Sieve Analysis Separation
Applies to QEST Web App
This article provides an overview of the Separation section in QEST Web App sieve analysis worksheets.
The appearance of this section can differ by test method.
The Separation sections are where the information about the separations (splits) are stored.
This type of section usually contains a minimum of two subsections:
A read-only subsection where the size of the separation sieve and the sample and subsample masses are displayed.
A second subsection where the weighing details of the new subsample can be recorded.
The structure and content of this section can change due to differences between test methods and changes caused by the timing of washing and/or drying the specimen.
When drying occurs immediately after separation, a drying sub-section is added to the section.
In worksheets where the washing process uses another test method, the washing procedure is implemented as an embedded test (, and appears in the appropriate Separation section, based on the timing of washing.
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