Air Content of Fresh Concrete (AS 1012.4.2:2014)

Air Content of Fresh Concrete (AS 1012.4.2:2014)

QEST Platform 5.0 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab

This page describes how to use the Concrete Sample (AU) screen to to record the results of the test for determining the air content of fresh concrete, where the data is recorded originally on paper worksheets.



Results for the air content of freshly mixed concrete can either be entered in full on the Concrete Sample (AU) screen, or as final results in bulk entry.

Data Entry Using the Concrete Sample (AU) Screen

The air content test results can be entered directly at the bottom of the sample screen on the Measurements & Curing tab.

More details

Detailed descriptions of the required fields can be found in the test method description.

Air content values can either be free entered or calculated from individual readings depending on how much data entry is required, and whether you want to record intermediate values. There are three potential ways to enter the data:

The Measured Air Content can be directly entered:

  • Uncheck the Calculate (Measured Air Content) checkbox. This will lock and clear all the other fields which are no longer relevant, and leave the air content unlocked for free entry.

To calculate the Measured Air Content, enter an Apparent Air Content and Aggregate Correction Factor. Depending on whether or not there are air gauge equipment values to record, the Apparent Air Content can either be:

  • Directly entered by unchecking the Calculate (Apparent Air Content) checkbox and entering the Apparent Air Content (%).
  • Calculated by checking the Calculate (Apparent Air Content) checkbox and entering the Air Gauge equipment's values.

Data Entry Using Bulk Entry Screen

Bulk entry has been designed to allow either entry of final results, or to avoid interfering with individual readings if they exist (entered either by QESTField or QESTLab).

Note that the following fields are not available on all bulk entry views.

Field Prompt
Field Type
Air Content AsDropdown

A dropdown consisting of the following values:

  • Actual
  • Apparent
  • Calculated From Readings

The behaviour of each is as follows.

Note that using either the Actual or Apparent option clears any existing air content data not shown (air gauge readings, etc.).


The Measured Air (%) field is displayed and allows direct entry of the measured air content. 


The Apparent Air (%) field is displayed and allows direct entry of apparent air content.

Calculated From Readings

The Measured Air (%) field is displayed, is read-only, and shows the calculated air content value from the individual readings.

Apparent Air (%)NumberRounded to the nearest 0.1.
Measured Air (%)NumberRounded to the nearest 0.2.
Air Content CompactionDropdownSets the Air Content Compaction Method based on the Concrete Compaction Method list.

Reporting Air Content

Reporting of air content takes place on the Concrete Test Report (AU) as described in the test method description.

Options controlling the reporting of air content are provided on the Options tab of the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.

Field Prompt
Field Type
 Air ContentCheckboxControls whether or not air content test results are reported for this sample.
 Air Content CompactionCheckboxControls whether or not the Air (%) Compaction is reported.

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