Average Diameter Using the Concrete Diameter Document
QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab
Under prescribed conditions, ASTM C39 allows the use of average diameters, based on a sub-sample of concrete specimens, in calculations for the whole batch of specimens that are tested on the same day.
ASTM C39/C39M - 18
"7.3 The number of individual cylinders measured for determination of average diameter is not prohibited from being reduced to one for each ten specimens or three specimens per day, whichever is greater, if all cylinders are known to have been made from a single lot of reusable or single-use molds which consistently produce specimens with average diameters within a range of 0.5 mm [0.02 in.]."
- The Concrete Diameter Document provides the functionality to implement paragraph 7.3 of ASTM C39/C39M - 18.
- This paragraph allows for an average diameter to be calculated from a sub-sample of a batch of concrete specimens, all being tested on the same day.
- This average diameter can be applied to strength and density calculations for the whole batch.
Registering/Adding a Concrete Diameter Document
- The Concrete Diameter document is registered under the Tests/Documents node.
- It is registered here because the document does not belong to any particular sample or work order but instead belongs to a laboratory.
- Select Tests/Documents from the tree.
- Click on add a new document
- Click Yes as a response to the displayed message.
- Tick Concrete Diameter (IP) and click OK to load the Concrete Diameter document.
Structure of the Concrete Diameter Document
Measuring Equipment
The details of the measuring equipment used can be recorded in the Measuring Details frame.
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Measure Using | Dropdown list Select an equipment item from the dropdown list of suitable equipment for determining the diameter of the test specimen. The following prompt, on the document, will change to match the type of equipment selected. |
Caliper | Select a caliper from the dropdown list of available calipers. |
Manual Jig | Select a Concrete Diameter and Height Gauge from the dropdown list of available combination gauges. |
Measure | Select a rule or tape measure from the dropdown list of available measuring devices. |
Measuring Station | Select an automatic cylinder measuring station from the dropdown list of available measuring stations. |
Cylinder Molds - Single Use
- The Concrete Diameter document is intended to be used with batches of single use molds. To do this, the batch number of each batch to be used should be correctly recorded in the QESTLab Equipment List.
- Because of their consumable nature, single use cylinder molds are not individually recorded in the Equipment List.
- However, there is an equipment item, Cylinder Molds - Single Use, provided to record the identifying batch number of a batch of single use molds.
- The batch number is used as the equipment ID number.
No more molds left in batch?
Once a batch of single use molds has been used up, the associated equipment item can be marked as Not in Service.
Only users with permission to edit this equipment will be able to do this.
- This will help manage the size of the Mold Batch list on the Concrete Diameter document.
- It is possible to delete the associated equipment item, but this is not recommended.
- Doing this will wipe the batch number from any Concrete Diameter document that used this batch.
- However, if the results for any concrete specimen have recorded the batch number, the batch number will still be preserved there.
Measurements and Calculations
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Date Tested | Date-picker This should be the date that the test specimens are to be crushed. |
Test Type | Dropdown list Select required specimen type to be tested. |
No. of Samples | Text field Number of specimens to be measured. For ASTM C39 requirements, this should be three (specimens), or ten percent of the cylinders to be crushed, per day, whichever is larger. Value constraints The screen will not allow values less than three (< 3) or greater than twenty five (> 25). |
Mold Batch | Dropdown list Select a batch number for the single use molds used, from the list of batch numbers provided. Batch Number not in list? To be present in the list, a batch of single use molds must be entered into QESTLab as an equipment item - 1615626465. |
Diameter A | Text field First diameter measurement, measured to at least the nearest 0.01 in., at about midheight of the specimen. |
Diameter B | Text field Second diameter value, measured at 90° to the first diameter and to at least the nearest 0.01 in., at about midheight of the specimen. |
Diameter Average | Calculation Average diameter of individual specimens, calculated to the nearest 0.01 in. Acceptable Range
Avg. Diameter | Calculation Average of average diameters. |
Do not use averaged values | Checkbox If the checkbox is ticked, concrete specimens will not be able to import the result for average diameter. Checkbox status
Completing a Concrete Diameter Document
Follow the steps below to complete the Concrete Diameter Document. Refer to the above section for explanations and requirements for the values to be entered.
- Select the date that the specimens are to be crushed.
- Select the specimen type for the specimens that are to be tested.
- Select the number of cylinders to be measured. (ASTM C39 requires a minimum of three)
- Select the batch number for the molds used.
- Enter all the diameters for the test specimens required to be measured.
- Average diameters for each specimen will be automatically calculated.
- The average of the average diameters will also be calculated and the specimen average diameters will be checked against the required range of values.
- If any of the average diameters fall outside the 0.02 in. range specified in ASTM C39, an error message will be displayed.
- If the check fails, users have the option to use or discard the measurements.
Mold Batch list getting too long?
- Once a batch of single use molds has been used up, or is no longer in use, the associated equipment item can be marked as Not in Service.
- This will help manage the size of the Mold Batch list on the Concrete Diameter document.
Only users with permission to edit this equipment will be able to do this.
Duplicate Concrete Diameter Documents
If duplicate Concrete Diameter documents exist, that is the same test date and same test type, the values imported by specimens will come from the document created first. This can result in incorrect values being imported if, for example, the documents have different batch numbers and/or average diameters.
Finding Previous Concrete Diameter Documents
Because Concrete Diameter documents do not belong to any particular sample or work order, but instead belong to a laboratory. they are not automatically visible.
A solution to this is to add a filter to the Tests/Documents node to enable the required documents to be found. and displayed.
A suitable example is provided below for those users who have permission to create filters.
Filter Interface | SQL Code | Result |
SELECT DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.DateTested, DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.QestID, DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.QestLabNo, DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.TestType FROM DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage LEFT JOIN DocumentConcreteDiameterAverageSpecimen ON DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.QestUniqueID = DocumentConcreteDiameterAverageSpecimen.QestUniqueParentID WHERE DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.QestID = 116100 AND ( DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.DateTested Between {#DateTested#} AND DocumentConcreteDiameterAverage.TestType = {'TestType'}) |
Tests/Documents Filters
The filters available under Tests/Documents are configurable and may be named and function slightly differently between organizations. The Spectra QEST Service desk is available to assist with the creation of or modification to any filters.
Using the Average Diameter
On the Concrete Sample (US) Screen
When entering specimen results on the Concrete Sample (US) screen, the average diameter and mold type will be imported into the specimen if all of the following conditions are met:
The laboratory has a completed Concrete Diameter document with a Test Date equal to the crush date of the specimen.
The specimen type is one of COMP100 or COMP150 and matches the test type on the Concrete Diameter document.
The specimen does not have diameter information entered
The average diameter and mold batch number will be imported to the specimen grid when the user enters a value for the specimen's Length or Load.
On the Electronic Worksheet (EWS)
Using the Concrete Diameter document with the EWS is identical to using the Concrete Sample (US) screen, above.
On the QEST Crush Station Worksheet (QCS)
Using the Concrete Diameter document with QCS is identical to using the Concrete Sample (US) screen, above.
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