trial point is not excluded.
Equipment List
For equipment to be available for selection in equipment drop down boxes, the equipment item must first be created in QESTLab's Equipment list. Refer to article Creating Equipment.
The following equipment can be selected on the worksheet:
Worksheet Equipment Name | Equivalent to Qest Equipment Item (Qest ID) |
Sand Pouring Apparatus | Sand Cone Pouring Apparatus (30094) |
Sand Batch | Sand - Bulk Density (30157) |
Balance | Balance (30005) |
Oven | Oven (30004) |
Some equipment on this worksheet imports equipment properties or calibration values.
Ensure that these properties and values are set on the relevant equipment in order to avoid having to enter these values every time.
The appearance of the Results section varies with the choice made for the Measurement Application.
When testing for Absolute Values, only the Moisture Content and Dry Density values are shown.
For Compliance Testing, additional values are displayed.
The results from this worksheet can be reporting on the following test report.
In-situ Density by Sand Replacement Report
Absolute Value Mode
Compliance Testing Mode
This report is a multi-sample report and is added as a work order level report. That is, only one report per work order is required.
QESTID | 110273 |
Name | In-situ Density by Sand Replacement Report |
Child Of | Work order |
Reported Values
Field | Database Field Name | Unit | Precision | Condition |
Bulk Density | InSituWetDensity | Mg/m3 | Nearest 0.01 | Always |
Moisture Content | InSituMoistureContent | % | 2 SF | Always |
Dry Density | InsituDryDensity | Mg/m3 | Nearest 0.01 | Always |
Maximum Dry Density | ReferenceDensityMaximumDryDensity | Mg/m3 | Nearest 0.01 | Conditional |
Optimum Moisture Content | ReferenceDensityOptimumMoistureContent | % | 2 SF | Conditional |
Particle Density | ReferenceDensityParticleDensity | Mg/m3 | Nearest 0.01 | Conditional |
Relative Compaction | RelativeCompaction | % | Nearest 0.1 | Conditional |
Air Voids | InSituAirVoids | % | Nearest 0.1 | Conditional |
When the Compliance Testing mode is used, the report can be customized through the use of the following radio buttons:
Batch Update Support
The following fields from this test are available on the batch update page:
Particle Density Determination
Assumed Particle Density
Refence Density
Reported Results
Work Progress and Complete Status
The work progress rules noted below are the default set of rules for this test.
These may be overwritten by system administrators and therefore behave differently on each QEST Platform instance.
Progress (%) | Criteria |
0% | Sample has been created and this test has been added. |
50% | Bulk density value has been calculated. |
100% | All results have been calculated. |
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