Custom Equipment Calibration Worksheets
Applies to QESTLab
The following article describes the different types of external calibration worksheets and how to use them.
There are three ways to configure calibration worksheets which use external documents:
File-based external calibrations
Template-based external calibrations
Dynamic worksheet external calibrations
File-Based External Calibration Worksheets
The External Calibration Worksheet is used to provide a blank external document to which any document (PDF, Excel worksheet, etc) can be uploaded by the user. This is the simplest type of external calibration worksheet for uploading and storing calibration documents to the QESTLab database. No involvement is required from the QEST Administrator. Because only the file is stored in the database and no calibration values are stored, the External Calibration Worksheet is not suitable for equipment types where calibrated values are imported into test worksheets or are needed for other equipment reporting.
Use Case
An example where the External Calibration Worksheet might be used is to store a compression machine calibration report provided by an external calibration agency. Only the document is stored in the database. No data from the document is stored.
Using a File-Based External Calibration Worksheet
The key fields for the worksheet are:
Field | Description |
Browse | Button used to locate a file. |
Open | Button used to open the the document if there is a need for editing after upload. |
Re-Upload | If changes have been made after using the Open button, use this button to re-upload the document to QESTLab. |
Description | Free entry field to enter a description for the document. |
An alternative to browsing and uploading a file to the database is to enter a URL for a file (i.e. its address). So long as QESTLab can access the file at this address with the current user’s access rights, this will work just as well and save on database size.
Template-Based External Calibrations
The Template-Based external calibration contains a blank template, typically an Excel spreadsheet or a fillable PDF created by a user outside of QESTLab. If the user is completing an in-house calibration where the calibration records are stored on the user created document (Excel, pdf) then this calibration type should be used.
Use Case
When the organization has an equipment calibration manual containing calibration worksheets that are to be used with a calibration activity, these worksheets (typically Excel based or fillable pdf) can be installed as templates in QESTLab.
The template-based external calibration differs from the dynamic worksheet calibration in that the template-based external calibration worksheet does not automatically upload the calibration data from the worksheet into QESTLab. The calibration values can be manually entered on the Calibration Value tab on the equipment screen in QESTLab, if the values are imported to a test worksheet or are needed for management reporting purposes.
An example where the External Calibration Worksheet - (worksheet name) might be used is for recording dimensional checks for slotted gauges where the values recorded are not required in test method calculations.
Using a Template-Based External Calibration Worksheet
This calibration type is always named External Calibration Worksheet - (worksheet name). The document must first be associated to the applicable equipment type by a QEST Administrator. See Configuring Equipment Calibration Template-Based Worksheets. After the QEST Administrator has uploaded the template to the appropriate equipment type, it will become available for selection as a worksheet when a calibration task is created for that equipment type.
Once the worksheet has been assigned to the calibration task, the worksheet does not need to be re-uploaded. Instead, use the Open the document button, enter the calibration data and then save it back to QESTLab using the Re-upload button.
Any specific calibration values which need to be stored in QESTLab can be entered manually into the Calibration Values tab. However, the Dynamic Worksheet External Calibrations worksheet described in the section below would be a better alternative if values need to be stored for use on test worksheets or are required for other equipment reporting.
The presence and type of calibration values shown depends on the equipment type.
Dynamic Worksheet External Calibrations
Custom worksheets can also be defined in Excel which contain mappings back to the QESTLab database. The creation and management of these worksheets are handled by QEST Platform system administrators. See Configuring Equipment Calibration User Document Dynamic Worksheets . The advantage of dynamic worksheet calibration documents is that the Calibration Values will import directly to the equipment item from the attached worksheet and users do not need to enter the values manually.
When the calibration document is selected the user can click to open the calibration page.
The calibration page displays the full list of calibration values listed on the user document and does not allow data entry into the fields directly. This page will provide a calibration control which contains two buttons:
Open in Excel - opens the worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Follow the instructions in the workbook and then save and close the document when finished.
Upload from Excel - after opening and saving the Excel workbook, click on this button to re-upload the workbook to QESTLab. This will import both the Excel workbook itself, as well as the specific calibration data it contains.
The Date Performed and Performed By must then be set before finishing the calibration.
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