Managing Specifications

Managing Specifications

QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab

This article describes how to add and configure specifications that can be applied to tests.



Specifications perform three functions:

  1. Specifications allow the user to define acceptable limits for any test result. Out of specification results are highlighted and can be noted on test reports and management reports.
  2. Specifications allow the user to decide which sieves should be used on a particle size distribution test.
  3. Specifications allow the user to report results using a non-standard rounding.

Specifications can be created and modified by any user with the Edit Specification permission.

Adding Specifications

  1. Select the Specification node in the QESTLab tree and click the New Specification button 
  2. The Add Specification window will open.
  3. Select a laboratory.
  4. Select what type of sample the specification will be used for.
  5. For a new specification (and if there are no appropriate existing groups), type in a name for the specification group (the Specification Group drop-down allows free entry). Placing specifications in groups makes it much easier to manage large numbers of specifications.
  6. Then enter the name of the actual specification in the specification name and click on OK. To copy an existing specification, check Copy Existing Specification and select the specification to copy.
  7. If the group name you entered does not exist, you will get a message saying “The group <group name> does not exist, do you want to create it?”. Click OK, the specification will now open ready to be configured.

As mentioned above, specification allows the user to define limits on test results. A test result can have one limit defined per QESTLab specification. Specification documents will often define multiple sets of limits based on material type, a uniquely named QESTLab specification must be created for each set of limits within a specification document. Creating a specification group for the document and then individual specifications for each set of limits is a good method for grouping specifications.

Configuring Specifications

  1. Add a new specification or select an existing specification from the QESTLab tree.
  2. The Specification screen will be displayed.
  3. All tests for the chosen sample type will be listed. Specification limits may be defined for any number of tests. Select the test to which you want to apply limits. All the fields on this document for which specifications can be set will be displayed. A limit may be set for any displayed field.
  4. Select a field and set the limits using the properties provided. (If it is not possible to edit the properties, ensure the test is selected and highlighted blue.)
  5. Select and apply limits for any other tests. If all tests of a certain type, e.g. Particle Size Distributions, will use these limits, check Save changes to all documents using the same fields prior to stepping off the specification screen. This will automatically set the same limits for all of these tests.

If a test is selected that already has specification limits chosen, the Used tab is displayed. This tab will only displaying the fields that are used in the specification. If another field needs to be added, select the All tab (top right corner of the table) to display all available fields.

Specification Limit Properties

  • Field: The name of the field for the limit to be applied to.
  • Used: Whether this field is used in the specification or not.
  • Type: The type of limit to be applied (where a is the value of the field the limit is applied to, v1 is Value 1 and v2 is Value 2 of the limit):
    • Equal to (a = v1): The test will be marked as out of specification if the value is not equal to the given limit
    • Less than (a < v1): The test will be marked as out of specification if the  value is equal to or greater than the given limit
    • Less than or Equal to (a <= v1)The test will be marked as out of specification if the  value is strictly greater than the given limit
    • Greater than (a > v1)The test will be marked as out of specification if the  value is equal to or less than the given limit
    • Greater than or Equal to (a >= v1)The test will be marked as out of specification if the  value is strictly less than the given limit
    • Exclusive range ( v1 < a < v2)The test will be marked as out of specification if the  value does not fall entirely between the two given endpoints
    • Inclusive range (v1 <= a <= v2)The test will be marked as out of specification if the value falls entirely outside of the two given endpoints
    • Target plus / minus (a = v1 ± v2): This type is an alternative way of defining an inclusive range
  • Value 1: The specified value for the field value to be compared to.
  • Value 2: A second specified value if necessary.
  • Format: This can be used to round the field values both on the test worksheet and the test report. Formats are expressed using the crosshatch (#) and zero (0). They act as placeholders for numbers, the difference being that crosshatch pads with a space and zero pads with a zero. For example a result of 0.1 will be displayed as follows:
    • Format: 0.000 = 0.100
    • Format: #.### = .1


The # specifier never displays a zero that is not a significant digit, even if zero is the only digit in the string.

  • Precision: This can be used to round field values prior to comparison with the specified value. Precisions are expressed using zeros and decimal places, e.g. (0.00). The precision value does not affect the displayed values on the test worksheet or test report.

Specification Notes

This feature will only display specification notes on a select group of field density reports (namely those that report ASTM, AASHTO and US State based results), specification notes will not appear on any non-field density reports (such as Agg/Soil Material Test Reports, Concrete Test Reports, etc.). These specification notes must first be added to the list Specification Note. The individual list items are paired together using a Code and Description, see the image below for an example.

Once the specification notes have been added to the list it is possible to select these items from the Passing Note, Manual Override Note and Failing Note drop down fields located on the Specification screen.  A Passing Note and Manual Override Note are set for all fields while a Failing Note can be set for each individual field used for a field density specification. The image below shows an example of Specification Notes configured for a Relative Compaction test.

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