Configuring Calibrations

Configuring Calibrations

QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab 

This article describes how to add new and manage calibration tasks for equipment. 



Calibration schedules and records relating to equipment can be maintained through the Equipment screen. Once an equipment item has been created, calibrations and checks can be added to it. Equipment items can have a number of calibrations and checks. Typically, each task will have a different schedule and may be performed by a different person or company. 

This is controlled through the creation of tasks for each piece of equipment and is completed through the Calibrations and Checks tab of the Equipment screen. Tasks are jobs that need to be performed on equipment items, these can be once-off or recurring based on a schedule. Tasks are either classified as either Calibrations or Checks. 

Calibration Task

A calibration task is a task that requires the equipment to be calibrated in some way. Generally this will involve recording values relevant to the equipment in a document. These will then be stored under the equipment's Calibration Values, so that they can later be accessed by test screens. They can be either performed internally or externally (Internal Calibration or External Calibration). 

Check Task 

A Check Task is any task that is not a calibration task, and cover things such as basic inspections. These generally don't need to store values for test screens (called In-house Check on the equipment screen).

Adding a Calibration Task or Check

Click the  button to add a new task, the first thing that needs to be entered is the task name. 

This will be used to identify the task elsewhere in QESTLab. Once the name has been entered, the remaining details can be filled out.


The following Details can be entered against an equipment calibration or check.

NameThe name used to identify the calibration or check. e.g. "Monthly Check"
TypeIndicates the type of task (does not affect functionality in QESTLab) e.g. "In-house check". This is populated from the Equipment Tasks list. 
Description Any additional information about the calibration can be included here.
WorksheetIndicates what type of worksheet will be added when the calibration/check is performed. Some types of equipment have specialized worksheets that can be used. These are described in more detail below under 1144226563.
Do not update calibration values from this worksheetIndicates whether or not the results of the calibration worksheet should be transferred back to the equipment's calibration values so that they can be used by test screens. As a general rule of thumb, calibrations should usually be configured so that they update calibration values, and checks should usually be configured so that they do not update calibration values.
Last PerformedIndicates the most recent date that calibration was performed. 
Performed ByThe person or company that normally performs this calibration or check. This can be entered/changed on the calibration worksheet itself.
Due onThe next date that the calibration is due. This value is recalculated after recording a calibration, as described below.
Reminder displayed fromThe date from which the calibration will appear in the equipment reminder window.  Dependent upon the Display a reminder setting in the Schedule frame.


The following Schedule details can be entered against an equipment calibration or check task.

Once onSelect if the calibration will be required once only, on the date specified. Once calibration has been performed, the calibration will not be due again until you specify a new due date.
Recurs everySelect if the calibration will be due periodically. When determining the due date, it will always be an exact number of calibration cycles after the start date for the schedule.
RecursSelect if the calibration will be due periodically, exactly one calibration cycle after the last performed date for the calibration task.
Display a reminderTo specify how long before the due date you would like the calibration to be listed in the equipment reminder window. 


Schedule Setting: Recurs every [2] [Years] starting [1 Jan 2019] 

  • Next calibration will be due 1 Jan 2021
  • If calibrated on 25 Dec 2020, the new due date is 1 Jan 2023
  • If calibrated on 3 Jan 2021, the new due date will still be 1 Jan 2023

Schedule Setting: Recurs [2] [Years] after last calibration [1 Jan 2019]

  • Next calibration will be due 1 Jan 2021
  • If calibrated on 25 Dec 2020, the new due date is 25 Dec 2023
  • If calibrated on 3 Jan 2021, the new due date will be 3 Jan 2023


The history field displays a summary of the task history. This includes the date performed, person performed and the first line of the remarks. See individual worksheets or the history report for full information.

Task Documents 

Task Documents are documents added to tasks to assist in the task's workflow and data recording process. To associate a document with a task, select a document from the Worksheet drop-down under Task Details.

Some equipment items require specialized calibrations. The Nuclear Gauge's Daily Count Check is one such example. This equipment requires 2 measurements to be entered daily to ensure the equipment is functioning within acceptable limits. This task is not common to all equipment, and so special documents exists for the Nuclear Gauge.

For most tasks the Generic Calibration document will be sufficient to record equipment values. This provides a simple list of equipment properties that can be recorded against an equipment item. Documents copy any useful data that can be used on test screens into the equipment's Calibration Values tab. To create documents that don't update/produce these values, please check the "Do not update calibration values from this worksheet" checkbox on the Task Screen.

Inactivating Calibration Tasks

When attempting to delete a calibration task for the first time by pressing the delete icon , the task will not be removed from the database but will be made inactive instead. This is to ensure that historical calibration records are not removed when removing a task that is no longer needed. When a task is inactive, it no longer shows in the list by default. The checkbox must be checked to show inactive tasks. If a user presses the delete icon after selecting an inactive task, the task will be deleted from the database along with its calibration history.

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