Adding Field Test Workflows
QEST Platform 4.92 and 4.93
Applies to QESTField Tests
This article describes how a field user can add tests in the field using QESTField Tests.
Field test workflows can be added to Work Orders which are displayed on the QESTField Home page. A list of available workflows is displayed on the work order for the user to select from so that they can begin a new set of testing.
Starting a New Field Test Workflow
Open an existing work order (or create a new one) and scroll down to the Workflows section.
A list of available workflow links is displayed. After the Edit Work Order, Finalize Work Order, Manage Test Report Images workflows, the new workflow links are displayed in their own grouping. New workflow links for the available inspection, sample pick up, form and test workflows are displayed and further grouped under folders. To start a new field test workflow, tap on the appropriate workflow, e.g., New Nuclear Density [ASTM D 6938]. A folder such as New Test may need to be expanded first by tapping it. This will add a new field test workflow and open the workflow page for editing.
The available field test workflows displayed for a work order are configured by location (laboratory or region) through the QEST Administrator Console.
Adding a Subsequent Test
There are a number of tests conducted in the field which are often repeated at different locations. Adding Subsequent Tests allows the user to quickly and efficiently enter data for repeated tests and the shared data is automatically copied to the new test workflow.
After entering data for a field density or concrete workflow, scroll down to the end of the page.
Instead of tapping the Done button which would save the workflow and go back to the Work Order page, tap on the + Add New button. The workflow will be saved and a new workflow of the same type will automatically be added and started.
Shared information that does not change between tests such as Specification and General Location will automatically be copied to the new test workflow. Specific information such as the Location will need to be filled out. This allows the rapid data entry for multiple test workflows to be done with ease.
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