Batch Updating QEST Web App Worksheets

Batch Updating QEST Web App Worksheets

Applies to QEST Web App

This article describes the batch update functionality available for QEST Web App worksheets. Batch updating allows users to update, in a single action, common fields on all of the worksheets of a certain type on a work order. This functionality makes the process of correcting batches of such worksheets much simpler where, for example, a reference value or common factor must be updated on a whole work order.



This article describes the batch update functionality available for QEST Web App worksheets. Batch updating allows users to update, in a single action, common fields on all of the worksheets of a certain type on a work order. This functionality makes the process of correcting batches of such worksheets much simpler where, for example, a reference value or common factor must be updated on a whole work order.

This functionality is not available for all fields on all tests and is most applicable to updating values such as:

  • Imported reference results (such as Proctors or Maximum Dry Density Tests) on field density tests

  • Factors used in calculations that may be imported from equipment

Loading the Batch Update Page in the QEST Web App

It is possible to navigate to the batch update page in the QEST Web App in two ways.

Home Page

There exists a direct link on the QEST Web App home page, in the Bulk Entry section.

Navigation Menu

There exists a link to the batch update page in the Bulk Update section of the navigation menu on the left hand side.

Loading the Batch Update Page in QESTLab

It is also possible, and simpler, to load the batch update page from QESTLab’s bulk entry screen, when the work order being viewed contains tests supported by the batch update page.

When viewing such a work order, an Edit button will be shown on the right hand side in the header bar of the specific test.

Clicking on the Edit button (with the pencil icon) will load the batch update QEST Web App page in place of the bulk entry page directly in QESTLab, listing all tests of this type on the work order.

Batch Update Configuration

The level of configuration required before the batch update page can be used will depend on whether it was entered using QESTLab or through a browser directly.

Browser Navigation

When navigating to the page directly through the QEST Web App in a browser, the user must provide the following configuration.




Which test method is to be updated. This drop down will list all of the tests licensed in the QEST Platform instance that are supported on the batch update page.


After selecting the appropriate test method, the user is presented a list of fields that can be updated. This list includes only those fields which are likely to have the same value for more than one test on the same work order. Individual measurements, as a result, are not shown here since these are more likely to change from test to test.

The list of fields is also unique to each test type. Related fields are grouped for convenience.

The user must select the field or fields that are to be updated.

Only those fields that actually require an updated value should be selected. Leaving a field blank when batch updating will indicate to the batch update functionality that it should attempt to clear the value in this field from any selected test.


After selecting the test type and fields to update, the user is shown the batch update page. The final configuration step is to enter the work order ID of the work order on which the tests should be updated.

QESTLab Navigation

When navigating to the page through QESTLab only step 2 noted above is required as the test method as well as the work order are provided by QESTLab.

The panel that the web view is included in when navigating to the batch update page from QESTLab contains a Load Work Order button. Clicking this button at any time will re-load QESTLab’s bulk entry screen for the work order.

Applying Updates

Once the batch update page has been loaded it will show:

  • The selected fields, waiting for values, followed by an Apply button

  • A list of the tests with the selected test type that exist on the selected work order, showing

    • The selected fields to be edited

    • Fields whose values are impacted by one or more of the input fields

In the example below, the work order contains three nuclear field density tests and the Bulk Density Correction fields will have an effect on the calculated bulk density and, therefore, relative compaction and air voids values.

Similarly, the selected nuclear gauge will impact the imported serial number and make/model values.

It is possible to select all of the displayed tests or a subset of these to update.

Values can be entered in the selected common fields above the test list and clicking on Apply to Selected will attempt to apply the entered values to the tests that have been selected.

Leaving a field blank when batch updating will indicate to the batch update functionality that it should attempt to clear the value in this field from any selected test. The user will be warned about this action

Consider what happens when applying the values to the selected tests as shown below:

After clicking Apply to Selected, the values on the tests will be modified as follows:

Note that:

  1. Since the nuclear density gauge was left blank it was cleared on all selected tests, along with any values imported from it.

  2. The calculated bulk density, and dependent values, were appropriately updated.

Read-Only and Checked Tests

If there exist any read-only tests in the list, these will be followed by a padlock icon and a message explaining the icon will be displayed.

If any tests are read-only due to being on a signed test report or the user not possessing the requisite rights to update the test, it will not be possible to select these for an update.

If tests appearing on the list are only read-only due to being checked and the user has rights to un-check the tests, the tests and associated message will appear slightly differently. It will also be possible to select the tests for an update.

Attempting to update these tests will warn the user that these must first be un-checked, and that continuing will automatically clear the checked status.

Electing to Continue in this scenario will:

  1. Clear the Checked status on each listed test

  2. Attempt to apply the entered values to each selected test

Failed Updates

There may be scenarios where one or more of the desired values cannot be applied to the selected tests due to an incompatible state of the test or the data on it. In this case, the update will not be applied and the user will be able to review the warnings for each test where one or more updates failed.

In the example above the attempt to update the Assumed Particle Density failed because the selected reference test has a measured particle density value that is used in preference to the assumed value.

Test Support

If a test is supported on the batch update page, this information will be included within its documentation.




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