Sand Replacement Tests

Sand Replacement Tests

QEST Platform 4.91
Applies to QESTLab

There are a number of elements common to every Sand Replacement Test in QESTLab.  This article describes the functionality of these elements.  For Differences between specific standards or test method bodies please refer to the article specific to that test method or standards body.


Worksheet Layout

QESTLab worksheets for this test type are laid out in the following manner.  Note that 

  1. Individual elements may be named slightly differently for the purposes of familiarity in different regions but the main elements remain largely the same.
  2. The units shown on the test will differ based on the units configuration of the QESTLab system in use and potentially document level options.


The following equipment can be selected on the worksheet:

Equipment label

Qest ID


Imported Data

The following data is imported onto this test from other tests.

Moisture Content

The Moisture Content (%) can be imported from a moisture content test.

ResultAllowable Test MethodsFound ByImported ToUsed For
Moisture ContentAll moisture content testsSibling testMoisture content field on the Procedure tabDetermining the dry density of soil.
Moisture Content MethodAll moisture content testsSibling testMoisture Content Method field on the Procedure tabReporting

Data Entry

Equipment/Description Tab

The data entered on the Equipment/Description tab includes details such as:

  • Type of Equipment used
  • Which Sand Cone Pouring Apparatus was used and the volume of the apparatus
  • Dimensions of the hole excavated for the test

Calibration of Apparatus Tab

The data entered on the Calibration of apparatus tab includes the measured mass for the Pouring Apparatus and Pouring Density.

  • The data entered for Pouring Apparatus section will determine the exact Mass of Sand in the Sand Pouring Apparatus for the three tests performed.
  • The data entered in the Pouring Density section will determine the mass sand required to fill the calibrating cylinder and calculate the Pouring Density of Sand.

Procedure Tab

The data entered on the Procedure tab includes the measured masses for the Surface Correction and Hole Excavation of the test.

  • The data entered in the Surface Correction frame will adjust the Volume of the Hole in the Hole Excavation frame.
  • The data entered in the Hole Excavation frame will determine the Volume of Hole and Mass of Excavated Soil.
  • The Mass and Volume of Foreign Materials is classified as oversized material such as large gravels or cobbles encountered while excavating the test hole.

Calculated Results/Results Frame

  • Mean Mass of Sand in Sand Pouring Apparatus, is the mean of the results reported in Pouring Apparatus frame of the Calibration of apparatus tab.
  • Mean Pouring Density of Sand, is the mean of the results reported in the Pouring Density frame of the Calibration of apparatus tab.
  • Mass of the Sand Required to Fill the Excavated Hole, is the bulk entry of the measured mass of the excavated soil and container in the Hole Excavation frame of the Procedure tab.
  • Wet Density of Soil, is calculated from the data entered and results from the Hole Excavation frame of the Procedure tab.
  • Dry Density of Soil, is calculated from the data entered, the imported moisture content result and results from the Hole Excavation frame of the Procedure tab.

Bulk Entry

All data for Compacted Density of Soils and Crushed Rock (Sand Replacement) can occur on the bulk entry screen and will map directly to the full worksheet.


The results from this worksheet can be reported on the following test reports.

Aggregate Soil Test Report

The results from this worksheet can be reported on an Aggregate/Soil Test Report (if required).


Qest ID18909
NameAggregate/Soil Test Report
Child OfAggregate/Soil Sample

Multiple Sample Agg/Soil Test Report

The results from this worksheet can be reported on a Multiple Sample Agg/Soil Test Report (if required).


Qest ID18980
NameMultiple Sample Agg/Soil Test Report
Child OfWork Order 

Dry Density Ratio Report

The results from this worksheet can be reported on a Dry Density Ratio Report (if required).


Qest ID18993
NameDry Density Ratio Report
Child OfWork Order 

Reported Values

The exact reported values and resolution of these test reports will differ per test method and are explained in the documentation for specific test methods.

Test Methods

Differences from or additional functionality to that described above are captured in the following articles.

Queensland TMR Test Methods

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