Configuring Qualifications
QEST Platform 5.5 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab
This article describes how to add new and manage existing qualification for a users profiles under the People node.
Once a users profile is added under the People node, qualifications can be added to the profile by a user with the "Manage Qualifications" permission. A number of qualifications can be added to individual People profiles. To set a qualification for an individual, select the user under the "People" node and click the Qualifications tab. The Qualifications screen is used to set up Qualification Tasks which are used to track details about the qualification, date last performed and to schedule qualification expiry reminders.
Qualification Task
Qualification Tasks are used to record individual qualifications a user has achieved through an accreditation body or in-house. These tasks qualify the person to perform specifically trained jobs for testing, operating equipment, special inspections, etc. Some qualifications may have a non-expiry, require re-training or re-testing to maintain the qualification.
The list of Qualification Task's available for selection is controlled by a list found under the List node → Miscellaneous → Qualification Tasks.
The following details can be entered against a new or existing qualification task.
Field | Description |
Code | A code corresponding to a qualification code in the Qualification Task list. The code will be used in filters when searching for specific qualification. |
Name | Name of the qualification. |
Description | Any additional information about the qualification can be included here. This information is auto populated on the Qualification tab if selected for a users profile. |
Inactive | Mark a qualification as active or inactive. Note This option is only available if the "Allow editing of Inactive Items and Inactive Status" option has been checked for the list item in the administrator console. |
Adding a Qualification Task
When on the Qualification tab, simply click the
button to add a new qualification and select a qualification type from the drop-down list.The task will be used to identify the qualification elsewhere in QESTLab and QEST Scheduler. After the task is selected, the remaining details can be filled out.
The following Details can be entered against against a qualification.
Field | Description |
Type | Indicates the type of qualification task. This is populated from the Qualification Tasks list. |
Name | The name used to identify the qualification. |
Description | Any additional information about the qualification can be included here. This is also populated from the Qualification Tasks list if a description is added to the list item. |
Last Performed | Indicates the most recent date that the training or test for the qualification was performed. |
Performed By | The person or company that completed the training or test for the qualification. |
Due on | The expiry date of the qualification. |
Reminder displayed from | The date from which the qualification will appear in the qualification reminder window. |
Scheduling reminders for expiry dates can be setup in the qualifications tab.
The following Schedule details can be entered against a qualification.
Field | Description |
Once on | Select if the qualification will be required once only, on the date specified. Once qualification has been performed, the qualification will not be due again until you specify a new due date. |
Recurs every | Select if the qualification will be due periodically. When determining the due date, it will always be an exact number of a qualifications cycles after the start date for the schedule. |
Recurs | Select if the qualification will be due periodically, exactly one qualification cycle after the last performed date of the qualification. |
Displays a reminder | To specify how long before the due date you would like the qualification to be listed in the qualification reminder window. |
The history field will not display a summary of the task history.
Clicking on the Close Reminder button will update Last Performed and Once On dates for the qualification. The date field for the Close Reminder button will only affect the Last Performed date if Once On is selected for the Schedule.
Removing Qualification Tasks
To remove a qualification task, press the delete icon
. Take care when removing qualification tasks, if you delete a qualification task it will be removed from the database.Products described on these pages, including but not limited to QESTLab®, QESTNet, QESTField, QEST Web App, Construction Hive, and associated products are Trademarks (™) of Spectra QEST Australia Pty Ltd and/or related companies.
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