Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Concrete Producers

Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Concrete Producers

QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTField Concrete

This article and its linked articles describe the data entry process for plastic state concrete tests and measurements in QESTField Concrete.  



QESTField Concrete workflows are intended for use by concrete producers with QEST Platform integration to import concrete docket data from batching systems. The functionality of the QESTField Concrete field testing workflow is very similar to that described in Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers with the additional ability to import mix design properties and batch details from a batching system by entering a docket number and truck number as well as emailing a summary of work performed to an on-site client contact with their sign-off.

Creating a Concrete Work Order

New work orders for concrete testing can be created directly in QESTField Concrete using the New Concrete Work Order workflow located on the home page. Selecting the workflow creates the work order with a single concrete sample attached to it and allows the user to immediately start entering data for the concrete sample, the client and project information on the work order will be populated based on the imported docket.

When looking at a work order, the workflow entitled New Concrete Field Testing can be used to add subsequent concrete samples to the work order if more than one truck is sampled at a given job on a given day.

The data entry process is broken up into a number of phases, presented on different pages of the workflow and described in further detail below:

  • Docket Entry (DE)
  • Field Data (FD)
  • Technician Summary (TS)
  • Customer Summary (CS)

Additionally, there are a number of optional phases that can be used to enter data:

  • Mass per Unit Volume (MPUV)
  • Consistency of Self Consolidating Concrete (SC, SCC)
  • Consistency of High Workability Concrete (HWC)

Docket Entry

When entering the workflow, either from adding a new work order or a new sample to an existing work order, the user is first shown the data entry fields related to the docket for the batch. The Sample ID and Field Sheet Number are automatically generated based on counters in the QEST Platform.

Field PromptExpected Value

The standards body that the sample and any specimens will be tested to.


  • AS - Standards Australia
  • RMS - Roads and Maritime Services (NSW)
Consistency Measured ByThe method that will be used to measure concrete consistency (e.g. Slump). See the Consistency Testing section on the Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers page for more information about this field.
DocketThe docket number from which batch data should be imported.
TruckThe truck number. The truck number is checked against the docket when querying the batching system, as a safeguard against importing an incorrectly entered docket number.
External DeliveryIndicates that the docket was batched by an external supplier, and details will not be imported. See the External Delivery section for more information.

Importing a Docket

Entering a docket number and a truck number and selecting Import Docket will attempt to import docket details. An unsuccessful docket import will display a message indicating No Match if a docket number cannot be found or a descriptive message explaining the failure if there is a different issue. For example, in the image below, no matching docket was found:

In the following screenshot, a matching docket number was found but the truck number associated with that docket does not match the entered truck number:

If the docket imported successfully, the message Imported will be displayed:

Additionally, the design and batch information will be imported and displayed on the Docket Entry phase where it is available in the docket data.

External Delivery

If the concrete is externally supplied, selecting the check box beside External Delivery will allow free entry of most of the information on the Data Entry phase with the exception of Supplier and Plant information which is selected from QESTLab lists.

Field PromptExpected Value
ClientFree entry field for the name of the client that the job is for. Entering data here will save this client name to the relevant QESTLab list.
ProjectFree entry field for the name of the project or job is. Entering data here will save this project name to the relevant QESTLab list.

The supplier of the concrete. Values here will be read in from QESTLab's Concrete Supplier list.

Enabling Free Entry Recommended

For concrete producers, it is recommended that free entry is enabled on this list such that this field is free entry for concrete workflows marked as externally delivered. Setting this option requires system administrator rights and access the QEST Administrator Console.


The supplier of the concrete. Values here will be read in from QESTLab's Concrete Plant list.

Enabling Free Entry Recommended

For concrete producers, it is recommended that free entry is enabled on this list such that this field is free entry for concrete workflows marked as externally delivered. Setting this option requires system administrator rights and access the QEST Administrator Console.

Product CodeFree entry field for the product code of the delivered concrete.
Mix CodeFree entry field for the mix code of the delivered concrete.
Date BatchedThe date that the delivered concrete was batched. Set to today's date by default.
Time BatchedThe time that the delivered concrete was batched.
GradeFree entry field for the grade of the delivered concrete.
Load Size (m³)Numeric field for the load size. Rounded to the nearest 0.1m³.
Maximum Aggregate Size (mm)Numeric field for the maximum aggregate size in mm for the delivered concrete mix.
Design Slump (mm)

Shown if the Consistency Measured By field is set to Slump.

Numeric field for the design slump value for the delivered mix in mm.

Design Grout Flow (s)

Shown if the Consistency Measured By field is set to Slump.

Numeric field for the design grout flow value in seconds, if applicable (i.e. grout is under test).

Design Slump Flow (mm)

Shown if the Consistency Measured By field is set to Slump Flow (AS 1012.3.5), SCC (RMS B80) or HWC (RMS B80).

Numeric field for the design slump flow value in mm.

Design T500 (s)

Shown if the Consistency Measured By field is set to Slump Flow (AS 1012.3.5) or SCC (RMS B80)

Numeric field for the T500 value in seconds.

Design T350 (s)

Shown if the Consistency Measured By field is set to HWC (RMS B80)

Numeric field for the T350 value in seconds.

Field Data

The field data phase of the workflow allows for the entry of test results, location information as well as information related to the creation of laboratory testing specimens. The fields on this phase function in the same way as described on the Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers page, they are presented in a slightly different order, however.

Technician Summary

The technician summary will present to the user the observation results entered on the previous phases. This phase is intended as a double check of entered data prior to continuing with further samples. It also provides some control around whether or not optional results are reported.

The reporting checkboxes present here behave in exactly the same way as described on the Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers page.

Customer Summary

The customer summary phase will present to the user information about the data entered such that a customer representative can sign-off on the completed work. No actual test results are included on this summary, as this would classify this phase as a report which must first be reviewed prior to providing to a customer. Instead, details about which tests and how many were completed are presented in this phase for sign off.

Only charged specimens will be shown on this phase. Additionally, details about any tests that were carried out but marked not to be reported on the TS phase will not be shown on this phase.

Customer Sign-Off

A section is provided to enter the name of a client on-site contact as well as capture their signature to send with the resultant summary email, described below.

Field PromptExpected Value
NameFree entry text field for the name of the on-site customer contact that will be signing off on the summary.

Tapping on this field will prompt for a signature, the customer's on-site representative should sign this field to verify the information on the CS phase. Their signature image, along with all of the information on the CS phase, will be included on the resultant summary email described below.

Clicking Accept saves the currently entered signature to the workflow and will include it in the summary email.

Clicking Clear will clear the currently entered signature entirely.

Clicking Cancel will close the signature dialog without saving any changes.

Email Summary

A summary of the information on this phase can be emailed to a contact on the project. It is possible to select an existing contact or enter a new one directly on this screen. Selecting an existing contact will populate their name and email address in the relevant fields.

Entering a new contact will allow the user to save that contact or simply email the summary to them in an ad-hoc fashion without saving their details. When entering the email for the contact in question, the field will be red until the email address is complete and the format has been verified. This feature helps in ensuring that emails are not sent to erroneous email addresses.

Saving a Contact

If a contact is saved on this workflow, the details of this contact will only be saved when the workflow is itself is saved (clicking Done). If the user leaves the workflow without saving the contact will not actually be saved.

Clicking the Email Summary button will then generate and send that contact an email containing the information and signature captured on the CS phase of the workflow, an example of which is pictured below.

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