QESTLab Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests
QEST Platform 5.2 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab
There are a number of elements common to every dynamic cone penetrometer test in QESTLab. This article describes the functionality of these elements. For differences between specific standards or test method bodies please refer to the article specific to that test method or standards body.
Worksheet Layout
Equipment label | Qest ID | Notes |
Cone Penetrometer | 30053 | The following values will be imported from the selected mold's calibrated values (if these exist):
Imported Data
The following data is imported onto this test from other tests.
Moisture Content
The Moisture Content (%) can be imported from a moisture content test.
Result | Allowable Test Methods | Found by | Imported To | Used for |
Moisture Content | All moisture content tests | Drop-down of tests on work order | Moisture content field for the soil layer | Reported for the specific soil layer |
Data Entry
Soil layers
To set a soil layer, double click the end depth penetration reading row. The soil layer will be reported with a start depth of the previous soil layer's end depth. Double-clicking an existing soil layer will remove it.
Calculated Results
To calculate the equivalent California Bearing Ratio value for each layer:
- Select a Cone Penetrometer equipment item.
- If the Mass of Penetrometer Hammer (kg) and Drop Height (mm) are imported, check that they are correct. Otherwise record values for these.
- Select the Testing tab and record the number of Readings Per Site.
- The number of Blows are automatically populated.
- Record a Penetration (mm) reading for each number of Blows.
- The Depth (mm) and Penetration (mm) /Blows are calculated for each reading.
- Double click any of the rows to set it as a layer.
- The Thickness (mm) and Insitu CBR are calculated for each layer.
- All readings will be plotted on the graph. The layer readings will be emphasized.
- Record a Depth at Commencement of Test (mm).
- Check the Add to Readings checkbox.
- The calculated Penetration (mm) and Thickness (mm) for each reading will now include the Depth at Commencement of Test (mm).
Bulk Entry
This test type requires
- A significant amount of data entry
- Across an arbitrary number of readings
- A chart to calculate results
Due to the above, it is not possible to carry out data entry for these test types on the bulk entry screen. Bulk entry screens for dynamic cone penetrometer test methods, therefore, show the results from the test in a read-only format.
The results from this worksheet can be reported on the following test reports.
Insitu CBR Test Report
This report is added as a child of the test. Only the penetration readings set as layers will be reported.
QESTID | 10547 |
Name | Insitu CBR Test Report |
Child Of | Test |
Reported Values
The exact reported values and resolution of these will differ per test method and are explained in the documentation for specific test methods.
Test Methods
Differences from or additional functionality to that described above are captured in the following articles.
AASHTO Test Methods
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
ASTM Test Methods
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Australian Standards Test Methods
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Queensland TMR Test Methods
RMS Test Methods
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
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