Publishing Milestone Reports
QEST Platform 4.92 and 4.93
Applies to Construction Hive
This article explains how to publish milestone reports in Construction Hive, resulting in one deliverable composed of multiple individual documents.
Construction Hive provides the ability to consolidate reports into one deliverable. This can be used in situations where:
Project requirements (especially for DOT customers) specify that summary reports are provided weekly rather than individually
Customers demand reports via email, consolidating reports reduces the volume of emails that need to be sent and received
Project managers desire more flexibility in timing of report review (if a weekly consolidated report is being sent, project managers can review reports every few days rather than every day)
Reports can be consolidated into a single deliverable, a milestone report, published and distributed to customers through the publish milestone report functionality in Construction Hive.
A milestone report can contain:
- An optional, manually uploaded, cover document,
- An optional, automatically generated, table of contents,
- Any documents published to Construction Hive for the same project that the milestone report is being prepared for,
- PDF files manually uploaded during the milestone report construction process.
Starting a Milestone Report
Once logged in to Construction Hive, a user can navigate to the Publish Milestone Report page which can be found under the Documents dropdown.
Milestone Reports can be created and published by any user with the Publisher permission.
Selecting a Project
To start the process, the user will need to select a project and a date range for which to construct a milestone report.
The date range for the milestone report will, by default, be set to include all documents with an Activity Date in the last week. For more information on activity dates, see Activity Dates.
The Project field will auto-complete from partial matches and will match the project's name or code.
After selecting a project, the Project Code and Company will be displayed and the remainder of the page will appear.
Adding Documents to a Milestone Report
Selecting a Cover Document
A PDF file can be attached to the beginning of the milestone report to act as a cover page/document. If no file is provided it is assumed no cover document is required.
Including Contents Page
If Add Contents Page is checked a contents page will be generated and included at the start of the milestone report (after the cover document if one is provided). This is checked by default.
The generated contents page will contain a table with a row for each document contained in the milestone report. The row will display the Document Number, Description and Page Number. Optionally the Activity Date, Field Technician and Field Work Date can be included per document.
Selecting Previously Published Documents
A document section allows the user to select a set of documents published to the selected project to include in a milestone report. When the first document section is loaded for a milestone report it will show the latest revisions of documents that have published to Construction Hive on the same project. Documents from the project will be show where they:
Have an Activity Date that falls within the date range selected in the Project section
Are not themselves a milestone report
Documents can be further filtered using the Tags and Types buttons above the table of documents, much like the search functionality in Construction Hive.
The Activity Date shown here will be the most recent Activity Date that falls within the date range of the milestone report. Mouse hover over the date to display a list of all the activity dates for the document. For more information, see Activity Dates.
Documents can also be reordered manually by dragging the row for the document into its new position.
Only one document section can be actively edited at a time. Clicking on the I've finished selecting documents will lock in the selection and the current order.
The user can edit a finalised document section by clicking the edit link, as long as no other document section is currently being edited for this milestone report.
When editing the document section, the delete link will remove the document section entirely.
Milestone Report Related Statuses
The far right columns of the table of documents, informs the user of milestone report related statuses of the document. When an icon is displayed for a document, mouse hover on the icon will display further information. The following statuses can be displayed:
Name | Icon | Message | Notes |
On other milestone reports | This revision of the document has been previously included in milestone reports: | A list of clickable report number links will be displayed. | |
On other milestone reports | A previous revision of this document has been included in milestone reports: | A list of clickable report number links will be displayed. | |
New document revision | A new revision of the document has been published and will be included in this milestone report revision. | This will only be displayed when creating a new revision of an existing milestone report. |
Selecting Documents from File
A file section allows users to include a PDF file from their computer in the milestone report. Users can click the link to browse for a file, or drag and drop the file into the File Section (for supported browsers).
While the file is uploading, an indication of progress will be shown along with a link to cancel the upload:
When complete, the user will be presented with
Details of the uploaded file (file name, status and size)
An option to re-number pages in the uploaded file. This is checked by default. See Page Re-numbering for more information.
A text input to enter a description of the file for the Contents table.
To replace the uploaded file with a different one, click Remove to remove the current file and reset this section to its initial state.
Maximum allowable size for the PDF file is 50MB per file section
If a file section does not contain a file it will be ignored
Adding Multiple File and Document Sections
The user can add multiple file and document sections to the milestone report. This will allow the attachment of large plans or other reference material into the middle of the milestone report that may not be present in the individual published documents. New sections can be added using the add section links above the Details section. The add document section link will only be active if all of the document sections currently on the milestone report have been finalized. For additional document sections, documents that are already included in any other document section will not be shown.
Reorganizing Sections
The position of each section on the page will dictate the order the documents and files are placed within the milestone report. The user will be able to add, remove and re-position file and document sections freely (apart from the cover document section). Sections can be added and removed using the add and delete links described above. To re-position a section, click and hold on the handle icon (
) next to the section heading and drag the section into its new position.- At least one completed section is required to generate a milestone report. A completed file section contains an uploaded file, a completed document section has at least one document selected.
- The Total File Size of all selected documents cannot exceed 200MB.
Milestone Report Properties
The details section will allow the user to define the following properties of the milestone report:
Property | Notes | Default Value |
Document Type | Used for searching and shown in search results as a column in Construction Hive. | Milestone Report |
Report Number | Used for searching and shown in search results as a column in Construction Hive. Shown on the milestone report contents page if one is included. | MSR:[Project Number]-[Start Date]-[End Date] |
Document Tags | Automatically populated semi-colon separated list of tags, containing the tag "milestone" and all tags on documents the user has selected. This is read-only. | Starts out as "milestone;". Will be automatically updated when documents are added or removed from a Documents section. |
Additional Tags | Manually defined additional tags defined as semi-colon separated items. These will be added to the list of automatically generated document tags to be used in searching and filtering. | Empty |
Status Flags | Used for searching, shown in search results and used to trigger special notifications based on user settings. Milestone reports can be marked as urgent. | False |
Previewing the PDF
Clicking on the Generate Preview button will construct the milestone report PDF based on the current selections. When this is complete, users can look over the preview page thumbnails with the provided control to ensure that their selections are correct.
If any subsequent changes are made to the milestone report that affect its appearance, this preview will be invalidated. A watermark will appear over preview images and the Generate Preview button will reappear so the user can regenerate the preview.
Selecting the Distribution
Contacts for the selected project with an email address are displayed to be selected for distribution. Contacts are updated when a report is published from QESTLab or QESTField. By default, no contacts will be selected. After the user has published their first milestone report for a project, the selected contacts will be remembered for the next milestone report for that project.
Additional recipients can be added by entering an email and clicking Add.
A message can included in the generated notification email.
Publishing the Milestone Report
Clicking the Publish button will trigger the following processes:
- Documents and files will be combined into a single PDF file,
- Pages will be re-numbered on applicable sections. See Page Re-numbering for more information,
- The milestone report will be published to the selected recipients.
Once the milestone report is successfully published, the user will be redirected to the newly published milestone report in Construction Hive.
Milestone Report Revisions
New revision of a milestone report can be created using the + add a new revision link in the Report Revisions box on the milestone report page.
The page to customize the new milestone report revision will be similar to when creating a new milestone report. However, by default, all of the sections will be completed on the new revision as they were for the previous revision (including selected documents and attached files).
The following differences apply when adding a milestone report revision.
- The Project section is replaced by a Filter section which only allows changes to the Activity Date range of the milestone report. Note if any selected documents fall outside of the new range, the user will be warned and prompted to confirm the change.
- In the Details section, Document Type and Report No. cannot be changed and are no longer shown.
- A Cancel button appears on the page to allow users to return to the milestone report without adding a new revision.
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