Managing Roles
Applies to QESTLab
This article describes how to add new roles to the system and manage them.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Adding a Role
- 3 Selecting Role Permissions
- 3.1 General Rights
- 3.2 Work Order / Samples
- 3.3 Tests
- 3.4 Specimens
- 3.5 Reports
- 3.6 Sundry Documents
- 3.7 Equipment
- 3.8 Equipment Documents
- 3.9 Lists
- 3.10 Reports & Charts
- 3.11 Material Management
- 3.12 Laboratories
- 3.13 Forms
Roles represent a set of permissions that relate to a specific type of role that a user will have. These roles can then be assigned to users so that they have the correct permissions in the system to be able to perform these roles.
Adding a Role
Select the Role node from the QESTLab tree and click New Role.
Enter a name for the role.
Click OK.
Selecting Role Permissions
The permissions for the role can be entered in the right hand pane. A list of permission groupings can be seen at the top of the role page. Selecting one of these groups will display the permissions for that group underneath.
General Rights
Allow Data Capture: Allows the user to create data captures of work orders for troubleshooting purposes.
Allow Data Restore: Allows the user to restore data captures from other QEST Platform systems for troubleshooting purposes.
Approve Invoices & Credit Notes: Allows the user to approve invoices and credit notes (separate to signing).
Approve Price List: Allows the user to approve price lists.
Archived Test Report: Allows the user to view the archived copies of test reports created when the reports are signed.
Calibrate Equipment: Allows the user to record the results of equipment calibrations.
Create Credit Notes: Allows the user to create credit notes.
Data Entry: Used for dedicated data entry staff. When entering test results from a printed worksheet the data entry right allows them to choose which technician performed a test. Other users are only allowed to record themselves as the tester.
Design Reports/Charts: Allows the user to design new reports and charts as well as modify existing ones.
Edit Data: Allows the user to edit data. If a person does not have this permission everything is read only.
Edit Data Filters / Exception Filters: Allows the user to add new filters and modify existing filters, to allow advanced searching on samples, tests and other documents as well as retrieving data for management reports and charts.
Edit Specifications: Allows the user to create and modify specifications (see Managing Specifications).
Export: Allows the user to Export to File test reports and management reports as well as Export to CSV management reports.
Lab Supervisor: Allows the user to modify test results that have already been checked. Users without this permission will have tests and samples set to read-only after checking. They may also, depending on configuration:
be the only user able to view and edit billing data.
be the only user able to changed the Measured By / Crushed By fields on concrete specimens.
Manage Audit Trail: Allows viewing of the audit trail.
Manage Competency Levels: Allows the user to create and modify competencies. The general Person right is also required.
Manage Person Competencies: Allows competencies to be set via the People screen. Users with the Manage Person Competencies permission but not the Person permission now have access to the People node in QESTLab. When a person is loaded in the right-hand pane, only the Competency tab will be editable.
Manage Qualifications: Allows the user to create and modify qualifications. The general Person right is also required.
Manage Sample Methods: Allows the user to create and modify sample methods.
Manage Work Templates: Allows the user to create and modify work templates.
Person: Allows the user to create, view, and modify people in the system. Additionally confers the ability to delete People records if no login information is present related to that record.
Publish Invoices: Allows the user to publish invoices.
Publish Management Reports: Allows the user to publish management reports (email only).
Publish Test Reports & Forms: Allows the user to publish test reports & forms.
Raise Invoices: For customers using invoicing from within QESTLab, this right allows the raising of invoices with new billing items.
Report: Allows the user to access management reports and charts.
Report Views: Allows the user to create and modify the views user by management reports and charts.
Role: Allows the user to create, view and modify roles in the system.
Scheduler: Allows the user to access QESTField Scheduler.
Signatory: Allows the user to sign reports. Note that:
Signatory rights must be set on a per-Form basis for customers using QESTField Forms
Signatory rights also need to be set on the individual tests being reported if extended NATA security is used.
System Administrator: This is for users who will be managing the QEST Platform system. The main features include:
The ability to login to the QEST Admin Console.
The ability to login to the QEST AS1379 Production Assessment application (dependent on licensing).
The ability to manage the QESTLab logins and passwords of people in QEST Platform.
Update Billing: Allows the user to bulk update billing for documents based on a laboratory, client, project and date range filter.
Work Order / Samples
The list of licensed work orders and samples that users can be given access and delete permissions for.
The list of licensed tests that user can be given access and signatory permissions for. These can be ordered by name or method and grouped by test type to help with selection.
The list of licensed concrete and masonry specimens that users can be given access permissions for.
The list of licensed reports that users can be given access permissions for. It is unnecessary to be a signatory of a report to sign a report, rather it is necessary to be a signatory of the tests that are reported on the report.
Sundry Documents
The list of licensed documents that do not fall under any other category that a user can be given access permission for (e.g. Invoice).
The list of licensed equipment that users can be given access permissions for. This will give the user read, edit, add and delete permission.
If the option Complex Equipment Permissions is set to Yes, read, edit, add and delete permissions can set individually for each equipment.
Equipment Documents
The list of licensed equipment that users can be given access permissions for (e.g. Equipment History Report).
The list of licensed lists that users can be given access permissions for. This will give the user read, edit, add and delete permission.
If the option Complex List Permissions is set to Yes, read, edit, add and delete permissions can set individually for each list per laboratory.
Reports & Charts
The list of Reports & Charts groupings that users can be given access permissions for. Users can be given access to all Reports & Charts or only specific groups.
Material Management
The list of licensed documents related to material management that users can be given access permissions for.
The list of laboratories that users can be given access permissions for. This can allow the configuring of permissions for a large number of people, if they require the same laboratory access. Otherwise it is encouraged to configure laboratory permissions via the QESTLab Laboratory Permissions of individual people on the People page.
The list of forms added to the system to which users can be given access and signatory permissions. This permission group will only appear when the installed license includes a product license for QESTField Forms.
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