Moisture Tin Barcode Decisions

Moisture Tin Barcode Decisions

Applies to QEST Web App, QESTLab

This page outlines some of the decisions that must be made around the labeling of moisture tins if the moisture content automation functionality in the QEST Web App is to be used.



In order to utilize the moisture content automation functionality present in the QEST Web App, it is necessary to label moisture tins with barcodes that can be read by the scanners in use at laboratories.

Keyboard wedge scanners, which often read 1-D barcodes, are a good choice due to their reliability and the speed with which these scanners are able to scan barcodes.



Any format of barcode can be used for moisture tins, so long as

  1. They are available in a size that is readable by the scanner,

  2. Include human readable text in case the barcode is weathered,

  3. No two moisture tins within the same laboratory share the same barcode.

It is acceptable to use QR codes on moisture tins but 1D barcodes will be more broadly supported by keyboard wedge scanners which will scan faster.

Label Media

Moisture tins are placed in ovens that are usually set to 105°C or 110°C. It is necessary, as a result, to ensure that whatever label media is selected for use on moisture tins it can withstand these temperatures. Heat resistant, pre-printed, barcode labels can be sourced from many vendors online.

It is often useful to determine one or two preferred vendors for laboratories to contact for extra moisture tin barcode labels.

For more information on selecting barcode labels, see the article Selecting Barcode Labels for Moisture Content Tests


Moisture tin barcodes must only be unique within the laboratory in which they are used. It is possible, therefore, to have a moisture tin barcode of “0001” in more than one laboratory.

If a user with access to more than one laboratory scans a moisture tin barcode that is associated with a tin in more than one laboratory they have access to, that user’s Home laboratory is used to break the tie. If the scanned tin is not found in the user’s home laboratory in this case, the barcode is treated as not found.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about moisture tin barcode labels.






Is it OK to re-use the same barcode when a worn out moisture tin is being replaced?

Yes. Moisture tins are not calibrated and, therefore, it is OK to re-use the label from the tin being replaced on the new tin replacing it.


How many tins can be registered per laboratory?

The only limit to the number of tins that can be registered in a given lab is going to be dictated by the selected barcode length. It is recommended that barcodes are at least four or five digits in length excluding any laboratory prefixes.



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