Managing Users
Applies to QESTLab
This article describes how to add new users to the system and manage them.
All people in QEST Platform are managed centrally through the People node in the QESTLab tree. This includes users of the QEST Platform system which are people who also have a user login. As such the addition and configuration of a user is done from the People node in QESTLab.
Adding a User
Select the person to add a user to from the People node of the QESTLab tree. (see Managing People if a person first needs to be added)
Enter a Login Name and appropriate password.
Click OK.
Configuring a User
The person page would have updated with some additional sections and tabs.
QESTLab Login
Login: Displays the login name of the user.
User Status: The current status of the user. The status can either be ACTIVE, the user can login or the status can be INACTIVE, the user cannot login.
Change Password: Change the password for the user.
See User Password Requirements for password requirements
Edit Login Name: Create a new login for this user.
Activate/Deactivate Login: Set whether the user can login or not.
Purge Password History: Remove the stored password history. This is only relevant if the Password Re-use Period option is set.
Force User Password Change: Force the user to change their password on next log in.
Kiosk Login: The barcode associated with the user for the purposes of logging the user in via kiosk (if no barcode is set a Create Kiosk Login button will be displayed).
QESTLab Laboratory Permissions
Similar to Technician Laboratory Availability, a list of the available laboratories will be displayed. The laboratories selected here however will determine what locations the user has access to in the QEST Platform system.
The roles tab will display all the available roles in the system. Select the roles this user will have. This will configure the set of permissions available to the user. (see Managing Roles if an appropriate role has not yet been added)
Permissions Preview
The permissions preview tab will display the set of permissions configured for the user based on the roles that have been selected for them. This tab can be used to determine if a user has a specific permission or not.
QESTField Tab
It is possible to use the QESTField tab for a user to override the QESTField search filter that this particular user sees in that application.
Select a person from the people node in QESTLab, and open the QESTField tab to select a workflow.
Selecting Default will use the search workflow configured for the default laboratory as discussed in Enabling QESTField Workflows.
Deactivating a User
A user's login can be deactivated by selecting the Deactivate Login button on their person record screen.
This removes the user's ability to login to the QEST Platform but their name will still appear in drop-down boxes in the system in locations dependent on the selections on their Technician Information tab. To remove the user's name from appearing in drop-down boxes, deselect the appropriate boxes (Field Technician, Lab Technician, etc.). The user will still be related to a person record and their name will still appear under the People node under their home lab. The user can be ‘re-activated’ at any time by selecting the Activate Login button the person record screen.
Deleting a User
To delete the user entirely, the person record to which it is linked to must be deleted. Please see Deleting a Person in Managing People for more details.
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