WA - Soil and Aggregate Field Density Testing Process

WA - Soil and Aggregate Field Density Testing Process

QEST Platform 5.1 Documentation 
Applies to QESTLab

This article describes the necessary work order structure and data entry process in QESTLab for field density testing to WA test methods.


Work Order Structure

Field Density Testing

An example work order structure of a WA density test is shown below.

Work order structure for WA field density tests contain aggregate/soil samples with the following tests as children of the sample:

  • Field Density - an option of one of the following:
    • Nuclear Field Density
    • Field Density Sand Replacement
  • Reference Density Result - an option of one of the following:
    • Maximum Dry Density - Standard
    • Maximum Dry Density - Modified
  • Moisture Content
  • Dry Density Ratio and Moisture Ratio  

Homogeneous Lots

For homogeneous lots as defined in WA 134.1 the reference density tests should be made optional for each sample. It will only be necessary to add these tests on a subset of the samples on the work order as required by WA 134.1.

And the following tests on the work order level:

  • Dry Density Ratio Report
  • Lot Conformity (WA) (optional) 

The worksheets need to be completed so they can be referenced on the Dry Density Ratio and Moisture Ratio worksheet. The exact details for each completing each of these worksheets is explained in the documentation for each specific test method. The results from the Dry Density Ratio and Moisture Ratio worksheet are then reported onto a work order level Dry Density Ratio Report and the statistics consolidated on the Lot Conformity document.

Dryback Testing

Example work order structures for WA dryback testing are shown below.

Basecourse Material

Basecourse material requires two moisture content tests per sample, one for the upper layer and one for the lower layer. The dry density ratio and moisture ratio test will be used to import reference density values from a previous field density testing work order and calculate the moisture ratios for the sample.

Work Template Recommended

It is recommended that dryback samples for basecourse material are added via QESTField or through the use of a work template with Predefined Values such that the moisture content tests are pre-set for basecourse dryback testing with the layers already entered. The values to predefine on the WA110.1 test are:

DrybackTesting = True

DrybackLayer = Upper or DrybackLayer = Lower

Non-Basecourse Material

Non-basecourse materials require only a single moisture content. The dry density ratio and moisture ratio test will be used to import reference density values from a previous field density testing work order and calculate the moisture ratios for the sample.

Data Entry Process


The discussion below assumes that neither QESTField Tests or QESTLab's Kiosk mode are being used. With QESTField Tests all field results and sample details will be entered by the technician, on site. With kiosk mode, all moisture content results and laboratory test results will be entered using the Kiosk functionality.

  1. Create a work order and apply the structure discussed above depending on the result of interest.
  2. Add the number of samples for the work order.
  3. On the bulk entry screen
    1. Fill in the sample level information
    2. The Nuclear Field Density test screen contains all field results hence it can (and should) be filled in immediately after the technician returns from the field, if applicable
    3. Enter Moisture Content test data as it becomes available
  4. Enter the Reference Density data, if applicable
  5. Back on the bulk entry screen
    1. The Moisture Content test and Reference Density test data is automatically imported onto the Dry Density Ratio and Moisture Ratio test screen if these tests are on the same sample, which will be the case for 1 to 1 testing for field density tests. Dryback samples can import the MDD results from a relevant field density sample for 1 to 1 testing. If a Average Values are being used for a homogeneous lot, the work order containing the tests to be averaged is selected. For field density testing, this will be the current work order, for dryback tests, this will be a previous field density work order.
    2. Complete the rest of the relevant fields on the "Results" frame Dry Density Ratio and Moisture Ratio test screen, if any.
  6. Complete steps steps 3 to 5 for other samples included in the field density test on the work order. 
  7. Open the Dry Density Ratio Report or Dryback Report to view the report. 


Results are reported on the following reports.

Dry Density Ratio Report 


NameDry Density Ratio Report
Child OfWork Order 

Dryback Report

NameDryback Report
Child OfWork Order 

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