Enabling QESTField Workflows
QEST Platform 4.91
Applies to QESTField
This article describes how to enable QESTField Workflows at specific laboratories and regions.
The QESTField Workflows displayed to field users on the work order page can be configured in the QEST Administrator Console. These workflows can be enabled for specific regions and laboratories such that field users only see workflows relevant to that location.
Workflow Availability
QESTField Workflows can be enabled via the QESTField tab of the Regions and Laboratories node of the QEST Administrator Console. The workflows displayed are restricted by a View Configuration that represents the geographical location of the company and the type of work that they do. This way only relevant QESTField workflows will be displayed.
- To enable a workflows, select the appropriate Laboratory or Region from the left hand panel.
- Select the QESTField tab under Inherited Details.
- Check the box of workflows that should be enabled at this location.
When a workflow is enabled at a region or laboratory, all child regions and laboratories will also be enabled for the workflow automatically. When viewing these child regions and laboratories, the check boxes for the automatically enabled workflows will be marked as checked and disabled.
It is possible to select a different View Configuration, however this is not recommended unless specifically directed to by Spectra QEST as it may lead to unexpected behavior. A warning will be displayed to the user if this is attempted.
Standard Workflows
The following workflows are standard workflows that it is recommended are enabled at all locations.
- Add New Work Order
- Add Test Report Image
- Edit Work Order
- Finalize Work Order
QESTField Home Page Search
A Search for Work Orders workflow is automatically enabled for the QESTField Home Page. This allows search for assigned work using work date for the logged in field user. It is possible to enable a Search for Work Orders with Field Technician workflow at the Default region which will apply to all locations. This workflow allows the user to search for a different field technician's assigned work using work date.
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