Digital Sealing Usage Reports

Digital Sealing Usage Reports

QEST Platform Documentation 5.4
Applies to Construction Hive

There are a number of analytics reports available to company administrators to help monitor and manage the usage of the digital sealing functionality in Construction Hive.



Digital sealing is billable on a per-user basis. The Construction Hive analytics reports described here provide relevant usage details to assist company administrators to assist in monitoring and managing the usage of the digital sealing functionality.

Accessing the reports

The report can be accessed by users who have been granted the Report User role on a company.

The reports are accessible via:

  • Reports → Digital Seal Users - Summary
  • Reports → Digital Seal Users - Monthly Detail

Determining which users have used digital sealing

A user is reported if they have been granted the Digital Seal User role for any period during the reported month, regardless of whether they have sealed any documents or not.

What timezone is used when determining when a user had the digital sealing role?

The start and end dates for when a user had the digital seal user role is determined in respect to the local time of the root company, and dates displayed in the report are shown in that time.

It is important that the root company timezone is set, particularly so that digital seal user roles granted or revoked near the end of a month are correctly recorded. The root company's timezone can be set by an administrator via the Manage → (select company) → Company Settings page.

Accidental Role Assignment

If the Digital Seal User role is granted accidentally (i.e. if an administrator mis-clicks on the checkbox), the user will not be reported so long as access is revoked within 30 seconds. If the user has had the right in error for longer than this period, please contact Spectra QEST.

Digital Seal Users - Summary

The summary report shows information on the total number of digital seal users per month for the previous 12 months.

To generate a report, select a company from the dropdown and click Apply. The company dropdown will be restricted to companies where digital sealing has been enabled for the root company, or where digital sealing permissions have previously been configured for the root company or any of its subsidiaries. Company administrators will be able to select their root company or any subsidiaries.

The chart shows the total number of users for the selected company and all of its subsidiaries (or all companies if that is selected). User counts shown in the table are grouped by root company and by month. By default, results are ordered by company then date ascending. To order by other fields, click the table headings.

Digital Seal Users - Monthly Detail

To run the report, first select a company and a month then click Apply. The company dropdown will be restricted to companies where digital sealing has been enabled for the root company, or where digital sealing permissions have previously been configured for the root company or any of its subsidiaries. Company administrators will be able to select their root company or any subsidiaries.

The table shows all users that held the digital seal user role for the selected company (or any of its subsidiaries) within the selected month.

If the role was granted or revoked multiple times during the month, only the latest grants and revocations are reported. The Rights Revoked column only displays a value if that user's rights are still revoked when the report is run. The Download CSV button will download the displayed data in CSV format.

It is possible for more rows to be displayed in the detailed report than are reported on the summary report. This usually occurs when a user is a member of more than one company, and is explicitly assigned the Digital Seal User role in each of those companies.

On the summary report, and for billing purposes, such users are only reported once.

On the detail report, the user may appear in multiple rows, so that it is transparent in which specific companies the user has been granted the right.

Users with implicit access to a company - for example, users belonging to a region with multiple child companies - are not reported multiple times in the detail report.

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